Do pawn shops accept Turkish gold? Turkish gold: description, samples and price per gram - reviews

What kind of sample is this

It comes from the USSR, where it appeared in the 20s of the last century and became the first metric standard in the country. The number 583 on the stamp means that 1 kg of this metal contains 583 grams. pure gold.

Composition and properties

Pure gold is never used to make jewelry - this metal is too soft and ductile. To make it more durable and hard, a so-called alloy is added to gold. In the production of 583 samples, 33.5% copper and 8% silver were most often used for these purposes - 335 and 80 grams per kilogram, respectively.

This composition made the metal durable, but did not deprive it of its plasticity, so it was convenient to make jewelry from it. And the presence of a large proportion of copper in the alloy gave it a reddish tint.


This is an important feature of 583 gold: the products do not bend or lose their shape. They do not oxidize and are not easy to scratch, so jewelry made of 583 gold can be worn constantly without fear of loss of shine. The alloy was ideal for making wedding rings, and its affordable price per gram maintained its popularity for a long time.

Alloy shade chart

The shade of the alloy depends on the proportion of alloy metals included in its composition. The influence of the ratio of metals on the color of 583 gold is reflected in the table.


It is placed on gold accessories; along with the price, it is a way of protecting against counterfeiting. In handicraft production, it will not be possible to put a mark on the jewelry that is no different from the sign that is used to mark products at a jewelry factory.

Products made from 1958 to 1994 made of 14-carat gold can be distinguished by their hallmark with a star. After this period, the star on gold jewelry was replaced by a female profile wearing a crown.

How many carats are in this sample?

In addition to the metric system, there are spool and carat systems. Each of them shows the proportion of pure precious metal that the alloy contains, but in different units of measurement. And this value is easy to transfer from one system to another.

Principle of operation

The algorithm of actions is always the same:

  • the client brings an item that he is ready to pawn;
  • the expert makes an assessment, based on the results of which he sets the amount to be issued;
  • an agreement is drawn up (with the consent of both parties);
  • the client redeems the pledged property according to the period specified in the contract, while paying not only the principal debt, but also the interest, which is also specified in advance.

If the borrower does not fulfill his obligations and does not make payments, the pawnshop, upon expiration of the contract, has the right to dispose of the collateral at its discretion. In most cases, the item is put up for sale. Consumers who fulfill the terms of the contract in a timely manner may subsequently qualify for percentage discounts.

How is it different from 585 gold?

In the USSR, the 585 alloy began to replace the 583 alloy in 1989. In 1995, it completely replaced 583 gold in the production of jewelry.

The fact is that Soviet gold fell slightly short of world standards, according to which the alloy should have contained 14 carats of pure precious metal. Therefore, in the 585-carat alloy the gold content is slightly higher. However, in terms of price per gram, these alloys do not differ.

What's better

The conclusion that 585-grade metal is better than 583 will be erroneous. In their characteristics, these alloys are almost the same, as is their price, and the difference in the content of the precious component is only 0.4%.

In addition, since 583 jewelry is no longer produced, collectors will readily purchase it. And such jewelry can cost more than modern ones, and they will not have to be sold as scrap at a low price per gram.

Criteria for favorable interest rates

Aspects that characterize profitable cooperation with a pawnshop:

  1. In case of early repayment, funds for the remaining period are not charged - payment occurs only for the time the item was pledged.
  2. Transparency of the contract - the obligations of the parties are described at the conclusion
  3. Low percentage
  4. If you handle the matter wisely, the debt can be closed with minimal overpayment. Our pawnshop has a promotion where the daily interest rate can be 0.18%.

You should follow simple rules:

  1. If you use the service regularly, it is better to contact the same company. For regular clients with a good reputation, more flexible conditions are provided.
  2. Payments should be made on time, or better yet, ahead of schedule, thereby not only earning yourself a reputation as a respectable client, but also saving your own money.
  3. Take only the amount that is needed. If the assessment amount exceeds the required amount, you can use only part of it, so you will save on the overpayment.

Maximum bet

The value is determined by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. If an organization exceeds the established rate, this is a direct violation of the law. For the first quarter of 2021, the highest allowed interest rate for the issuance of funds for companies accepting jewelry is 150.924%.

Minimum bid

There are very profitable offers with 0.2-0.3% per day. But don’t rush to rejoice and engage in a premature calculation procedure; first, you should note that such rates are provided subject to certain conditions:

  • the loan amount must be at least 200,000 rubles;
  • the next time you apply, the interest rate will not change;
  • valid for one deposit ticket only.

But despite the above, there are certainly benefits. Therefore, not all lending organizations can provide such offers - here the client has the right to take the initiative. Ask the question whether it is possible to draw up an agreement for 0.2-0.3%.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages are:

  1. Rarity and lack of mass production. Every day their price in purchases and pawn shops is becoming higher.
  2. Durable and scratch resistant. A bracelet, earrings or ring will last a long time and can become a wonderful family heirloom.


