Gold or silver: how to choose the right jewelry for your outfit

When choosing jewelry, many people wonder what is better to buy gold or silver? It’s worth understanding, since noble metals have certain properties that affect the life and health of men and women. What is better to wear? Silver or gold?

Jewelry is an essential accessory. It is a rare person who does not wear gold or silver items. Take, for example, a wedding ring - all married couples wear this jewelry.

People have been arguing for decades about whether gold or silver is better for the body. This discussion is endless - some are fans of silver, others recognize only gold jewelry, and still others combine both. However, both of these noble metals have both positive and negative characteristics. Let's compare gold and silver to understand which is better.

How are these metals different?

Two elements of the periodic table of Mendeleev, similar in some properties, have more differences:

  • atomic number (79 for Au and 47 for Ag);
  • atomic mass (Au - 196.96654 a.m.u., Ag - 107.8682 a.m.u.).

Gold is denser than silver: 19.32 g/cm³ versus 10.5 g/cm³. If you melt them into balls with a diameter of 1 cm, the gold one will be almost twice as heavy. Both metals are highly ductile, but not refractory: the melting point of Au is 1064.18 °C, Ag - 962 °C.

Composition, strength and durability

In the jewelry industry, these precious metals are not used in their pure form, due to their softness - 2.5 on the Mohs scale (gold is a little softer, silver is harder).

Expert opinion

Vsevolod Kozlovsky

6 years in jewelry making. Knows everything about samples and can identify a fake in 12 seconds

The wear resistance of pure gold, like silver, is low. You can even deform a gold ring or a silver chain with your hands, so to ensure resistance to mechanical damage, an alloy is added to the metal - impurities of harder metals (copper, nickel, palladium and others). Jewelry made from such alloys is stronger and lasts longer.

Gold is more inert. The probability that a substance with which it can react by chance will be nearby is vanishingly small, so gold tarnishes over time only due to the oxidation of the alloy. And silver reacts with hydrogen sulfide present in the air and requires cleaning - removing the sulfide film from the surface.

Appearance and markings

It is not difficult to distinguish classic jewelry alloys: one has a characteristic yellow color, the other white. The reflectivity of both is high, so precious items shine attractively.

Alloying (alloying with other metals) gold allows you to change the shade: there is not only yellow, but also white, pink and even green. It is difficult to distinguish white from silver by eye, but it is possible if you put two pieces of jewelry next to each other: silver has a cold “steel” shine.

The shape of the mark is different. Silver is marked, like all precious metals in Russia, with a woman’s profile in a kokoshnik, but the mark on it is “barrel”, while gold is marked with a “shovel”.

Difference between different purity grades

If you go to a jewelry store, you will be offered a variety of gold hallmarks to choose from: 375, where only 37.5% pure metal, 585 (58.5%) and 750 (75%). Such an alloy can be called pure only symbolically - impurities were introduced into it to impart strength (mainly copper).

The silver on the market is almost pure: the common standard is 925, the alloy makes up 7.5% of the alloy weight. The second most popular - 875 - is less prestigious, but it also contains more pure metal than the elite gold 750 standard.

Often the fastener on a product is made of an alloy with a lower breakdown - it is stronger, and the risk of breaking the item is lower.

Differences in GOST standards and quality

GOSTs are developed by the Standardization Committee and describe the composition of alloys and maximum deviations from the nominal impurity content. For conventionally pure bank gold of 999.9 purity, trace amounts of lead, antimony, bismuth, iron, silver and copper are acceptable. The mass of the alloy must not exceed 0.01% of the mass of the product (ingot), otherwise it will not be recognized as complying with the standard. Copper can be up to 0.007%, and antimony - only 0.001%.

In 925 silver (an alloy with copper, where copper is nominally 7.5%), the presence of iron is possible - up to 0.1% of the mass. The content of the base metal in the sample can vary from 92.2 to 92.8%.

Effect on skin

Since both metals are inert, in their pure or mostly pure form they will not affect your health. I don't know anyone who complains of allergies to jewelry. However, this happens: it is not the metal that causes the reaction, but the alloy added to the alloy. Allergies to nickel are more common, so buy gold jewelry with caution and inquire about its composition if you are allergic.

It is almost impossible to find nickel in jewelry silver in an amount sufficient for the reaction to develop.

