Possible causes of blackening of silver on the human body

Folk signs

Since ancient times, people have associated the blackening of metal with the influence of evil forces. It was believed that Argentum took away negative energy, protecting the owner. Thus, a darkened cross was associated with damage or a curse. A blackened ring on a lady’s finger meant problems in matters of the heart, and sometimes the crown of celibacy.

For a man, a ring that changed color was associated with a love spell. A silver chain and earrings that had lost their shine indicated a meeting with an energy vampire or the evil eye. And darkened cutlery meant the presence of evil spirits or lining.

In ancient legends, this metal was used against evil spirits. And today people believe that it protects against negativity and envious people. And babies, after cutting their first tooth, are given silver spoons according to tradition.


Excessive exercise leads to increased sweating, which affects the color of jewelry. The released hydrogen sulfide, entering into a chemical reaction with silver, leads to gradual oxidation. The cloudiness of the metal also causes a change in the acidity of the skin.

The nitric acid contained in sweat can lighten the product. It reacts with sulfide crystals, destroys it and changes the color of the metal to a light shade.

Disorders in the endocrine system and hormonal disruptions lead to increased sweat. A sharp darkening of the metal may indicate diseases of the liver, kidneys and gall bladder. The chain on a woman's neck may change color during pregnancy due to hormonal changes.

As a result of the disease, sweat becomes acidic and caustic. The fact that the disease affects the color of the jewelry has not yet been confirmed by science, but it is better to turn to medicine if the silver rapidly darkens after cleaning.

Sample and impurities

Pure argentum is a very soft metal; impurities, most often copper, are added to it for strength and shine. In addition, there are compounds with gold and platinum, which rarely darken. If you go too far with the proportions, the alloy will not be of the best quality and, accordingly, will quickly darken. Products with a lower purity are subject to changes first. Although copper is less susceptible to oxidation, when it interacts with sulfur, a layer of silver sulfide is formed, which gives it a black tint.

Jewelry may darken even when not worn. This can happen due to a lack of air elements. Silver also turns black due to humidity, climate change and the amount of water a person drinks. The ions in the metal have antibacterial properties. Protecting against viruses in the air, these elements change the color of silver.

Reasons why silver darkens

  • Mystic.

Some people mistakenly associate changes in the color of silver items with the manifestation of specific diseases. People with a penchant for mysticism even assume that this signals the evil eye or damage to a person. And if the decoration darkens, it means that it took the blow.

In general, silver has long been given an occult meaning - protection from various kinds of unclean spirits and creatures. Just remember the silver bullets against werewolves. The material was used to create amulets for homes and people - crosses on the neck, anchors for those traveling by sea, a month to prevent nightmares and sleep problems, bells to cleanse rooms from evil forces, etc.

Although this effect of silver has not been proven by science, this metal does play a role in maintaining health. Silver preparations have antibacterial and wound-healing effects. The latter can be easily checked if you cover a small wound with an adhesive plaster containing silver ions. Intravenous preparations containing this metal are used for joint diseases and inflammation of the respiratory system. For some digestive problems, medications with silver as one of the components are taken orally.

But in this case, the important thing is that all mystical theories about the darkening of silver are actually just a figment of fantasy. The reasons for black deposits on metal are completely different.

  • Sweating.

Silver is a metal that, like other substances, is subject to chemical reactions. And human skin on the neck and in other places where jewelry is worn regularly secretes sweat in greater or lesser quantities, which also contains chemicals containing sulfur. And when sulfur and silver combine, silver sulfide is formed, which has a dark gray or black color. The sulfide layer is initially invisible, then it thickens and compacts, turning into a coating visible to the naked eye.

Sweating is a natural process of the human body. But if at some point the jewelry darkens especially actively throughout the body or in a certain area, this may not only be the result of increased physical activity or heat outside, but also one of the symptoms of health problems that should not be ignored.


In order to clean your jewelry later, you should not wear it in conditions of very high humidity - for example, when going to the beach, sauna or bathhouse. Moreover, in such conditions, your favorite jewelry is very easy to break or lose.

  • Impurities.

Silver itself is a very soft metal, therefore, in order for products made from it to retain their shape during use, pure silver is not used. Although an alloy is used, where about 5-8% are other metals that give the jewelry strength, even a fairly massive silver item can be bent or broken with manual effort. The metals for the alloy may include copper, and its property is to oxidize upon contact with air.

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Sometimes a piece of jewelry pleases with its shine for a very long time, and then suddenly begins to turn black. This can happen if it was covered with a protective rhodium film, which has deteriorated over time. But when a purchased chain darkens too much and too quickly after purchase, we can conclude that it is of low quality, low silver content and a large number of impurities.

  • Other reasons.

Of the places where jewelry is worn, the largest number of sebaceous glands are located in the neck and chest. That is why most often it is chains and crosses that darken. The composition of skin secretions may change due to hormonal disruptions or changes (for example, during pregnancy). In such cases, jewelry sometimes darkens in just a few days. The color of silver is also affected by changes in the acid-base balance of the skin.

An unexpectedly strong brightening of silver jewelry may indicate problems with the kidneys or liver, because in this case, nitrogen is released through sweat, which gives the silver shine.

In general, you shouldn’t attach too much significance to the change in color of silver jewelry, much less any magical significance, but it can still be a reason to take a closer look at your overall physical condition and health.

If the jewelry was not worn, but lay in a nightstand or box, then the reason that it darkens may be dampness or contact with sulfur-containing objects or substances. Of course, silver can also change color when it comes into contact with various chemicals and some foods.

Other reasons

Cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, and household chemicals accelerate the process of darkening of argentum. Some of them contain sulfur and other oxidizing agents that affect the color of the metal. You should not wear jewelry in the bathhouse, during physical activity or water procedures.

