Rhodium plating of jewelry: what is it, where can it be done, what is the cost of the service?

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Rhodium plating of jewelry. Silver, gold, platinum and even base metals are processed in this way. A thin layer of rhodium (0.2 microns) is applied to the surface using the galvanic method. You can coat the surface of an old piece or a brand new one to provide a glossy shine and shine.

Rhodium belongs to the noble metals of the platinum group. It has many useful properties that are important in jewelry. The metal does not darken over time. A ring, earrings or bracelets acquire a radiant shine. Contact 6 Micron employees to order galvanic processing of your jewelry.

Rhodium and rhodium plating

What is rhodium plating? Rhodium is a platinum group metal. It is its most expensive representative, as it has a number of features that elevate it above the rest.

Firstly, the metal has a bright white color in the literal sense of the word; rhodium seems to shine with its whiteness.

Another feature of rhodium is that it does not react with alkalis, acids, sulfur, etc. Rhodium is not used as an independent element, however, it has become widely known in jewelry.

The metal is plated over other white precious metals, particularly silver and white gold, to protect against damage and oxidation.

Rhodium plating of jewelry is coating the jewelry itself with a thin layer of metal. The minimum coverage is 0.1 micrometers, the maximum is 25 micrometers.

Products made of white gold are mainly coated, since the metal provides reliable protection for the product, and also makes it sparkle and shimmer in the sun.

This is especially beneficial for entrepreneurs involved in the jewelry business, because rhodium-plated products look much more presentable.

Silver metal is also plated with rhodium, but this happens rarely, mostly these are some kind of collectibles or family heirlooms.

This is due to the fact that rhodium is more expensive than gold itself, so there is a significant premium on the cost of a silver product, which is often chosen because of its inexpensive cost.

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Is it difficult to care for such jewelry?

No, it's not difficult. Rhodium plated silver, like jewelry made from any metal, requires proper care. For example, try to avoid going into a hot bath or sauna without removing your jewelry.

You should also not exercise while wearing jewelry. Although the rhodium layer is durable, active sports and intense physical activity will clearly not benefit the jewelry.

Rhodium plated silver does not like alcohol-containing liquids. Therefore, try to put on jewelry after using perfumes or lotions on dry skin. Rhodium-plated silver also does not like household chemicals - rhodium can begin to peel off from frequent and prolonged contact with chemicals. However, chemical exposure is also harmful to other metals.

Try not to use ammonia or clean jewelry mechanically (with a brush, for example). The easiest and most effective way to clean rhodium-plated silver is with warm water and a soft cloth to wipe dry. Or use special wipes for cleaning jewelry.

Rhodium plating process

From a scientific point of view, the rhodium plating process is nothing more than a galvanic process. The container contains the liquid needed to deposit the necessary salts on the metal that needs coating.

The liquid must be negatively charged, while the product is positively charged. Next, an electric current is passed through the liquid, which sets the atom in motion. Under its pressure, the minus is attracted to the plus, and the desired product is coated with rhodium.

This process requires salts that dissolve the precious metal in water, but to facilitate the work during rhodium plating, ready-made material has long been produced: a concentrated solution of rhodium sulfate. The solution must be mixed in the required proportion with water and the galvanic process can begin.

Previously reported on the performance of rhodium plating, this is important information to ensure that the jewelry lasts as long as possible. If you increase the value to more than 25 micrometers, then rhodium can play a cruel joke, and the coated product will become covered with microcracks.

Application options

You can order dipped rhodium plating. We do not perform selective rhodium plating. With immersion technology, the entire surface of the product is covered. The decoration acquires the following properties:

  • high strength;
  • glossy surface with a cool shine and high reflectivity;
  • reliable protection against corrosion;
  • no effect of metal oxidation.

A similar effect is achievable using standard technology for processing precious metals. As a dark color option we offer black ruthenium coating. Modern stylish jewelry for men and women is often processed in this way.

Advantages of rhodium coating

Rhodium-plated products have several significant advantages, some of which have already been mentioned earlier:

  1. Attractive view. A product plated with rhodium has a bright shine, which adds luxury and high cost.

  2. Protection from damage.
  3. Extending the original appearance of a piece of jewelry.
  4. Protection against allergic reactions: Some people tend to suffer from allergies when the skin comes into contact with precious alloys, however, rhodium performs a protective function in this case.

How to choose?

It's easy to choose. The most important thing is not to confuse rhodium-plated silver with regular silver. They are visually different. Rhodium-plated silver is practically indistinguishable from white gold. At the same time, the price of such decoration will, of course, be less. If in doubt, you can always check with your sales consultant.

Where can I buy?

In the Rossyuvelirtorg online store you can always choose and purchase your favorite silver jewelry. We offer delivery of your purchase to any point in Russia, Kazakhstan and the CIS.

