The silver ring on my finger turned black due to what disease?

Ancient people credited silver with the ability to purify everything the material touched. White metal was the personification of pristine, undefiled beauty, virginity, and purity. Therefore, church attributes were made from it: crosses, frames, bowls, etc.

Many women prefer jewelry made from silver to jewelry and costume jewelry made from other materials. But sometimes the surface of your favorite thing suddenly darkens. Magicians and scientists know why a silver ring on a finger turns black. If the silver is darkening on you, listen to the opinions of both.

Why does silver on the body turn black: the main reasons

There are several very real reasons why silver on your body can turn black. This can be either the impact of external or internal factors.

The unpleasant grayish-black tint on silver jewelry occurs due to high environmental humidity. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear silver in the sauna or swimming pool. Air can also cause blackening on silver earrings, rings or chains. This is especially true for megacities. In large cities, the air is more polluted by exhaust gases, industrial emissions, etc. Over the years, all this leads to metal corrosion and the formation of patina.

We looked at the external reasons why silver on the human body turns black, but there are also internal ones.

Why does silver darken on the body?

Internal factors of silver blackening are associated with human health and activity. So, when playing sports, both men and women produce a large amount of sweat, which, when in contact with metal, leads to the formation of a dark coating.

And some internal health problems can also affect the appearance of a dark coating on the noble metal. Especially, you should pay attention to your health if the silver chain darkens very quickly. This is due to the fact that in some diseases sweating increases and the composition of sweat changes, which causes the metal to oxidize faster when it comes into contact with the skin and, accordingly, develop an unpleasant yellowish-gray coating.

The “Save and Save” ring burst, good or bad

The Christian faith came to Rus' to replace paganism. No matter how hard the Church tried to get rid of pagan signs and rituals, faith in some was still firmly entrenched among the people.

For example, no matter how much the clergy repeat that nothing bad awaits the owner of a broken ring, there is an opinion among the people that this is unfortunate. At the same time, it is worth noting that people have found a way out of this situation. It is believed that a broken ring wards off bad luck from its owner. In this way, the man bought off the grief that awaited him with his property.

Reasons why a silver chain turns black

A silver chain is a popular accessory that is constantly in contact with the skin when worn. That’s why silver chains become covered with a black coating faster than other jewelry.

We have looked at the general reasons why silver turns black when worn. Now I would like to dwell in more detail on why a silver chain on a person’s skin turns black so quickly.

Low quality decoration

The quality of decoration is perhaps one of the most important factors in this matter. Silver jewelry is never made from pure metal, only from alloys. Since it is physically impossible to make jewelry from silver alone, it is very malleable. To give shape and hardness, various metals, most often copper, are added to silver.

So, if there is too much copper in the composition of silver, then such a product will turn black very quickly, and it will hardly be possible to return the original shine. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the sample of jewelry, and choose chains, earrings or rings only of the best samples - 925 or 960.

Such jewelry does not darken longer, and if a black coating appears, it can be removed with home remedies.

Change in health status

Silver turns black on the body not only for external reasons, as we have already said, but also for internal ones. There is a theory that health problems can affect the color of silver, making it darker. So, if the chain suddenly becomes covered with patina, this may be evidence of some internal diseases:

  • Hormonal imbalances. First of all, hormonal imbalance affects the intensity of sweating, which, in turn, leads to rapid blackening of the chain. If you notice this, check your endocrine system. But we would like to remind you that hormonal levels also change during pregnancy. Therefore, a dark coating on a chain can become a signal to a woman about her “new position.”
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, gall bladder. If there are any “inaccuracies” in the work of these organs, this affects the entire body. If there are malfunctions in the functioning of the internal organs, the chain can suddenly darken; literally it was shining in the morning, and by the evening it was already covered with blackness. If you notice this, there is only one piece of advice - take care of your health.

Environmental influence

Constantly wearing silver on the street, in the gym, or at home will affect its appearance. So, if you are going to the pool or lake, it is better to leave silver jewelry at home. As a last resort, remove before swimming. High temperatures, a humid environment, and even chlorine and other substances in pools will negatively affect the metallic luster of silver.

Air pollution also affects how quickly silver blackens. The dirtier the environment, the faster the oxidation process will occur, and vice versa.

Unfortunately, this is a natural process, and we cannot prevent it in any way. But if you properly care for your silver, clean it on time and store it properly, you can maintain its radiant appearance for many years.

Signs about darkened silver

Since ancient times, silver has been considered a magical metal. It has always been credited with miraculous and healing properties, endowed with magic and believed that silver can predict and treat diseases, relieve evil spirits and other misfortunes. And, of course, if the silver changed its color, it was immediately given its own explanation, which depended on everything - the gender of the person, where the jewelry was worn and what kind of jewelry it was.

On the limbs

In ancient times, rings were not just symbolic, but were amulets. They were given great importance. So, for example, if a girl’s silver ring turns black, it means she has troubles in matters of the heart or even the crown of celibacy. If a man’s ring turned black, it meant that he was under the power of a love spell, or someone wanted him to be a bachelor forever.

