958 gold: characteristics, decoration, application

Gold products of 958 standard are not very popular in the post-Soviet space; their popularity has largely come from their use in wedding traditions, such as wedding rings. But why is this test not so common?

Based on the indicator of the sample itself, the figure 958, the composition of pure gold in this version is 95.8 percent. People often used the names of the 96th sample. In the carat system it is equal to 23 carats. A characteristic feature of the sample is its color scheme - a bright yellow color, “red” as jewelers often say. The reason for its rare use is the softness of the metal itself, and since there is a significant amount of it in the sample, all products made from this gold are very soft, unstable to mechanical damage and quickly lose their color. But it has a high price category, and besides, they are usually produced in a weight that is not small as for jewelry.

958 gold standard is more widely used in the East. Chinese and Taiwanese jewelry makers often like to use it for local types of jewelry.

What kind of test is this?

One hundred percent gold is never used in jewelry. This is due to its basic properties: it does not oxidize and has a high degree of plasticity. It is very easy to scratch or bend, so in production they use the addition of other metals, called an alloy. They increase the strength of products to mechanical stress and reduce the melting point.

Composition and properties

The 958 sample contains 95.8% gold. Let us list the possible composition of the ligature, the share of which remains 4.2%:

  • silver - from 1.7 to 2.3%;
  • copper – from 1.2% to 2.4.

The composition may also contain other elements in trace amounts:

  • iron – 0.08%;
  • lead – 0.003%;
  • antimony – 0.003%.

The physical properties of 958 sample are as close as possible to the characteristics of pure metal. Density is 18.52 g. per cubic cm, melting point - 1025 degrees Celsius.


Products with the 958 brand do not corrode and do not cause allergies. However, the degree of strength leaves much to be desired. The high plasticity of the material leads to the fact that jewelry quickly loses its presentable appearance. Scratches appear on the surface and the polishing layer is erased. A little physical force is enough to bend or break something.

Alloy shade chart

A high-grade alloy can only have a natural yellow color, since the proportion of alloy is so small that it does not affect the color. Items with less precious metal can be in the following shades:

Color750 (75% Au)585 (58.5% Au)
Silver (%)Copper(%)Silver (%)Copper(%)

To create a white tint, nickel, zinc or palladium can be added to the ligature.


The stamp carries information about the amount of gold in the product and confirms authenticity. It usually consists of a number and an image. In Russia they use a picture in the form of a female profile. Another design may indicate that the item was made abroad or in the USSR.

For example, jewelers from Kazakhstan use the image of a lion’s head as a brand, Kyrgyzstan – the sun, Ukraine – a trident. On valuables produced in the Soviet Union, we can easily find a star with a hammer and sickle. The next number indicates the gold content in the alloy, in our case it is 958.

How many carats are in this sample?

If in the Russian Empire a spool-type grading system was used, then the Soviet government switched to the more common metric one. In Europe and the USA, the carat measurement has been adopted. I will give the correspondence of the alloy to the indicated systems:

95892 spools23 carats

How to clean 958 gold

It's quite expensive to regularly take your jewelry out for cleaning, so there are a few home remedies you can use to get your jewelry back to its previous condition.

The first rule is to never use a rough cloth for polishing. Since 958 gold is quite soft, it is easily exposed to external influences and deformation, and scratches may appear.

For the first method of cleaning the product, you will need a glass of water and two tablespoons of sugar. A strong sugar solution is made in which the decoration remains overnight. The next morning, take out the product and polish it with a soft suede cloth. Since the 958 sample is quite resistant to chemical attack, you can use salt instead of sugar, and the solution will become more aggressive, although the result in both cases is the same.

The second method requires baking soda and foil. Pour baking soda into foil and place decorations there. Place the lump and foil in a glass and pour boiling water over it. Keep it there for no more than 30 minutes, remove the products from the foil and polish them. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

Areas of application of this alloy

The high degree of ductility limits the use of the alloy for jewelry. The purpose of grade 958 according to GOST is the production of wedding rings. They were popular in the USSR - massive, large: more than 2 mm thick and 4 mm high.

Now such rings are not produced for mass sale; they can only be made to order. In eastern countries, India, China, this brand is more popular.

958 standard is used to make gold leaf, which is a plate no more than 2 microns thick. It is used to cover various things, which after processing become luxury items. The master chooses places that are less exposed to mechanical stress, otherwise the treated surface will quickly lose its presentable appearance.

How to check authenticity yourself

Like other samples, the mark on the product will help you distinguish 958 gold from others. The stamp must contain a special design indicating the country in which the jewelry was made. There is also a sample of the alloy there. Also an indicator and grant of quality is a special brand name of the manufacturer. On jewelry it can be found on the inside or on the will of the stamp.

People with excellent hearing can distinguish gold by sound. However, be careful when throwing the product, as it may become deformed.

The most accurate and effective way is an electronic device that measures the alloy sample. Of course, the device is not cheap, but it will help you accurately determine the sample and know that you have not purchased a fake.

