How to earn gold in WOT: 8 ways without real investments

Material for gold mining

Precious metal is contained in many different items: microcircuits, transistors, gold-plated watches, bracelets, dishes. But most suitable for obtaining gold are ordinary radio components that are found in every home: parts of old telephones, computers and other equipment. To obtain the desired result, you will need many similar items.

Why use machine parts? Parts of the mechanisms are coated with gold, since this metal does not oxidize much and can last a long time.

In the nineties, the extraction of precious metals from scrap materials was a whole business.

So, before you start obtaining precious metal, you should stock up on raw materials: transistors, resistors, LEDs, motherboard contacts, processors. SIM cards are also suitable, but there is practically no gold in them.


Electrolysis is used when gold is extracted from electrical components. This method is considered more complex compared to the evaporation method.

However, electrolysis makes it possible to obtain gold with fewer different impurities.

The extraction process proceeds as follows:

  1. We fill the glass container with sulfuric or hydrochloric acid in an amount sufficient to accommodate the prepared microcircuits.
  2. We place two iron or lead plates in the container. During the electrolysis process they will play the role of a cathode. This method uses microcircuits as an anode, from which the precious metal is extracted.
  3. Both plates are connected using copper wire.
  4. After connecting the copper wire, we lower the prepared microcircuits into the container. Next, we pass an electric current through it - no more than 0.8 amperes for every 1 sq. dm of area.
  5. During the electrolysis process, the precious metal gradually settles on the plates. After they have acquired a yellow tint, the current is turned off.

Finally, you need to remove the gold from the metal plates. To do this you need to use the etching method. If the process is slow or the amount of deposited gold is not enough, it is necessary to increase the current value.

Both technologies do not require significant time and money. If you have a sufficient number of microcircuits, they can make good money. The result of all work will be gold, which contains many impurities. To remove them, you can use a method known as refining. It involves the use of various acids, through which foreign elements are removed from the precious metal.

If Soviet radio components were used in the electrolysis process, then refining allows us to ultimately obtain 999 purity material.

Electrolysis and etching are two of the most effective and relatively simple ways to obtain precious metal at home. Both technologies do not require serious training. At the same time, during metal etching, it is necessary to follow safety rules and avoid skin contact with acids.

Sorting of source material

Gold mining at home is carried out in different ways, but the first thing to do is to disassemble the raw materials.

All that glitters is not gold

All spare parts are divided into two large groups: old and new parts, then they are divided according to the content of precious metal.

This process should be taken seriously, because further energy costs depend on how carefully you separate the excess material. For further sorting purposes, you may need a magnet. All parts that are attracted are put aside.

What can you get Au from?

Telephones, radio tubes, diodes, computers, microcircuits, connectors—devices containing radio components—are excellent starting materials. The main requirement for them is that these products have a long production period, that is, they must be old. In Soviet times, a large volume of precious metal was used to create radio components; accordingly, the older the device, the more gold can be extracted from it.

Modern devices containing radio components include SIM cards and laptops, although they contain much less precious metal compared to devices from the times of the USSR.

I also use gold-plated items as a source material - cutlery, jewelry, watches. But you shouldn’t expect a large amount of Au in such things: the sputtering on the bodies of such products is applied in a very thin layer, and in order to get a decent amount of gold, you will need to collect more than a dozen pieces of jewelry.

Raw material processing

The main method of mining gold at home is etching.

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The method is based on the fact that the precious metal does not react with other substances, this is due to its inertness.

The exception is aqua regia. This is a solution of two acids: hydrochloric and nitric. The process of obtaining jewelry involves making and using this mixture. All parts of the parts that do not contain noble metal will dissolve.

The following substances are suitable for the gold mining process: hydrazine, hydrogen peroxide, iron sulfate, sodium sulfite.

At the end of the process, the metal will not be in the form of solid pieces, but in the form of thin flakes that must be sifted through the fabric.

We decided to provide you with a video to better familiarize yourself with the process of mining the precious metal:

Manual gold mining technology at home: etching method

In fact, there are dozens of gold mining methods - from traditional washing of gold-bearing rock or a banal visual search for nuggets along the coast of promising rivers to industrial options using chemical reagents, for example, mercury, a characteristic feature of which is the ability to “envelop” even the smallest particles of the precious metal .

However, the incredible toxicity of mercury has led to the abandonment of this chemical element by state-owned enterprises, which should also be followed by the city gold miner, who will have to extract the precious metal with his own hands. We are exploring a gold mining technology that is more suitable for home conditions - the etching method. To set up the process, let’s consider what needs to be done for this and what equipment we need:

  • plastic containers - basin and bucket;
  • container made of heat-resistant glass;
  • laboratory scales;
  • a filter, which is suitable as thick cotton fabric;
  • crucible - a fireproof structure for melting metal;
  • electric stove;
  • latex gloves.

It is the high inertness of gold, as a chemical element, that makes it possible to use the etching method for its extraction, which requires an appropriate oxidizing agent. A mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid in a ratio of 1/3 is exactly the oxidizing agent that is needed. This solution is known as “Royal Vodka”.

Attention! It is necessary to use an oxidizing agent immediately after its manufacture, since nitrogen dioxide decomposes during the settling process, which leads to a significant deterioration in the working qualities of the solution.

