Gold turns black on the body (reason)

There are many beliefs about why gold leaves black marks on the skin and what they can lead to. People currently believe in some of them, but they cannot establish the true version of their appearance or have no idea at all. However, in reality, this is due to completely different reasons, which should be discussed in more detail.

Main reasons

The question of why a gold ring leaves a black stripe on the finger can be approached from different angles. The most common reasons are the following:

  • Damage from magicians or sorcerers.
  • Poor quality metal for making products.
  • Chemical and allergic reactions.
  • Diseases of varying severity.
  • Environmental factors.

These are the most common reasons given as an explanation for why a gold ring leaves a black mark on your finger. Let's take a closer look at each of these versions.

Gold turns black on the body (reason)

Gold has always been considered a noble metal. Moreover, this metal is absolutely not afraid of corrosion, as well as oxidation by moisture present in the air. But in some cases, the gold jewelry that we wear on our body may turn black. It turns out that there are many reasons for this, and we will look at them below. So, as experts note, during the manufacture of a ring, chain or some other piece of jewelry made from this metal, the ligature inscription may be broken. In its pure form, the metal is used only when it is necessary to make a gold bar. Gold with a ligature is usually used for jewelry.

But the alloy may contain palladium, silver and even copper. They are added so that the jewelry is worn longer, that is, it is wear-resistant. But, when making jewelry, there are times when the ligature changes. Some manufacturers do this on purpose, thus reducing their production costs. It is because of low-quality gold that over time it will oxidize on the body, that is, it will turn black. Experts recommend purchasing products made from gold, as well as other precious metals, only in stores that specialize in this. For example, the Ukrzoloto store offers high-quality gold jewelry. The choice is wide: from beautiful gold earrings to bracelets (photo 1).

Gold can also darken due to the human body. Our body produces waste and releases it through the pores of the skin. There is dust and dirt in the environment. When they connect, a film appears on the gold and it begins to darken. Scientists have found that such a film consists of dust, grease, and sulfides. Note that such plaque can be cleaned with an easy cleaning solution, which contains liquid soap and ammonia (photo 2).

It happens that over time, due to prolonged wearing of a gold ring on a finger (for example, a wedding ring), it begins to turn black and becomes completely unattractive. This happens because a person often uses pharmacological or cosmetic products in everyday life. And such products, of course, will contain iodine and mercury compounds. They will affect the gold: it will simply become covered with gray spots. Getting rid of them is problematic, since such stains mean that the metal has begun to deteriorate. Therefore, when washing dishes, cleaning the house, or doing laundry, it is best to remove jewelry from your hands, so as not to be upset later that your favorite ring has deteriorated (photo 3).

It is widely believed that gold on the body turns black due to damage. In fact, such assumptions are completely groundless. Gold may turn black if the manufacturer coated it with polishing paste and did not clean it. This is when stains may appear on such a product. Gold can also oxidize in those people who consume huge amounts of meat. Such people secrete sweat containing large amounts of nitrogen. When it comes into contact with gold, it causes the latter to turn black (photo 4).

There is also an opinion among the population that gold on the body turns black only in those people who have certain problems with the kidneys and liver. Let us note that official medicine has not proven this fact and, most likely, it is only a myth. But the fact that gold often oxidizes in those people who sweat a lot is a proven fact. Therefore, such people are advised to first stabilize their psychological state and only then wear jewelry made of this metal. We recommend purchasing jewelry only from trusted manufacturers and in stores that specialize in gold sales. In other places, you may come across scammers who, under the guise of gold, will slip you a copper product (photo 5).

Low quality metal

The main reason for the appearance of stripes on the fingers is said to be the low quality of the metal used to make jewelry. Since gold in its pure form is not suitable for jewelry, various impurities are added to it, including silver or copper. The number of impurities corresponds to the sample number marked on each product.

The best sample is considered to be 585, which contains 59 percent gold. They practically do not break and have a characteristic shine. If a black stripe appears on your finger, then there are more impurities in the composition than stated.

Therefore, it is important to purchase jewelry only in specialized stores and check the product before purchasing. Sometimes the cause of the appearance is a paste that gives the product shine. But its effect is short-lived and disappears after a few days.


If options with polishing paste and low quality metal are excluded, everything is checked and confirmed, then fears begin to arise that a curse or damage has been imposed on a particular piece of jewelry.

Since ancient times, gold has been considered a noble and important metal, with many signs and superstitions associated with it. Black stripes on the finger appear as a result of the following reasons:

  1. Gold catches the negative impact that is directed towards a person. The signal for this situation will be blackening under the ring.
  2. The reason lies in the person himself. Often anxiety and despondency come from the person himself, and not from the world around him. If this happens, the signal is the appearance of a black mark on the finger.
  3. There is a belief among believers that blackness appears due to the commission of various crimes or sins. The blackness that appears appeals to the sinner’s conscience and gives a signal to others about his crime.

There is information on how to get rid of such damage. The decoration and the area under it must be washed with holy water. If it doesn’t help, then you should call a priest or a psychic. But you shouldn’t trust signs too much, since you should first look for the true cause of this phenomenon.

Chemical reactions

Many people use cosmetics. Various products may contain materials that come into contact with gold and lead to oxidation. One of these elements is mercury and similar substances.

In cosmetics it is quite harmless, but upon contact with gold a negative reaction occurs. The decoration begins to turn black and leave characteristic marks. It is quite possible to deal with the marks, but the product will be hopelessly damaged. This is one of the answers to the question why a gold ring leaves a black mark on the finger.

Therefore, it is recommended to remove all existing jewelry from your hands before using cosmetics.

