A cross on a person’s body turns black - what is the reason?

Chemical composition

Crosses are made from alloys of different metals, so the color change is an oxidation reaction. Most often, items made of silver, bronze, brass, low-grade gold and copper turn black (a large percentage of copper appears on the cross as a greenish coating). Non-precious metal alloys simply darken.

Tip: Don't panic if your cross turns black. Silver items can be cleaned, replaced with another material (gold, wood, leather) or purchased with a blackened cross.

Health problems

Most often, crosses turn black in people with excessive sweating. From the course of chemistry and biology it is known that many chemical compounds are released with sweat, which, when reacting with silver, cause its darkening.

There is an opinion that the cross darkens when a person is sick. It is not without meaning. If blackening occurs suddenly, you should think about going to the doctor.

Factors influencing the increase in the degree of aggressiveness of sweat:

  • Stressful situation.
  • Taking medications, especially iodine, including externally.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Intense physical activity.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Problems with the liver and kidneys.
  • Pregnancy (hormonal changes).
  • Eating plenty of eggs, fish and legumes.

Why did the pectoral cross darken?

Silver is the most mysterious of precious metals. And the jewelry made from it has some kind of magical power. “But why do silver jewelry and even a consecrated cross (and after many years) turn black?” – asked our reader Trefena Dmitrievna. Experts and readers who have already encountered this problem once will help you figure this out.

Igor Doroshenko endocrinologist, Nevinnomyssk

A silver pectoral cross may change color, namely, turn black due to oxidation of the metal. An ordinary chemical reaction, the effect of sweat on metal - nothing more. Without knowing the other symptoms that a person who has encountered a similar problem complains about, it is difficult to say what problems are in the body. I assume that there may be excess sweating, and this is a symptom of many diseases, including endocrine ones. There may be increased thyroid function, diabetes mellitus, menopause, tuberculosis. Sweating is a symptom of even ordinary intoxication that accompanies a variety of diseases. Therefore, in order to find out what problems are in the body, a person whose silver jewelry on his body has changed color needs to see a therapist.

What is the mystery

Silver has inexplicable properties. Products made from this metal sometimes suddenly turn black, for a long time or for several hours, and then just as suddenly they regain their original color or even shine like new. In this case, the owner of the jewelry may not take any action or, on the contrary, diligently clean the blackness. Crosses with chains for them, as well as with items that serve as amulets and talismans, are especially often darkened. Ordinary jewelry - less often.

Word of antiquity

In the old days in Rus' there was an opinion that the silver on a person suddenly darkens if he committed some evil, bad act, which also entailed serious consequences. This belief especially concerned chains and crosses made of silver. Allegedly, even the silver, which is ashamed to shine so brightly and attract God’s and man’s gaze to this man, darkens from the blackness of the perfect deed. If suddenly the chain of a pectoral cross appeared black on someone, and there were no reasons to explain this phenomenon, the person was immediately tested for possession, since it was believed that only a possessed person could commit a sin and hide it from everyone, even from the priest in confession , and one should not scold him for this, but help him return to God as soon as possible.

And in Europe?

If our ancestors had no doubt that the reason for the darkening of silver was the sins of the owner, then the inhabitants of Western Europe believed that if a silver body decoration (especially a cross or just a talisman) suddenly darkens, it means that someone was trying to cast a spell on a person. If the chain darkened, it was believed that mortal danger or a serious illness induced by the sorcerer had been avoided. Residents of medieval Europe were sure that the silver jewelry took the blow addressed to the owner, and therefore darkened. Having darkened, the silver jewelry lost its protective properties until it regained its original state.

In the East

Residents of the East were sure that silver darkens if a person miraculously avoided some great misfortune by listening to his inner voice in time and accepting it. It is believed that silver can become a conductor between the energies of our world and the world of spirits, and information is transmitted through it from another world. Therefore, when setting out on the road, people tried to wear something silver and carefully monitored the condition of the jewelry. If it started to get dark, they changed the route or even abandoned the trip if there was no other way.

One of my friends' silver cross periodically turns black. Once we were in church and asked the priest what the reason was. And he said that there was nothing terrible about it, just a natural reaction of the metal. For one person, the cross turns black, for another it does not turn black - each person secretes sweat of its own composition. And you also need to pay attention to the quality of the metal from which this cross is made. Maybe it’s not exactly silver - it contains some additives, alloys, cupronickel for example. And it cannot be said that if a person sinned, then the black soul blackened the cross and it darkened. Nothing like this. These are ordinary chemical and physical processes and nothing more. That's what the father said. Maybe in life everything really is simpler... If you open the door, a draft appears - the candle goes out. And people are often afraid of what actually isn’t there.

Elena Vasilievna, Nizhny Novgorod


Gold has always been valued more than silver, but it was silver that was used to make amulets, talismans, and ritual utensils. Gold is the metal of this world, silver is the metal of the other world. At all times, gold could be used to pay for anything, but it was silver bullets that protected against the undead and werewolves, and it was the silver amulet that protected against sorcerers.

Sorokoust about health

Sorokoust is a prayer service that is performed by the church every day for forty days. Every day during this period, particles are removed from the prosphora. Sorokoust “On Health” is ordered not only for the health of our loved ones, especially the seriously ill, but also for their success, material well-being, and peace of mind.