Having immersed radio components, microcircuits and other devices in the prepared oxidizing agent, we observe how a thin film of the precious metal forms in the solution over time. All other parts of the devices being processed are completely dissolved.

After completing the process, we filter the solution through a cotton cloth, thus collecting the thin film of gold obtained by etching. To implement this method of extracting precious metals, you can also use only nitric acid.

Attention! Nitric acid must be of high purity - that is, without foreign impurities. You can check this when opening the container with it - if smoke appears after uncorking, it means the acid is free of impurities!

Step-by-step instructions for extraction using reagents:

  1. Preparation of raw materials and acids. As carefully as possible, separate gold-plated elements of radio components and other devices from contacts, solders, and the like. This minimizes the loss of precious metal during etching.
  2. Place the prepared parts in the solution. When processing microcircuits, their “legs” in the immediate vicinity of the gold areas may not completely dissolve. The problem is solved with the help of a magnet that will attract this “junk” to itself.
  3. Filtration. In a crucible furnace we smelt the mined gold powder with the addition of borax, which can be purchased from gas welders who use it as solder for brass.

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Attention! If there is no crucible structure, you can get by with burnt bricks, in which, for example, you should cut out a cavity with a grinder.

Working with the resulting metal

After gold is mined, it needs to be processed; the simplest option is remelting using a torch or muffle furnace.

Gold is tested by fire, man by labor

It is worth adding a mixture of borax and soda, which will add a special shine and help preserve the precious metal.

For the purpose of making jewelry, casting molds can be used. Afterwards the metal will need to be polished, as the surface will be rough.

We hope that our article will be useful to you, and you can easily conduct such an experiment at home and, perhaps, become a little wealthier.

Pros and cons of this business

If we put aside the legality of this process, then I highlight certain advantages:

  • production does not require large expenses,
  • the process is clear and uncomplicated,
  • good payback
  • does not require a lot of time.

However, I also found some disadvantages:

  • the reaction is unsafe
  • a large number of things are required to extract, which are not so easy to find,
  • Obtaining a license to legalize a business is a rather labor-intensive and time-consuming procedure.

Why is gold needed in WOT?

Commercial developments in the gaming field have only one goal - making a profit from users. The only difference is the level of pressure on the players, which plays a key role in the popularity of the project as a whole.

Belarusian developers managed to perfectly complement the game mechanics with donation features - absolutely any player can reach the heights of glory in WOT, regardless of their financial status and the presence of gold.

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Golda (gold) in WOT is a special resource in the game that you can earn yourself or buy through the Premium Store.

If getting silver in World of Tanks is not a problem, then to earn gold, you will need to use your brain quite a bit in order to get even small amounts using gaming methods.

Using golda in WOT, the player will receive:

  • more rapid growth of development within the game;
  • special WOT equipment, which makes it much easier to earn experience and credits;
  • compensates for the lack of time devoted to the project.

It is much easier to use your existing gold in WOT than to earn money - the project gives you the opportunity to spend resources on many useful things, the prices of which are within reasonable limits. The most popular way to use gold in the game is the Premium account.

What advantages does a Premium subscription give to a WOT player:

  • 2 times more experience after each battle;
  • the speed of pumping up the crew of your equipment increases by 2 times;
  • for every successful battle in WOT you will be given 50% more credits;
  • a cleaner hangar is given for use.

Owning a premium subscription can speed up your development process in WOT by almost 2 times. Agree, having such an advantage over others is worth a lot. Prices depend on the period for which you are going to purchase a Premium account - the longer the time period, the higher the discount on the cost.

There are other areas where you can spend gold in WOT. For convenience, we have presented the information in the form of a table below.

Premium account2501 day (24 hours).
6503 days (72 hours).
12507 days (1 week).
250030 days (1 month).
13500180 days (6 months).
24000360 days (12 months).
Purchasing credits and transferring experience1400 credits (silver coins).
125 regular experience for “Elite” vehicles into free experience.
Crew operations200Train any crew member up to 100% in the main specialty.
200Retrain any crew member for another tank up to 100% in their main specialty.
200Reset additional skills learned by a crew member without losing experience.
50Change the documents of any crew member, namely, change his name, surname and portrait.
Premium shells and equipment, equipment dismantling01.01.2020Shells with increased armor penetration, damage, increased fragment radius and other advantages.
50Premium equipment with improved protection characteristics.
10Fixed equipment (such as a rammer or reinforced aiming drives) can be dismantled and returned to the warehouse.
Applying camouflages, emblems and inscriptions to tanks25-250There are 3 types of camouflages - winter, summer and desert. No more than one unit of each is available for purchase.
15-150Various emblems for vehicles.
15-150Inscription on the equipment.
Other300Buy 1 slot in the hangar.
300Buy 16 beds in the barracks.
2500Creation of a clan.
2000Change the name and tag of the clan, or one of these attributes to choose from. Game gold is withdrawn from the clan commander’s account.
2500Change your gaming nickname on the official website in your personal account.

There are plenty of ways to spend gold in WOT, but not everyone has an extra 1,000-2,000 rubles in their pocket for a toy. Next, we will look at methods that allow you to earn gold only by relying on your own strength.

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