Stressful situations increase sweating, which is considered the main cause of discoloration. It happens that the chain darkens, but the bracelet remains light. This is due to different amounts of sweat produced.

Taking medications causes changes in blood composition, which is one possibility of darkening. Therefore, during illness, it is recommended to remove jewelry. With constant contact with clothing, argentum also turns black.

How to prevent darkening

  • Boiling in hydrochloric or sulfuric acid will reduce the copper content in the surface layer. As a result, the product receives a matte finish.
  • Cutlery, like jewelry, can be coated with pure argentum (electroplating). A product made of 100% silver, although it does not turn yellow, is very fragile and breaks quickly.
  • For antiques, varnishing is suitable, which protects it from external factors. If you cover jewelry or cutlery in this way, you should not use them.
  • A thin layer of wax will help protect against exposure to air. This method is called passivation and is used primarily for storage.
  • It is better to keep jewelry in a closed box, on a piece of cotton or linen. After removing the product, it must be washed with soap and warm water and rubbed dry. It is recommended to periodically wipe the silver with a soft cloth.
  • Today, most jewelry items in jewelry stores are plated with rhodium. It protects the surface and makes the products wear-resistant. However, during soldering, the sputtering takes on a bluish-black tint. To return to its original appearance, you will need to remove the layer and, if desired, cover it with a new one.

Why does silver on the body turn black: the main reasons

There are several very real reasons why silver on your body can turn black. This can be either the impact of external or internal factors.

The unpleasant grayish-black tint on silver jewelry occurs due to high environmental humidity. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear silver in the sauna or swimming pool. Air can also cause blackening on silver earrings, rings or chains. This is especially true for megacities. In large cities, the air is more polluted by exhaust gases, industrial emissions, etc. Over the years, all this leads to metal corrosion and the formation of patina.

We looked at the external reasons why silver on the human body turns black, but there are also internal ones.

How to clean

Sulfide and copper crystals do not react with acid at room temperature. In this case, vinegar or lemon do not give the desired effect without heating. But the alloy reacts to alkaline agents. There are two options - at home or in a jewelry workshop.

Jewelry with precious and semi-precious stones reacts differently to alkali, so not all cleaning methods will work.

Handy methods:

  • Tooth powder or toothpaste containing a fine abrasive will work great. A small amount applied to a rag should be used to wipe the product. Then, rinse in cold water. Do not overdo it to avoid micro-scratches.
  • You can use a combination of hydrogen peroxide and alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. It is necessary to immerse the metal in this mixture for 30 minutes, and then rub it until it shines.

  • Ordinary ash removes various contaminants. The ashes are mixed with soapy water and ammonia, leaving the decoration in the solution for half an hour.
  • Baking soda and salt will do, but be careful to avoid cracks. A small amount of loose powder should be used to lightly wipe the surface. To thoroughly clean wicker or hard-to-reach areas, an old soft toothbrush will come in handy.
  • Coca-Cola can also cope with pollution. The silver is placed in a glass of drink overnight and wiped dry in the morning.
  • The boiling method will help restore the product to its lost appearance. To do this, the decoration is wrapped in foil and dipped in a container of water. You need to boil for at least five minutes. An added spoon of baking soda will improve the cleaning process.
  • You can purchase special cleaning products in jewelry stores. The more common “Aladdin” and “Flyurin” are available in the form of a cream.

Jewelry plated with rhodium and precious stones should be cleaned carefully. Yellowed argentum should be washed with water at room temperature and then wiped with a soft cloth. It is recommended to first place heavily darkened items with stones in a solution of soapy water (household soap will do) for 30-40 minutes.

After yellowness appears on silver, the metal begins to turn black. Therefore, it is important to clean the jewelry immediately so as not to subject it to harsh cleaning methods later. In order for the jewelry to retain its shine for as long as possible after bleaching, it is recommended not to wear it for two days to form a layer of oxide-protective coating.

Ways to clean a silver chain when it has turned black

There are many reasons why silver on the human body turns black. And, unfortunately, no one can avoid darkening of the metal. But you can prevent too severe tarnishing simply by regularly cleaning your silver with available products.


Lipstick is a gentle remedy for removing yellowish, recently appeared plaque. Coat the product with lipstick and scrub thoroughly with a sponge or soft brush. And then wash off the remaining lipstick. The result is a clean, shiny piece of jewelry.


The classic way to clean silver. Effectively cleans tarnished silver, gives it shine and does not require much effort. The procedure is the same as with lipstick: rub, rinse, dry.

Egg yolk

Not the most standard method for cleaning tarnished silver, but it works. It was used even before the advent of lipsticks and toothpastes.


  • Separate the yolk from the white;
  • Soak a cotton pad or napkin in egg yolk;
  • Apply a thick layer to the decoration and leave until completely dry;
  • Then rinse under high pressure water and polish until shiny.


Let's start right away with a warning: do not use dry soda! Baking soda is an abrasive agent, and in the form of a dry powder it can damage the entire surface of silver jewelry. Therefore, for cleaning we use only either in the form of a slurry (soda + water), or dissolve it in water in advance.

  • Dissolve baking soda in hot water (50 g / 1 l) and dip the silver in it, after wrapping it in foil. Leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse and dry.
  • Prepare a paste (soda + water). Spread the resulting mixture onto the product and massage gently. Rinse everything off with water and wipe with a napkin.


A good way to get rid of blackness and restore the long-awaited shine to jewelry.

Pour water into a small container and add a little ammonia. Soak silverware and jewelry in the solution for 10-20 minutes. And then rinse and dry.

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