Price and demand

Gold is ten times more expensive. This is a kind of paradox: over the entire history of mankind, silver has been mined 4 times more, but its market share is much lower and it is less common. Now the amount of gold in the world is growing - both absolutely and relative to the amount of silver. It would seem that silver should rise in price, but so far this has not happened. Experts attribute this to the fact that:

  1. Silver is traded on exchanges in the form of paper contracts, and there are many more of them than the metal itself.
  2. People, out of habit, underestimate this metal, considering it unprestigious and suitable only for industrial use.

Perhaps the situation will change in the future: the precious metals market is not so predictable.

What stones are suitable

Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, that is, expensive stones, are often inlaid into gold jewelry. It is believed that desaturated or transparent inserts look better with a warm shade of gold.

Agate, onyx, jade, iolite, stones of dense saturated colors, cold in shade, are suitable for silver.

Gold or silver: how to choose the right jewelry for your outfit

For years, have you believed in the rule that you can’t combine silver with gold? Maybe you still wear earrings, pendant and ring exclusively from one set? Forget about fashion forever, the shelf life of which came to an end with the beginning of the 21st century. Modern designers insist that girls learn to combine different metals, but do not forget about the rules - now we will tell you about them:

Practice on Mixed Jewelry

You need to get used to something new gradually - it will be difficult to immediately change a ten-year-old attitude of the subconscious. Go to a jewelry store and choose a ring or earring design that combines yellow and white gold, or gold and silver. Once you get used to wearing such jewelry, buy a set of gold and silver rings or bracelets in the mass market - the easiest way to combine them is with each other. Despite the different colors, both metals have cool undertones, so they look great together - wear them with matching clothes for a stunning look.

start with simple decorations


Don't skimp on quality

While gold retains its beautiful appearance for years, low-quality silver, which is considered an alternative for people with low incomes, quickly loses its attractiveness and turns dark or green. We do not agree that silver looks cheap - a quality product is always visible, and it does not change over the years. However, sometimes clean your jewelry in a special solution and take it to a jewelry store for polishing. Accuracy is the key to your attractiveness and excellent sense of style. It is rightly said that a person will look better neat in a simple ironed dress than in a torn designer outfit.

Do not overdo it

It is important to maintain a balance between decorations. For example, you can combine silver and gold rings of simple shapes without stones, but conservative girls should not wear large and small rings together - the dissonance will scare you. But brave fashionistas can forget about the rules and wear whatever their heart desires, except perhaps combining an abundance of rings with large earrings and a pendant - this will be too much even for you. It is best to put 2-3 thin rings on your fingers and phalanges, and insert small stud earrings into your ears.

rely on examples from the Internet


Get inspired by fashionistas

We advise you to look for ideas for images in the personal blogs of girls whose style you like. You can also watch shows from fashion weeks, where designers demonstrate all the fashionable looks on models, thinking them through down to the last detail. Copy looks first before you develop a sense of style. Then you will intuitively begin to understand what looks good together, and which wardrobe items you need to be more careful with. As for complex jewelry combinations, remember that they only transform simple outfits: a white T-shirt and jeans, a striped shirt and crease pants, a basic cocktail dress, and so on.

Advantages and disadvantages of silver and gold

The main disadvantage of silver - the formation of a sulfide film - is easily eliminated by cleaning. Gold also darkens - copper oxidizes. Otherwise, when choosing pendants and bracelets, it is better to evaluate them from the point of view of personal liking.

There is a belief that gold jewelry can be an investment for a rainy day. This is wrong. It is, of course, possible to sell the metal, but they will accept it at the price of scrap, and this is extremely cheap. It will not be possible to save money this way: a significant part of the price of an item is the cost of the design and work of the jeweler.

Myths about silver: why the metal is now valued no less than white gold

Don't you buy silver jewelry, thinking that it quickly darkens and looks simple and cheap? In vain! We refute popular myths about silver jewelry.


Myth one: silver darkens quickly

I want these studs made of silver with cubic zirconia at the best price! >>>>>

Some people are wary of buying silver jewelry, believing that they quickly darken. Indeed, there is reason to think so. Previously, silver products were made using a different technology and could change color over time due to contact with air, water or the human body. This is a natural oxidation process, especially if you wear jewelry every day.