Disadvantages of rhodium coating

If there are advantages, then there are always disadvantages; rhodium coating also has them:

  1. Fragility: This is a natural aspect, as sooner or later the rhodium will wear off from the jewelry. This process begins after five years of wearing the jewelry. The durability of the rhodium-plated coating depends on the indicator, as well as the frequency of wearing the jewelry;
  2. Increased cost. A rhodium plated product is more expensive because a platinum group metal was used and additional work was done to process the product.

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Processing cost

The cost for rhodium plating a ring is determined based on the following factors:

  • product size;
  • composition of the starting material.

All jewelry undergoes final processing to increase the level of wear resistance, add shine and gloss. Some large workshops and factories for the production of jewelry have their own galvanic baths, but large enterprises will not undertake the processing of one or two products; it is easier to contact “6 Micron”, study the company’s services, and fill out an application.

Rhodium plating in Moscow is carried out using new technologies on modern equipment. Cooperation is carried out on a contractual basis, the responsibilities of the parties are stated in an official document. Regular customers receive numerous bonuses. The timing of the order depends on the current workload of the enterprise, the volume of work, and complexity.

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Representatives develop and sell consumables for processing jewelry. They produce different electrolyte compositions containing rhodium salts that are suitable for galvanic rhodium plating. Scientific activities are carried out constantly, the quality of services is improved.

The price for rhodium plating is set at a low level; related services are paid separately. You can order the development of technology according to existing conditions and use it in production. The company's specialists provide training in galvanizing, rhodium plating and coatings in general. You will be able to establish the process of high-quality electroplating on jewelry.

The company's employees guarantee the fulfillment of all obligations and the durability of the coating applied by rhodium plating. Visit the office of the research and production association or call a technologist to ask any remaining questions and fill out an application.

Rhodium plating examples:

Rhodium plating

Restoration of rhodium plated silver on a chain. Coating thickness - 0.2 microns, cost of work - 1500 rubles (additional treatments included).

If you have questions about the application of rhodium and the sale of working electrolyte, we will be happy to answer you by email or phone.

Gordienko Anastasia Vadimovna Author of the materials Position: chief technologist of 6 Micron LLC Education: higher Experience in galvanizing: 11 years

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Cost of rhodium plating

Most jewelry workshops have included rhodium plating in their services.

In general, services throughout the country range from 800 to 2000 rubles. This is primarily due to the coverage area, so a pendant can cost much less than earrings.

Also, the price depends on the volume of coating; the thicker the rhodium layer, the more expensive the fee charged for the work performed.

Rhodium plating of silver is also possible in many workshops, the price for this service is negotiable, the master individually calculates the cost, and bargaining is also possible.

Rhodium plating of jewelry is an excellent solution for extending the presentable appearance of your jewelry. They will shimmer in the sun, play beautifully with light, and also retain their original appearance for many years.

If you have been thinking about purchasing jewelry for yourself or as a gift, then you should think about purchasing one with rhodium plating.

Features of the technological process

Rhodium plating of jewelry is carried out using the galvanic method. The product connected to the cathode is immersed in a special bath connected to the anodes. A liquid containing rhodium salts is poured into the tank. The research and production enterprise has developed its own compositions for processing. Before starting work, explain to the company employees what effect you want to achieve. They will select the electrolyte to achieve specific goals. As current passes, metal atoms settle on the surface of the jewelry.

Black ruthenation of silver is a popular technology. This approach is relevant today. Selective coating with black ruthenium is not possible.

Prices (approximate) for rhodium plating:

Name of servicePrice
Technical rhodium plating from 1 micron (matte)from 100 rub/sq.cm
Decorative rhodium plating 0.2 microns (shiny)from 500 rub/product
Restoration of rhodium plating on a ring (precious metal)from 1000 rub
Restoration of rhodium plating on costume jewelryfrom 1000 rub
Restoration of rhodium plating on a chainfrom 1000 rub

Rhodium plating of gold and silver. Process Features

Rhodium is a metal of the platinum group, its brightest representative. “Bright” is used in the literal sense. The element shines like no other. The glow is cold, because the metal number 45 in the periodic table is white.

Rhodium is precious, does not oxidize, does not react with acids, alkalis, fluorine, sulfur, or chlorine. In jewelry, the element is used as an alloy for some alloys. But the main mission of rhodium is to coat jewelry.

What is rhodium plating

What is rhodium plating for jewelry ? This is covering them with a thin layer of metal. The spray thickness should not exceed 25 micrometers. The minimum value is 0.1 micrometer.

Any metal can be coated with rhodium, but this is not always practical, because the 45th element is more expensive than gold. Even in minimal doses, spraying only on precious items is economically justified. Rhodium plating is used on , white gold, platinum and other valuable white alloys.

Why cover white with white? There are two reasons. First of all, nothing compares to the shine of rhodium. Neither silver, nor gold, nor platinum shines like that. To make the decoration sparkle and attract buyers, it is “hidden” under element No. 45. Rhodium not only has more shine than other precious metals, but also durability. The coating protects products from scratches and other damage. This is the second reason to use rhodium plating .

