All about 999 silver: how much does 1 gram cost today and is it worth investing in it?

What kind of test is this?

Pure silver is a heavy and ductile metal with a silvery-white color. Its peculiarity lies in its amazing shine: the surface of the products reflects almost 100% of light rays. Due to its high ductility, jewelers do not use silver in its pure form.

Alloys are added to the alloy - other metals. The sample indicates the content of precious metal in the resulting alloy. Products marked 925 contain 92.5% silver.

Advantages and disadvantages

The 875 alloy is one of the most common because it has many advantages:

  • the relatively low content of impurities has a positive effect on the degree of oxidation of the metal, such silver darkens more slowly;
  • the alloy does not have a yellowish tint characteristic of the material of the 800th and 830th samples;
  • products are more practical: the strength and hardness of the raw materials make them suitable for washing and cleaning;
  • the relevance of the material is not reduced due to ease of processing;
  • the price for 1 gram of such silver is quite affordable.

The main disadvantage of the alloy is its low ductility, which makes it difficult to decorate products with thin decorative elements.

Composition and properties

Copper is usually used as an alloy; in more rare cases, platinum, zinc, and nickel. The additive share is 7.5%. Alloy color – silver-white; a low percentage of copper does not give a red tint.

Silver is a low-inert metal; it interacts with hydrogen sulfide. As a result, a sulfide film is formed on the surface, so the products gradually darken and acquire a reddish tint.

Expert opinion

Vsevolod Kozlovsky

6 years in jewelry making. Knows everything about samples and can identify a fake in 12 seconds

To give a different color, the alloy is coated with enamel. Rhodium plated silver has a perfectly white color. Blackened and oxidized products are stylized as antique.

Silver has high thermal and electrical conductivity and is used in industry. Another characteristic that is unusual for metals is bactericidal properties. Medicines are made from pure substances.


The ligature significantly increases the strength of the alloy compared to pure metal. 925 standard is used to create jewelry, but it is easy to scratch and bend it.


To indicate the hallmark on finished silver products, a mark is used. Its type is fixed by the legislation of the Russian Federation and is the same for all products created in the country. In Russia, they use an image of a woman’s head in profile with a kokoshnik. After the picture there is a number - the sample itself, in our case 925.

The numerical values ​​of the samples of precious metals are similar; the frame in which the modern brand is enclosed will help to distinguish them. For silver, an oval truncated on both sides is used. On Soviet-made products, next to the number there is a different marking - a star with a hammer and sickle.

How can you recognize a fake?

Most often, buyers have little understanding of the characteristics and properties of valuable metals, which is what scammers take advantage of. You can avoid being scammed when buying 875 silver items, the price per gram of which is in the average range, if you pay attention to some details.

It is necessary to carefully study the mark on the product because:

  • in the case of using raw materials of a lower standard, the mark has a fuzzy outline;
  • when transferring a stamp from one item to another, traces of soldering are barely noticeable;
  • in different historical periods, the hallmarks of the 875 alloy differed in different countries (you need to familiarize yourself with the marking features).

We can determine whether we really have a silver product in front of us, and how high quality it is, by the following signs:

  • silver does not interact with a magnet, that is, if a piece of jewelry or figurine is magnetic, it is definitely a fake made of another metal;
  • high thermal conductivity means that when placed in hot water, silver instantly heats up;
  • if you scratch the product, in case of a fake, you can find another metal under a thin layer of silver plating;
  • High quality 875 silver does not stain your hands, even if darkened.

The low price per 1 gram should alert you: it may be a fake.

Important note: turning to specialists (jewelers, appraisers) for help if you have the slightest doubt about the authenticity of a piece of jewelry or household item will help you avoid fraud and save money.

Application of this alloy

The main areas of application of 925 silver:

  1. Jewelry making. This variety is most popular for making all types of jewelry. Thanks to its properties, craftsmen make elegant things with complex patterns, inserts of precious and semi-precious stones, pearls, and amber. It is combined not only with gold, but also with other materials. For example, one of the latest trends is the combination of silver with ceramics, as well as the use of colored enamels. 925 standard is also in demand in other countries. For example, the famous Italian jewelry, comparable to the finest lace, is made only from it.
  2. Coinage. In the past, .925 was used to produce common coins. This alloy is sometimes called sterling. According to the main version, in England, since the 12th century, sterlings were minted from a silver alloy with an 8% addition of ligature. According to another version, they were produced in Germany for trade with the British. Nowadays, only investment coins are produced from 925 alloy, which can be purchased at Sberbank.
  3. Making silverware. 925 alloy is used to make not only spoons, forks, knives, but also larger utensils: glasses and shot glasses, sugar bowls, salt shakers, glass holders, jugs, dishes, trays, tureens and much more.
  4. Making souvenirs: business card holders, writing instruments, cigarette cases, figurines. Baby rattles made of high-grade silver look especially cute and luxurious.
  5. Religious items, such as icons, holy books with silver elements in the design - the Bible, Koran, Torah.