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However, modern manufacturers have figured out how to protect the precious metal. For this purpose, a special technology is used - rhodium plating. The jewelry is coated with a thin layer of rhodium, a platinum group metal. Rhodium does not change the color of silver, but it prevents oxidation and corrosion, and, in addition, gives the jewelry additional shine. Another advantage of rhodium plating is that it is hypoallergenic. Therefore, accessories coated with rhodium can be worn even by those who are allergic to precious metals.

Myth two: silver jewelry is not fashionable

I want a ring like this made of silver with quartz and cubic zirconia! >>>>>

This is the reasoning of girls who remember silver items in the boxes of their mothers and grandmothers. It seems to them that the fashion for silver is a thing of the past. However, stylists say the opposite: interest in silver accessories is growing from year to year. The largest jewelry companies annually release luxurious collections of silver jewelry, and fashion houses bring models to the catwalk with earrings, bracelets and rings made of silver.

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The interest in cold metal on the part of stylists, designers and consumers is understandable. Silver jewelry is more versatile than gold jewelry. They are appropriate at any age and can be combined with any clothes: formal office, romantic or formal. Unlike gold, silver is more democratic and places fewer demands on clothing and overall appearance.

Myth three: silver looks too simple

I want a ring like this with jewelry crystals and cubic zirconia made of silver! >>>>>

Indeed, just 15-20 years ago, silver jewelry was not very diverse. The stores offered a similar and not very wide assortment: rings of simple design, thin chains, pendants of the same type. However, with the development of the jewelry industry, many companies have appeared that produce unusual and high-quality products.

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If you still think that silver jewelry looks simple, take a look at a large jewelry store in your city. There you will find antique-style silver earrings and brooches with blackening and micro-pearls, trendy jewelry with a futuristic design, and accessories with unusual inserts, for example, made of ceramics. The choice of modern silver jewelry is so large that everyone can choose an accessory to their liking.

Myth four: silver suits only fair-skinned girls

I want these earrings made of silver with jewelry crystals and cubic zirconia! >>>>>

In fact, this metal harmonizes with any type of appearance. It will emphasize the aristocratic sophistication of light-skinned blondes, and will play in contrast with dark-skinned brunettes and brown-haired women. Against the background of silver jewelry, the tan will look even brighter and richer, and the look of dark eyes will be more expressive.

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If you want to add warmth to your look, choose silver items with gilding or warm-colored stones: red garnet or sunny citrine. Using a gemstone insert can also highlight the color of your eyes. Silver jewelry with chocolate rauch topaz will suit brown eyes, delicate topaz or cosmic blue sapphire will suit gray and blue eyes, and luxurious emerald or green quartz will suit green eyes.

Myth five: silver is chosen by those who cannot afford gold

I want a silver ring like this with cubic zirconia at the best price! >>>>>

Indeed, in the past, silver jewelry was bought by those who could not afford gold jewelry. However, now the situation has changed. Even world-famous stars are increasingly choosing silver accessories. Angelina Jolie, Mariah Carey and Sarah Jessica Parker have confessed their love for this metal. And they can certainly afford gold and diamonds.

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Modern silver jewelry is in no way inferior to gold: just as fashionable, stylish and durable. But keep in mind: if you want to buy a truly high-quality product, it is better to choose large, reputable stores and retail chains. The choice there is much wider, and each piece of jewelry has a certificate of authenticity and a guarantee. With it, you will be sure that your favorite earrings or ring will serve you for many years.

Alena Yarkova

What is better to invest in?

Expert opinion

Lyudmila Pestereva

Our most experienced gold investor

Ask a Question

When purchasing bullion, you need to store it somewhere. From this point of view, investing in gold is more convenient: it is more expensive and requires less space. But silver production is falling (and it is constantly in demand by industry), the imbalance is increasing, and there is a chance that silver will rise in price several times in the coming years.

You decide. Investments involve both material risk and the possibility of substantial reward.

Which metal jewelry is best to choose?

It is believed that gold looks better on older ladies, and silver on young women. Young people consider this a prejudice and wear gold things with pleasure. What is best for a person to wear is a matter of his style and preferences.

For a man

Strict graphic patterns and laconic forms suit the stronger sex. Yellow metal looks good on the “southern” color type - men with dark skin, dark hair and eyes. For the “northern” type (pale skin, blond hair), it is better to choose white gold or silver.

For woman

Recommendations for girls and ladies are also based on color typing. If your appearance is dominated by warm colors, feel free to buy yellow and red gold, if you are “cold” - silver.

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