On the neck

A blackened silver chain around the neck foreshadowed the evil eye or damage for its owner. If a silver chain with a cross on it has darkened around the child’s neck, this is a sign of evil spirits. It is urgent to go to church and consecrate the chain in order to protect the child from evil forces.

On the chest

Silver, as the ancients believed, could “absorb” everything bad, thereby protecting its owner. Therefore, if a silver cross darkened on the chest, it was believed that the evil eye or damage was cast on its owner. In such cases, they also went to church to bless the cross and pray.

In addition, people used to believe that if silver or cutlery turned black in the house, it meant that there were unclean spirits that needed to be driven out. To do this, you need to go to church and sprinkle the rooms with holy water.

Nowadays, few people believe in these signs, preferring to deal with tarnished silver objects on their own using practical methods.

if it bursts, cracks, gets lost - Useful materials on the corporate website “Russian Gems”

The “Save and Preserve” ring is considered a strong amulet; religious people treat it with great respect. It is believed that the amulet ring can protect the owner from evil and bad influence, and guide him on the true path - it reminds him of the importance of a righteous life and daily prayers. Any incident with a religious ring is considered a sign - there are signs in case the “Save and Preserve” ring bursts, gets lost or cracks. We have collected common signs about this ring in one article.

The “Save and Preserve” ring is cracked

According to popular belief, an Orthodox ring cracks when someone tries to put the evil eye on its owner. The product takes on negative energy, so it is not possible to jinx a person. It is worth taking a closer look at the people who surround you - among them there is an envious person, an ill-wisher. The ring needs to be replaced, because due to a crack its integrity is compromised and the amulet stops working at full strength.

The “Save and Save” ring burst or broke

The amulet ring performs a protective function and stands in the way of any negativity directed at the owner. When a product bursts or breaks literally out of the blue, this can only mean one thing - it took the blow. Under the influence of negative energy, the jewelry may be destroyed completely or partially; in any case, it should be replaced with a new one - a broken ring cannot continue to be a reliable protection.

If the “Save and Preserve” ring, which was used as an engagement ring, is damaged, this may be a sign of a spouse’s betrayal or damage to the family. Turn to the Lord with a request for protection, light candles in the temple for the health and well-being of the family, consult with the priest - he will tell you how to act correctly in this situation.

The “Save and Preserve” ring has turned black

If the jewelry is silver, then blackening is normal, because the metal gradually oxidizes. It is bad if a product made of another metal darkens or a silver ring turns black too sharply and strongly - this may indicate an imminent deterioration in health. It is worth undergoing an unscheduled medical examination, dealing with health problems that have been put off for later, and treating yourself more carefully. Clean the ring from blackness and consecrate it again in the church.

If you lost the ring “Save and Preserve”

The sign says that losing a ring is a lucky escape from sudden death. Superstitious people believe that instead of the person, the amulet ring dies (disappears) - it becomes a victim, protecting its owner. If your Orthodox ring suddenly disappears, do not despair - thank the Lord for his protection and buy yourself a new ring.

If you found the “Save and Preserve” ring

Magicians and sorcerers often use jewelry in their deeds - they cast spells on rings, cast a spell, or use them to cast spells. There are cases when a disease is transferred to a ring (or other jewelry) - one person is relieved of the illness, but another person falls ill - the one who picks up and wears the found ring.

If you unexpectedly see a ring with the engraving “Save and Preserve” on the street or in another place, this may mean:

  • for unmarried people - there will soon be a chance to start a family;
  • for those who are already in a marital relationship - to join the family;
  • a general sign - finding a ring-amulet is sure to bring happiness and success in your endeavors;
  • a gold ring portends good luck in the financial sphere, promotion at work is possible;
  • finding a silver item means success and improved family relationships.

But do not rush to rejoice at a valuable find, even if the ring in front of you is made of pure gold. Remember that amulets rings are capable of absorbing energy - they can take an energy blow directed at the owner. Perhaps something similar happened to this ring - the product could have absorbed a lot of negative energy before it was lost. If you pick up such jewelry, you risk taking away all the negativity. You should not put the ring on your finger or give it to other people.

  • The most “dangerous” places for rings found are: intersections, uncrowded streets, house thresholds.
  • Conditionally “safe” areas: public places - supermarkets, libraries, parks, beaches.

If it is impossible to refuse the find

When you really want to take a ring you saw on the street or you have already taken it, be careful with it. It is best to take the find not with your bare hands, but with a piece of cloth or a regular paper napkin - try not to come into contact with the product until you have cleared it of accumulated energy. Do not try it on, do not let your friends and family try it on - do not forget that the ring may be charged with negativity.

It is best to melt down the found jewelry and be sure to clean it with holy water; you can take it to church for consecration. However, it is worth once again weighing the pros and cons before taking the found product - such finds always influence the life of their new owner, and this influence can be unpredictable.

If the ring is lost and quickly found

It is believed that when an Orthodox ring is lost and quickly found, its owner manages to avoid some kind of trouble. This is not about damage or the evil eye - after such a negative influence, the product may crack, break or disappear forever. This refers to minor troubles that are not capable of causing serious damage to health and life, but can cause a lot of trouble.

