Which metal has become the most expensive since 2021: cost in rubles and dollars

For most people, the most valuable substance on earth is gold. In many ways they will be right, the value of gold is high and it is one of the most revered precious metals, but it is difficult to classify it as the most expensive. Surprisingly, even platinum falls short of the top five rarest materials for which people are willing to pay exorbitant amounts of money.

So what can be called the most expensive substances found on our planet? Their list is limited and includes very rare specimens, which explains their cost. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our list of the top 5 “ most expensive substances in the world .”

Oh yes cream!

In 1950, rocket fuel was tested at one of the facilities of the American space agency NASA. The work was carried out under the conditions of the “space race” with the USSR, so accidents were a frequent occurrence. As a result of one such incident, scientist Max Huber received serious burns, which left unpleasant scars on his face. Unable to accept these blows of fate, he began independent research to find a remedy to eliminate traces of skin damage. He conducted thousands of experiments, testing the effects of hundreds of components. As a result, the cream he received helped the scientist get rid of scars. The unique healing effect on the skin of the composition invented by her father was appreciated by Huber’s daughter, who proposed setting up its production. Now this cream is among the top 10 most expensive substances in the world - a gram of it costs $70.

The exact composition of the ointment is a trade secret. The effectiveness of the legendary cosmetic product, which began to be produced under the Crème de la Mer brand, is based on the nutritional properties of special seaweed, enhanced by a whole complex of vitamins.

Kopek 1704

This coin appeared after the monetary reform of Peter the Great. Initially, silver pennies were in use, but they needed to be exchanged. For this purpose, copper pennies began to be minted in 1700.

Today such a coin is valued at $78,000.

The denomination of almost all the most expensive coins in the world is many times less than their value at auctions. Their value lies not in their honorable age, but in their limited quantity - there are even single copies. Many coins have excellent copies made, but for true collectors it is their authenticity that is important.

Pedro the First

It was in honor of this Brazilian king that a gold coin was minted in 1822. At that time, money was issued for the coronations of monarchs so that they could serve safely.

On one side of the coin, Pedro the First is depicted in profile as a Roman senator. The embossing is done by hand.

A total of 65 of these coins were made. One sold at auction in Chicago for $140,000.

Florin of Edward the Third

The specimen is the first florin made of gold. It weighs 9.96 grams, is made of pure gold, and is valued at 6 shillings. It was minted in 1343. Collectors call this coin the Double Leopard.

The coin does not have clear boundaries, since the edge had not yet begun to be made. The obverse depicts the figure of a king on a throne.

The coin is worth 6.8 million dollars. That's what they paid for it at the Spink auction. The world knows about only 3 such coins.

Plutonium, $4,000

Plutonium is considered one of the heaviest and most fragile radioactive metals. Externally it has a silvery-white tint. Currently, it is very actively used in the production of weapons, as well as fuel for nuclear reactors.

One day, an Italian physicist named Enrico, along with other university employees, discovered a strange element. It was then that plutonium was discovered. Afterwards he became known throughout the world.

Nowadays it is more than 80 years old. It is practically no longer found in nature, and if it can be found, it is in very small quantities. A tiny piece of the substance costs quite a lot.

Red beryl - $9,000 per gram

Red beryl was first described in 1904. It is so rare that it has only been found in a few places - Utah and New Mexico.

Red beryl also occurs in topaziferous rhyolites. They are obtained by crystallization under low pressure and high temperature from the pneumatolytic phase along cracks or inside the subsurface cavities of rhyolite. The crystal is slightly softer than diamond. Used to make jewelry.

Gold Dinar Hashimi

The coin was found in the Middle East. It was minted in 723, presumably for the pilgrimage of Caliph Umar ibn Abd Al-Aziz to Mecca.

The specimen is one of the most significant minted on the Arabian Peninsula and the rarest in the world. All inscriptions on it are made in Arabic.

At London auction in 2011, the lot reached $6 million, and it was originally priced 10 times cheaper. The expensive purchase was made by a private collector from Europe.

White truffles - $5 per gram

Truffles are an underground fungus that can usually be used in almost all types of food products. White truffles are rare—available only a couple of months a year, almost exclusively from one part of Italy.

White truffles have a unique smell - like a combination of musk, nuts and ozone. In December 2007, Macau casino owner Stanley Ho paid $330,000 for a 1.5-kilogram sample. In November 2010, he again paid $330,000 for a pair of white truffles (one weighing almost a kilogram).

Semi-Imperial 1895

Donative coin 5 rubles in gold. It was minted by the St. Petersburg Mint on the orders of Nicholas II. The obverse depicts the emperor himself in profile and has a circular inscription “B. M. NICHOLAY II EMPEROR AND AUTOCRET OF ALL RUSSIA”, and on the reverse – a double-headed eagle in a dotted rim – the coat of arms of the Russian Empire.

In 1895, 36 such coins were issued. The same amount was done next year. The diameter of the specimen is 22.4 mm, weight is 6.45 g, with 5.81 g being 900 pure gold.

The most expensive copy of this semi-imperial was sold in 2009 at the Russian Numismatic House auction. The cost of the coin was then $247,000, $17,000 more than the preliminary estimate.

Anna with a chain

Silver ruble 1730. The coin exists in a single copy. On the obverse is the profile of Anna Ioannovna, on the reverse - an eagle with a chain of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.

Currently, the unique coin is in a private collection. This is one of the most expensive Russian coins - it cost the owner approximately $244,000.

Dime 1792

Dimes are coins in denominations of 10 cents. Their release in the USA was approved by the Coinage Act in 1792, and minting began 4 years later and continued until 1837.