Historical silver prices in major currencies

U.S. dollars

The three-year chart shows the precious metal trading near its highs ($18 per ounce).

The price of silver in US dollars has not yet exceeded $30 dollars per troy ounce over the past five years. Prices also did not drop below $14 dollars per ounce.

The 10-year price chart shows the scale of the precious metal's rise to record highs exceeding $40 dollars per troy ounce in 2011.

If you extend the time frame to 20 years, you can see how cheap the metal was before the financial crisis.

Movements above and below the 0% line on the trend chart represent periods of higher volatility for silver in USD terms.

The price of silver rose steadily throughout the 20th century and into the early 21st century, with short-term sharp rises and falls in 1979-1980 and 2011.


For more than 20 years, the price of the precious metal in euros has been slightly more stable than in US dollars.

The price trend chart shows the change in silver prices in euros compared to the previous year.

British pounds

The sterling silver price chart shows a little less fluctuation given the high exchange rate of the British currency.

Year-on-year dynamics show the same huge jump in prices in 2011 as in other currencies.


The price of silver in yen fell more smoothly from record highs compared to prices in pounds and euros.

The yen was the only major currency whose year-on-year silver prices did not fall below the baseline in 2009. 2011 also shows a sharp jump.

Chinese yuan

The sharper drop in the precious metal's yuan value is partly due to the currency's strengthening over the past decade.

Silver price movements in yuan terms mirror the dollar as the Chinese government tries to maintain a soft peg to the dollar.

Indian rupees

The rupee is an important currency for precious metal pricing given the huge demand for precious metals in India.

The rupee silver charts are seeing the same limited range gains as the British pound.

How much does 1 gram of silver of this standard cost today?

The cost of one gram of 925 standard depends on the price per gram of pure metal, which is set by the Central Bank of Russia. I provide current data as of today.

Price 999 standard according to the Central BankMarket value of the sample todayScrap pricePrice in jewelry

The cost of 1 gram of jewelry silver increases due to the wages of the craftsman and the store’s markup. Therefore, you should not invest in jewelry - a pawn shop will accept it for the price of scrap.

Where can I buy or sell, price per gram

You can purchase products made from 875 silver:

  • in specialized jewelry stores, jewelry islands in large shopping centers. Jewelry and cutlery from domestic and foreign jewelry factories are sold here, the price depends on the weight of the product and the price of 1 gram of silver;
  • in pawn shops, antique shops or flea markets. Sometimes you can find interesting rare items there at reasonable prices;
  • at auctions on the Internet. Both antiques and modern items are sold here, but it is difficult to verify authenticity from photos, and the prices per gram are quite high.

Those wishing to sell their own silver items are recommended to use the services of various purchases and pawn shops. However, it is necessary to understand that it will be possible to sell products in purchases at the price of 1 gram of scrap valuable metals, that is, very cheaply.

Recommendations for care, cleaning and storage

Silver is a more active metal than inert gold and darkens faster. Simple recommendations will help preserve the appearance of precious items:

  1. Jewelry should not be stored in damp areas; it is better to avoid contact with water. It is better to remove jewelry when swimming or cleaning.
  2. You should not expose your jewelry to cosmetics. When playing sports, it is better to remove rings, chains and bracelets - sweat has a negative effect on the metal.
  3. Products must be stored in separate cases: boxes or bags.
  4. Silver items must be cleaned regularly. To do this, you can use soap, special pastes for processing jewelry, and a soft cloth, such as suede. Do not use toothbrushes or aggressive cleaning products.



Due to my line of work, I am interested in the composition of various alloys. Once I saw silver rings on Aliexpress at ridiculous prices - around 150-200 rubles apiece. Moreover, the description indicates exactly 925 purity and is signed “sterling silver”. Out of curiosity I placed an order. The rings received were as in the photo on the website, but the size did not match the declared one. The examination showed that the alloys consist of 90% iron. No traces of Ag were found! Although everyone decides for themselves whether buying Chinese silver is a good idea or not. It costs a penny.


Like any woman, jewelry is my weakness. I love 925 and 720 sterling silver. They look impressive, and the price is much more affordable than gold.

Tips for choosing silver jewelry

Silver jewelry is accessible to many, because today the price of 1 gram is quite affordable. When buying silver jewelry, everyone is guided by their own tastes and preferences.

Professionals from the fashion world advise:

  • You shouldn’t immediately buy the thing you like, it’s better to think and make sure you make the right choice; you shouldn’t follow fashion, you should stick to your own style;
  • Wearing gold and silver jewelry at the same time is not recommended.
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