If your silver ring with Orthodox engraving was lost and found again, turn to the Lord with a prayer of gratitude. From now on, be more attentive to your amulet ring and do not forget to thank the Higher Powers for your protection.

Other signs about silver rings “Save and Preserve”

  • You cannot give your personal amulet ring to other people, even very close ones. Together with such a gift, you can give away your destiny, luck and prosperity. If someone gives you a ring and it’s impossible to refuse, don’t put it on right away - hold the item over a candle flame or put it in a container of holy water for a day to cleanse it of other people’s energy.
  • If the ring is used as an engagement or wedding ring, and it suddenly slips off the finger, this indicates the partner’s insincerity. Deception, treason, betrayal are possible.
  • You should not give religious rings on holidays such as New Year and birthday - this will lead to tears, disappointments and separations. It is better to choose another holiday for giving a gift - christening, angel's day, or give an amulet ring for no reason.
  • The “Save and Preserve” ring accidentally fell - expect sad news.
  • The wedding ring “Save and Preserve” breaks - the family faces a difficult period in life. Quarrels, misunderstandings, and financial difficulties are possible. A married couple should be patient and treat each other with understanding - only love and mutual respect will help them get through difficult times.

How to wear the “Save and Preserve” ring correctly

There is no strict rule about where to wear an Orthodox ring. However, believers try to put it on their right hand - the one with which they make the sign of the cross. If for some reason you cannot wear the product on your finger, you can put it on a chain or neck cord.

If the Save and Preserve ring is taken to a jeweler for any alteration (for example, increasing or decreasing the size), it must be re-consecrated. It is believed that any interference with the design of the ring deprives it of the protective properties acquired during the rite of consecration.

According to church canons, the ring must be silver and must be consecrated - if the jewelry was not purchased in the church, it must be taken to the temple and asked to be consecrated. The priest will read prayers over the silver item and sprinkle it with holy water. The ring should not contain any decor or inscriptions other than “Save and Preserve.” The jewelry must be worn so that the inscription is visible (the exception is the case when the ring has internal engraving).

Ways to clean a silver chain when it has turned black

There are many reasons why silver on the human body turns black. And, unfortunately, no one can avoid darkening of the metal. But you can prevent too severe tarnishing simply by regularly cleaning your silver with available products.


Lipstick is a gentle remedy for removing yellowish, recently appeared plaque. Coat the product with lipstick and scrub thoroughly with a sponge or soft brush. And then wash off the remaining lipstick. The result is a clean, shiny piece of jewelry.


The classic way to clean silver. Effectively cleans tarnished silver, gives it shine and does not require much effort. The procedure is the same as with lipstick: rub, rinse, dry.

Egg yolk

Not the most standard method for cleaning tarnished silver, but it works. It was used even before the advent of lipsticks and toothpastes.


  • Separate the yolk from the white;
  • Soak a cotton pad or napkin in egg yolk;
  • Apply a thick layer to the decoration and leave until completely dry;
  • Then rinse under high pressure water and polish until shiny.


Let's start right away with a warning: do not use dry soda! Baking soda is an abrasive agent, and in the form of a dry powder it can damage the entire surface of silver jewelry. Therefore, for cleaning we use only either in the form of a slurry (soda + water), or dissolve it in water in advance.

  • Dissolve baking soda in hot water (50 g / 1 l) and dip the silver in it, after wrapping it in foil. Leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse and dry.
  • Prepare a paste (soda + water). Spread the resulting mixture onto the product and massage gently. Rinse everything off with water and wipe with a napkin.


A good way to get rid of blackness and restore the long-awaited shine to jewelry.

Pour water into a small container and add a little ammonia. Soak silverware and jewelry in the solution for 10-20 minutes. And then rinse and dry.

How to care for silver

Sooner or later, a dark coating will appear on silver; this cannot be avoided. But in order for silver to please you longer with its shine and silvery color, you need to properly care for it.

  • Clean. Regularly. By soft means. Use the methods listed above to cleanse blackheads and clean at least once a month.
  • Do not wear silver jewelry if you go to the sauna, pool or go to the sea.
  • Store silver separately from other jewelry and metals, and away from food, household chemicals and cosmetics.
  • Use a separate box or casket with soft upholstery to store silver items. Place them so that the decorations do not touch each other as much as possible. This will protect them from accidental scratches or even chips.

“Save and Save” wedding rings, can “Save and Save” rings be wedding rings?

Despite all superstitions, neither the church nor government agencies can require a certain type of ring. Because there are no standards. therefore, you can safely choose the “Save and Preserve” ring as an engagement ring.

People believe that “Save and Preserve” rings can help protect a young family from evil tongues and help overcome all difficulties.

According to signs, a damaged ring is a harbinger of imminent failure. Therefore, it is recommended to replace it, but you should behave quite carefully in the near future. As for wedding rings, it is recommended to change both. Even if only one was damaged. You should not throw away rings or perform dubious rituals. It is enough to give them to church, or donate them to charity (if the rings are made of precious metal).

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