At that time, the coin consisted of almost 90% silver, and the rest of the composition was represented by copper - the admixture was necessary so that the nominal value of the monetary unit would not be less than its intrinsic value.

The very first dimes are the most valuable. The cost of one such coin is $1 million.

Saffron - $11 per gram

Saffron is not even close to being one of the rarest elements on Earth; however, it is featured on our list. The reason is that it grows in the middle of a crocus flower, which is an extremely labor-intensive crop. About one acre of purple crocus yields only one pound of saffron.

Saffron is widely used in Indian, European and Turkish cuisines. There is some evidence that saffron helps with depressive disorders. It may also help relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Tritium, $30,000

Tritium is one of the known isotopes of hydrogen. In nature, it can only be found in the upper layers of the atmosphere. In this case, it is formed only when particles of cosmic radiation collide with atomic nuclei.

But meeting him is unlikely. Most often, this substance is used to illuminate “Entrance” and “Exit” signs. It is also used by military and civilian forces when working with devices.

Since the substance is quite rare, its price is quite high. 1 gram of this substance costs 30 thousand dollars.

Rhino horn - $100 per gram

Rhino horns are made of keratin. This is a similar type of protein that makes up nails and hair. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is considered a life-saving medicine. Rumor has it that soaking up horn powder cured a Vietnamese politician's cancer, which somehow increased the demand for horns.

In the past, horns were used to combat fever and liver problems. In ancient Greece, it was believed that horns could purify water. They were also "fads" of high society in Europe during the late 19th and 20th centuries.

A delicacy more valuable than gold

For a very long time it was considered a purely Russian product. Tons of sturgeon and beluga black caviar were exported all over the world. Today, official international trade is allowed only for some countries, with Iran being the main exporter. International organizations made an exception for this country due to the severity of Iranian legislation against poaching and effective environmental measures in the country’s waters of the Caspian Sea.

It is the lack of state control over sturgeon fishing that is Russia’s main problem in this industry. Experts say that illegal procurement of black caviar reaches 90% of the domestic Russian turnover of this valuable product. The monopoly proclaimed by the state does not stop the barbaric destruction of valuable fish species. The risk of illegal producers is economically justified: for gourmets, black beluga caviar is the most expensive substance in the world. For a gram of this delicacy produced in Iran, you need to pay about $35.

Cocaine - $140 per gram

Cocaine is a powerful, addictive drug usually snorted or injected into a vein. It is produced from the leaves of the Erythroxylum coca plant, which commonly grows in the Andes region of South America.

Cocaine is often used to numb and reduce bleeding during nose surgery. However, non-prescribed consumption can lead to intense feelings of happiness, agitation, increased heart rate, high blood pressure and body temperature. It also increases the risk of stroke and sudden cardiac death.

Platinum - $28 per gram

Platinum is the least reactive metal and is highly resistant to corrosion even at high temperatures. It is usually found chemically uncombined as native platinum.

Like gold, platinum is used in jewelry and decoration. It is also used to produce catalytic converters, electrodes, platinum resistance thermometer, laboratory and dental equipment. Several platinum-containing compounds (eg, cisplatin and carboplatin) are used in chemotherapy to remove cancer.

Girls' best friends

The 12 most expensive substances in the world, in addition to unique skin care cream, include expensive delicacies, rare and precious metals. But most of the items on this list are gems.

Their amazing strength and austere beauty, which they acquire after processing, have long fascinated people. It is no coincidence that the most outstanding examples of stones, like people, received their own names, under which they remained in world history. In addition to traditional “pure water” diamonds, there are a number of rare colored minerals, which, after cutting, became unique jewelry and acquired the highest value.


Many people compare Turkish gold with European gold. It looks gorgeous at a relatively low cost. But there is a nuance here. Firstly, gold is not mined in Turkey. Local jewelers only make amazingly beautiful jewelry from precious metal. Secondly, the alloy of Turkish jewelry is not of high quality. Craftsmen add only copper to natural metal, ignoring silver. Their final product is a beautiful yellow hue, but it is lighter than its Russian and European counterparts. Such gold is susceptible to weathering; it quickly begins to fade, losing its “presentable” appearance.

Where is gold cheaper: in Turkey or OJSC? 1 gram of precious metal in Turkey costs from 7 to 12 dollars. Therefore, gold jewelry will be cheaper there. But their quality is inferior to Dubai jewelry.

Lysergic acid diethylamide - $2,500 per gram

Lysergic acid diethylamide (commonly known as LSD) is a semi-synthetic drug derived from an inorganic chemical called diethylamide, a fungus that grows on certain grains and ergots. It is sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, chlorine and oxygen.

The effects of LSD are unpredictable. The user may experience changes in mood, different emotions, and visual hallucinations. Physical effects include weakness, hypothermia, insomnia, tremors, goosebumps, increased heart rate and blood sugar levels.

The most expensive engagement ring

The best holiday in a woman’s life is impossible without the main wedding attribute – a wedding ring. The men managed to make their wedding day even happier by presenting their future wives with unique jewelry that amazes with its beauty and value.

Jennifer Lopez ring

Jennifer Lopez's ex-husband, Marc Anthony, testified his love with a jewel encrusted with a blue diamond worth $4 million (RUB 255,058,000).

This beauty was created by celebrity designer Neil Lane

Grace Kelly ring

Prince Rainier 3rd gave Grace Kelly a ring with an emerald-cut diamond from Cartier weighing 10.47 carats and worth $4.6 million (RUB 293,316,700).

Wedding ring made of white gold

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