The rhodium plating process and its features

What does rhodium plating mean from a physico-chemical point of view? The answer is the standard galvanizing process. In the school curriculum, the method is studied in the 6th grade. In Soviet times, the topic was always accompanied by visual experience. A copper coin was lowered into the galvanic bath. In a matter of seconds, the coin was covered with a white coating. It was not rhodium, but base metals. But the point is the same.

Liquid is poured into the container. It will act as a conductor for metal salts deposited on the product. In the work process, it is called cooking. It is negatively charged, and the particles of the deposited element are positively charged. When an electric current is passed through a liquid, the minus is attracted to the plus. As a result, the workpiece (anode) disappears under the coating layer (cathode).

The procedure requires water-soluble salts of the precious metal, but they are difficult to obtain. We need complex instruments and installations. Entrepreneurs took this into account and began to produce a ready-made composition - a concentrated solution of rhodium sulfate. To obtain a ready-made electrolyte, you only need to dilute the purchase in the required proportions with water.

Electroplated rhodium has a hardness of 900 kgf (kilogram-force) per square millimeter. The light reflectance is approximately 79%. The indicator is inferior to the reflectivity of silver. However, argentum fades over time. Rhodium shines equally strongly for decades.

It is no coincidence that the limits for the thickness of the rhodium coating are set. With an impressive layer width, element No. 45 is prone to internal stress. Its formation leads to the appearance of pores and microcracks in the material. In this case, the reason for rhodium plating of products loses its relevance.

Application of rhodium plating

In jewelry, the method is justified in several cases. The first of these is gold rhodium plating . What it is from a physicochemical point of view is clear. But what is this from an aesthetic point of view? The yellow metal is whitened with a ligature of silver, palladium, and nickel.

However, the final color of the alloy is far from perfect. It either remains slightly yellowish or becomes grayish. Another problem is the dullness of true white gold. Coverage required . Rhodium plating makes the products perfectly white. The latest trend is the lack of pre-bleaching of gold. The 45th element is simply sprayed onto it. The microlayer reliably hides the yellowness of the base.

White gold rhodium plating is the most widely used. They rarely work with silver. Spraying greatly increases the price of jewelry, which many people choose precisely because of its affordable price. However, elite silver models are rhodium plated. This relieves the base metal from darkening associated with the appearance of an oxide film on the surface of the product. Silver stops aging, does not require cleaning, and shines like a star in the sky.

In jewelry, jewelers like to combine diamonds with rhodium plating . That few people know this. Meanwhile, everything is simple—element No. 45 is used to cover models with diamonds. The stone often has cold shades - white, blue, pink. The radiance of such crystals is hidden against the background of yellow metal.

Meanwhile, white alloys highlight the natural play of light in diamonds. If, at the same time, the metal itself also has strong reflective properties, the irradiation of the diamond increases exponentially. Even a stone of poor purity seems perfectly transparent and sparkling.

The rhodium plated diamond ring is increasingly becoming the choice for an engagement or wedding ceremony. Lovers rely not only on the shine of their jewelry, but also on the fact that rhodium-plated jewelry will last longer. This is especially important for engagement rings that are worn for life.

It is worth noting that rhodium plating has found application outside of jewelry. For example, precious metal is implanted onto electrical contacts that operate at low voltages and low currents. This is due to the low electrical resistance of element No. 45.

Rhodium plating price

Prices for are set in most jewelry workshops. Only about 20% of them do not provide the service. In the rest, they charge about 800 rubles for covering the ring. This is the price tag for a medium sized product. It costs the same to spray a precious element onto a pendant. Rhodium plating of earrings will cost from 800 rubles to 2000 rubles. For chains, the price is usually negotiable. It all depends on the size of the decoration, weight, and type of weaving.

Caring for rhodium plated silver items

Rhodium plating, despite its high protective properties, also becomes dirty over time and requires proper care in the form of regular cleaning, although much less often than conventional silver alloys. The requirements for wearing such jewelry are also identical:

  • Do not wear the product during excessive physical activity;
  • Do not wear a rhodium-plated product in a swimming pool, bathhouse, or sauna;
  • After applying care products, wait until they are completely absorbed before hanging the chain or bracelet;
  • Store jewelry in a separate dry case;
  • Clean products as they become dirty, and do not be lazy to carry out preventive maintenance from time to time;
  • It is not recommended to use abrasive products for cleaning - tooth powder, baking soda, as they scratch the coating;
  • The ideal solution for washing such products is warm water with the addition of a small amount of laundry soap or dishwashing detergent.

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Over time, the rhodium plating begins to wear off. But it can be replaced in a jewelry workshop. The master will remove the old layer and apply a new one, which will again make the product smooth and shiny.

Rhodium plating technology was invented to extend the life of silver jewelry. Therefore, when purchasing, you need to take into account that the cost of applying rhodium is already included in the final price of the product. Sometimes it is more profitable to purchase ordinary silver and take it separately to a workshop to apply a layer of rhodium.

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