The color of the product can also help determine the sample. Jewelry made from 958 standard is distinguished by its bright color and shine. They can be seen from afar.

Advantages and disadvantages

The limited use of the alloy is due to its physical properties and cost:

  • high price;
  • Only massive decorations are possible, otherwise it will be too fragile;
  • rapid appearance of scratches and abrasions;
  • Not recommended for everyday wear.

The high cost is explained not only by the expensive material, but also by their massiveness - their weight is usually greater than that of analogues of other types.

Despite all its shortcomings, this sample continues to be used in jewelry to create custom items. What attracts people:

  • prestige;
  • products of the 958 brand do not oxidize and do not cause allergies;
  • the color is close to natural golden shine;
  • The relevance of investing in precious things is actively manifesting itself after financial crises in the country and the world.

How much does 1 gram of gold of this standard cost in rubles today?

The cost of a gram of precious metal with the hallmark 958 has a fixed value determined by the Central Bank. By the way, here is the price today:

Price 999 standard according to the Central BankMarket value of the sample todayScrap pricePrice in jewelry

What does the price consist of?

The cost of precious items depends on the price of pure gold, which is regulated by the Central Bank. This value must be multiplied by 0.958 - this is how much the material will cost.

The second component of the price is payment for the intellectual and physical labor of the jeweler. Therefore, the final cost may significantly exceed the nominal value.

Recommendations for care and cleaning

Products with the 958 brand are not recommended for constant wear. Here's how to keep their shine and polished surface longer:

  • when bathing, applying cream and physical work, it is better to remove precious items;
  • regular washing with soapy water will remove light stains and avoid the need to use more aggressive cleaning agents;
  • For washing, use only soft cloth;
  • Do not clean jewelry with a toothbrush and toothpaste - they will 100% leave scratches;
  • Precious items should be stored separately from each other, for example, in fabric bags.

Does gold darken?

Gold in its pure form does not change color. But jewelry often darkens and becomes stained, the reason lies in the use of household chemicals and cosmetics. High-grade jewelry practically does not turn black due to the minimal amount of ligature.

Why do gold items turn my fingers black?

Let's look at the main reasons for darkening the skin due to the use of jewelry:

  1. Poor quality impurities.
  2. New jewelry may be coated with polishing paste, which will quickly rub off and the problem will go away.
  3. Cosmetics and detergents can react with gold and other components, causing them to darken.

Appearance of gold streaks

Even after using a quality product, streaks may appear on your fingers. The cause may be the effect of sweat and other external factors on the components of the ring. I noticed that in the city this problem occurs more often, which is explained by the influence of harmful impurities in the air - exhaust gases, industrial waste.

Tips for choosing gold jewelry

Expert opinion

Vsevolod Kozlovsky

6 years in jewelry making. Knows everything about samples and can identify a fake in 12 seconds

It is better to purchase authentic jewelry only in official large stores or chains. When choosing, you should not only admire the appearance of the product, but also ask for the necessary documentation for it. It is not safe to make purchases from individuals or from an online store.

Which sample is better to choose for wedding rings?

958 wedding rings are not suitable for everyday wear. Small scratches will quickly ruin the appearance of the jewelry. The most suitable grade is 585, they are quite durable and have a beautiful appearance. Lower samples, despite their increased hardness, quickly darken, leave marks on the skin, and can cause allergies.


Nadezhda Sukonina:

I chose 958 rings for my wedding and regretted it. They were made to order, the price was much higher than regular rings in stores. Of course, they looked expensive in wedding photos. But it turned out that they were impossible to wear. In the very first days scratches appeared. Now they lie like the family's gold reserve.

Timur Ibragimov:

We use 958 standard for custom jewelry. The material is soft, easy to process, and this is how you get beautiful things. But we always warn you that you need to wear them carefully and not every day.

Wedding rings: which sample to choose?

For wedding engagement rings, in most cases, 585 gold is chosen. But there are several alternatives if you wish.

For people who are engaged in constant physical labor, especially manual work, you can buy 375 gold rings that are lower in cost, but also more durable in terms of characteristics.

More expensive options are already a profitable investment; they are chosen by connoisseurs of pure gold options, and are defined as a more representative option. Often these types of wedding rings are made to order; they become much more expensive and do not lose their natural color. But even here there are nuances, in order for the jewelry to be durable for use, it must be massive. Such parameters are not always suitable for petite women; all these criteria should be taken into account when choosing and purchasing products with 958 purity.

There are not many varieties of jewelry with a high amount of pure gold, because massiveness is not typical for many of them. Sometimes they are used as elements of decorating products, but at the same time taking into account the possibility of mechanical damage, that is, in areas where these actions are minimized.

One of the options for using 958 standard is as a gold leaf version. What it is? Gold leaf visually: thin metal sheets. The thickness of the sheet can be no more than two microns; silver and copper are added as a ligature. This alloy has a characteristic natural color. And the price category of sheets made of precious metal depends on its quantity in the composition, that is, on the sample of the alloy from which they are made.

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