The concept of “health” includes not only the health and physical condition of a person, but also his spiritual condition and material well-being. And if we pray for the health of a person who has done a lot of evil, this does not mean that we are praying that he will remain in the same state in the future - no, we are praying that God will change his intentions and internal disorder, make so that our enemy begins to be in harmony with those around him. Write down everyone to whom you wish health, salvation and prosperity.

Daria Mironova Clairvoyant; parapsychologist, bioenergetic therapist, master of traditional medicine, more than 20 years of experience

? I have had a black cross on my body for many years now. The mothers from the church said that this was damage, and on the same day it was necessary to light 3 candles in three churches and change the cross. I did this, and the cross did not turn black for a long time. And now it has started turning black again. Why? So what should I do? Trefena Dmitrievna, 57 years old

- There really is an evil eye on you. You should order the magpie in three different churches. Then repeat the ritual two more times every forty days. The evil eye will go away and you will feel relief.


For people living in areas with a humid climate, especially on the sea coast, blackening of the pectoral cross is common. Hydrogen sulfide quickly oxidizes silver.

In addition, water and air pollution has reached unprecedented levels. Drinking water is disinfected with chlorine, industrial enterprises produce huge amounts of sulfur compounds.

Advice: If, after swimming in a local pond, the pectoral cross turns black or there is a chemical production facility near your house and there is a smell of hydrogen sulfide, then it is better to change your place of residence.

How to neutralize negativity

Silver is the best metal that can protect the human biofield from various types of attacks. If yesterday the cross was snow-white, but today it suddenly turns black - this is an unfavorable sign. Most likely, a person’s energy field was attacked by an ill-wisher or an envious person. There is a popular belief: the more bad thoughts a person receives from others, the more often he has to clean his jewelry.

If the cross suddenly turns black, then the first thing you should do is clean it and then re-baptize it. In this way you can get rid of the negative flow of energy and give the amulet new strength.

You can consecrate a cross at home using holy water. Water is poured into a shallow bowl and the cross is immersed in it. Near the bowl you should place 3 church candles and Orthodox icons. After crossing yourself three times, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer. After reading the prayer, it is recommended to cross yourself again, take the cross out of the water and put it on yourself. From this moment on, the jewelry is worn without removing.

A cross consecrated at home will help its owner protect himself from damage and the evil eye.

Evil eye, damage, unrepentant sins

Some people associate the darkening of the cross with inducing the evil eye or damage. Others believe that the owner of the blackened silver item has committed a grave sin.

When putting on a cross, remember that it is not a magical talisman or amulet that will automatically protect the owner from evil forces without the participation of the person himself. You should not believe in church superstitions and old woman’s gossip; they distract from prayer and interfere with the fight against sins.

Private opinion: Father Vladimir Golovin believes that any issue must be approached with understanding. And the blackening of the cross is associated with spiritual reasons, but not for everyone.

If your pectoral cross is broken, blackened or lost, and your conscience convicts you of some sin, then go to confession.

“Simply wearing a pectoral cross is not everything. We must visit the temple of God, confess, take communion, live the life of an Orthodox Christian, then God will protect us from all evil,” says priest Dionisy Svechnikov.

Why does the cross turn black?! Evil eye? Damage? Sins?

Does witchcraft exist?

So. What does the Church say regarding the “evil eye” or “damage” and witchcraft in general? It exists for those who believe in it. For those who do not entrust their lives to God, do not follow His commandments and, through their sins, voluntarily give access to their souls to dark forces. As if he “invites” them into his heart.

People who themselves engage in fortune-telling, spiritualism, and who visit “grandmothers,” “healers,” “psychics,” and other servants of demons are especially often exposed to various witchcraft influences.

How to protect yourself from witchcraft? Believe not in him, but in God. Live according to God's commandments. Confess, receive communion and participate in other Sacraments of the Church. Never turn to fallen spirits and their servants for help.

And the cross has nothing to do with it...

The Essence of Sin

What about sins? Sin is the result of man's misuse of his God-given freedom of choice. When he chooses not virtue and the commandments of the Almighty - but vice and sin.

This is simply a person’s personal choice, as a result of which he slowly (or quickly, if the sins are mortal) destroys his own soul and separates himself from communication with God.

Sin, again, is not reflected in any way on the cross... It manifests itself in a person’s soul, and if the passion has gone too far, then in the outer appearance (remember, for example, alcoholics. The passion for drinking wine can literally be read in their red, flabby faces, shaking hands, unsteady gait, even if for a brief moment they are sober).

And sin is overcome not by “throwing” it onto a cross, coin or other objects of the material world, but exclusively by repentance and changing one’s life.

Why do the crosses darken?

As a rule, when a person says that his cross has darkened or turned black, he means a cross made of metal. And not just any one.

Wooden crosses generally retain their original color when worn. Also, you almost never hear about the “blackening” of a golden cross. If it really was made of gold, and not from a cheap metal mixture “like” a noble metal.

Silver crosses, like crosses made of other metals, tend to become covered with oxide of the material from which they are made over time. Since they interact with sweat, water, air, etc.

For such metals this is a natural process. For example, a copper cross will become covered with a greenish patina from long wear... But we don’t say that it “turns green from the evil eye.”

Original publication on the author's blog. I also recommend reading: “ The Orthodox view of loneliness .”

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