Causes of darkening


Gold jewelry can darken quite quickly, especially if we are talking about 585 standard. This alloy contains only 85% real gold, which is why you should avoid purchasing it. The best option is to purchase 750 standard, in which the content of noble metal is much higher.

When purchasing jewelry, it is important to choose the right store. The fact is that some unscrupulous jewelers add more other metals to the alloy, and take the excess gold for themselves. Violation of standards leads to rapid darkening of the alloy, the particles of which come into contact with air, water, and the owner’s skin. Quite often, darkening of the skin at the contact site is also observed.

If you find any signs of counterfeiting, you should immediately contact the store for a return. Buying jewelry from trusted jewelry houses will help prevent such situations. It is important to take into account that new jewelry can also darken, in this case the reason lies in the properties of the polishing layer.

Darkening of the metal can also be caused by the individual properties of the body, which regularly secretes fluids. The jewelry becomes covered with dirt and dust, which causes its color to change. Most often this happens when wearing everyday jewelry - wedding rings, crosses, etc. This process is considered natural; it cannot be stopped or corrected. The composition of each person's sweat is individual, it depends on nutrition and diseases. The dark crust on the metal is a mixture of sweat, dirt and dust.

Some chemicals have a destructive effect on the metal, resulting in gray spots forming on its surface. They have aggressive properties and provide a stronger effect on metal compared to ordinary dust. Mercury is found in many medicines and cosmetics; even a small amount of ointment or cream poses a danger to the metal.

The likelihood of metal exposure to iodine increases when swimming in a pool. Many women wear jewelry in the water; the amount of iodine dissolved in the pool is quite enough to destroy the top layer of the alloy.

Allergy to components

Gold does not react with other metals, but can cause allergies. In order to understand the mechanism of allergies, it is important to know the technology of making gold jewelry and the characteristics of the human body.

It was said earlier that gold in its pure form is not used in jewelry. That’s why various kinds of impurities are added there. They improve properties, but can be a strong allergen. The result can be redness, itching, and the appearance of black spots, even in those who have never been prone to this kind of reaction. Therefore, before purchasing, you should carefully read the certificates of conformity, which will indicate the full composition of the components included in the product.

Gold care

Take good care of your gold jewelry. Store them separately from products made of other metals, remove them before using a shower, sauna, or cosmetic procedures. Protect from exposure to household chemicals. Wash the product with soapy water from time to time.

It is best to buy gold jewelry in trusted stores so that you do not come across a low-quality alloy or dishonest jewelers who violated production standards.

If you take proper care of your jewelry and do not violate the rules for caring for them, then the products will delight you for many years, maintaining their shine, beauty and splendor.

Consequences of diseases

When the previous options disappear, the cause should be sought in the presence of some disease. But the traces indicate not the disease itself, but its possible appearance. The reasons may be of the following nature:

  • Taking various medications . One of the most common reasons for the appearance of stripes is interruptions in the functioning of the liver or kidneys. Dark spots appear after taking medications that can change the patient's hormonal levels. For this reason, pregnant women begin to see dark streaks from gold, although there were no problems with jewelry before. Normalizing hormone levels eliminates black stripes.
  • Intense sweating can also lead to this phenomenon . The reason is due to medications and surgical intervention in the patient’s body. Because of them, numerous stripes may remain. If your body temperature is high or if you are in a stressful situation, it can be difficult to avoid stains. Therefore, it is enough to remove the ring and wash your hands with cold water.
  • Diseases due to harmful environmental influences . Experts note that those who spend a lot of time near highways and industrial enterprises have health problems. Surgery and recovery with medications that affect the human body are required.

It is also important to note that dust particles, which are brought from various enterprises and objects, gradually settle in areas under the ring. When interacting with gold jewelry, gold oxidizes. This is when the black stripes appear. In this case, you should refrain from wearing jewelry for a while and choose a favorable moment to wear it again.

How to avoid problems

But in addition to the reasons for the appearance of marks, it is extremely important to know how you can get rid of the stains that appear. The following recommendations are relevant:

  1. You should never skimp on quality. The higher the jewelry grade, the less likely you are to get stripes in the output.
  2. You need to purchase products only in specialized stores that have the appropriate quality certificates and are ready to vouch for the quality of the product.
  3. Before purchasing, you should carefully study the certificate to ensure that the specified composition and the name of the manufacturer are correct. This will save you from having an allergic reaction to one of the components and will give you the opportunity to file a complaint if any complaints arise.
  4. Carefully monitor your health, eat right and lead a normal lifestyle. Stressful positions should also be avoided if possible.
  5. During household chores related to cleaning or washing, you need to remove jewelry, since when the metal reacts with cleaning agents, oxidation occurs and the product becomes unusable;
  6. And, of course, we must not forget that periodic maintenance is required. You need to wash the gold with running water and wipe it with soft cloths.

The appearance of black marks in the ring area is often not damage or other witchcraft. The reasons lie in the area of ​​health.

If you lead a correct lifestyle, follow doctors’ recommendations and periodically take care of existing products, then the black stripes will disappear and will not become an eyesore. Protect yourself and your jewelry from harmful influences!


Cleaning methods:

  1. When cleaning jewelry, it is recommended to use a 25% ammonia solution; the procedure should be carried out wearing a protective mask and gloves. The product should be placed in a container with the solution for 10 minutes and rinsed with water.
  2. Wrap the jewelry with a vinegar-soaked swab, hold for 15 minutes, and rinse.
  3. Soap solution - helps get rid of minor dirt.
  4. Place the products in a glass with Coca-Cola.
  5. Preventative cleaning will help prevent the formation of dark summer. It is recommended to remove jewelry more often and send it for special procedures. It is also very important not to make a mistake with your choice and not to purchase a fake.
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