  1. Inability to buy in a store. Where else you can find 583 samples is in antique shops. If you wish, you can buy such gold from your own hands.
  2. Outdated style. Most 583 jewelry has long gone out of fashion and lost relevance, and it is not known whether it will be in trend again. However, this strangely does not affect the price.

Payment of the money

Done after the conclusion of the contract. The fact of issuance of funds, with the obligation to return, is noted in the pledge ticket. This is a document containing certain information:

  • details of the credit institution;
  • personal data of the consumer;
  • a detailed inventory of the collateral;
  • the amount issued on the basis of the assessment;
  • date of issue and deadline for refund.

Such a document is a kind of insurance, with the help of which you can avoid unpunished failure to fulfill obligations.

If you need a pawnshop with a low interest rate, we are waiting for you in Charoit.

Where can you buy or sell

The main place for buying and selling such products is the pawnshop. In 2019-2020 items are purchased like gold at a price of 1.4 thousand rubles. per gram.

However, in pawnshop windows, jewelry will be displayed with a markup of 40–75%, so buying a pendant or other jewelry is cheaper than 2 thousand rubles. for a gram it’s unlikely to work there. Sellers sometimes reduce the price of hefty items in order to sell them faster, but you'll have to look hard for good deals.

If you don’t want to go to a pawn shop, another option is to sell or buy through an ad on the Internet. But when buying 583 gold, remember that you are not just purchasing a used item.

The accessory had been worn for at least about 30 years, and it could have lost its former strength, bent and scratched. And be sure to check the metal for authenticity. If the price is too low or, conversely, high, this should alert you.

What items does the pawnshop accept?

Let's consider what can be left as collateral in order to receive funds. More often they accept items of value in the following categories:

  • Jewelry – any items made from precious metals, as well as antiques.
  • Household appliances - absolutely anything, from large ones in the form of refrigerators or washing machines, to toasters and hair dryers, as well as computers, phones and other electronics.
  • Transport – not only cars, but also motorcycles and boats.

Such companies accept everything that has at least some demand from people and can be sold if you do not fulfill your debt obligations.

Recommendations for care, cleaning and storage

Any jewelry needs to be cleaned from time to time, as darkening or plaque appears on it. You can take the item to a jewelry workshop for cleaning. But if the price of the service seems too high or you have free time, you can carry out the procedure yourself.

Dissolve one tablespoon (about 20 grams) of washing powder in a glass of boiled water. Then you need to pour 5 grams of ammonia into the solution.

Place the decoration in the resulting liquid for two hours. Afterwards, you need to drain the solution and rinse the product in running water. You can also use special wipes for cleaning jewelry. They can be bought at any jewelry store, their price is low.

How to get a loan secured by gold?

Getting a loan from a pawnshop is one of the fastest procedures. It’s convenient that the pawnshop is not interested in your credit history, permanent registration or criminal record. The main thing is the availability of a liquid product.

You will quickly go through all the stages:


Find the right gold jewelry. It is better if it is a product without stones: a chain, earrings, a gold watch strap. Why? If everything is quite transparent with the valuation of gold, then with the valuation of a stone you cannot be completely sure that the amount will be named correctly.


Find a pawn shop. There are several search methods. Ask for advice on your city's forum, ask your friends, Google, or just go to the city center. As a rule, pawnshops “settle” in places with a busy flow of people. It is safer to contact an institution that has existed for a long time and also has its own website on the Internet - with a price list and details.


Gather your documents. To get a loan from a pawnshop, you only need one document - your civil passport. Don't forget to take a gold item when you go to get a loan.


An appraiser at a pawnshop will check the product using an express examination. It is done in several ways, but most often it is tested with a reagent and a magnet. In the first case, a small scratch is made with a diamond file in an inconspicuous place on the product. Thus, deep layers of the alloy are exposed and some acidic reagent is buried, after which the chemical reaction makes it possible to judge the authenticity of the product. The appraiser can then further check to see if the gold is magnetic - this will indicate iron content in the item, which should not be the case.


If the inspection was successful, the appraiser will offer you an amount that is approximately 20% less than the price for which the product was appraised. You can't argue - either agree or go to another pawnshop. The verification procedure does not obligate you to agree to the proposed conditions.


If you agree, sign the loan agreement in two copies. One remains for you.


The appraiser will immediately give you the agreed amount in cash and take the gold item into storage until you redeem it. To redeem the item, you need to bring to the pawnshop the entire amount that was given to you, plus accrued interest for the pawnshop’s services. If you do not do this before the end of the period specified in the contract, the pawnshop will sell your product.


Owners of such jewelry leave both positive and negative reviews on them. Gold is praised for its strength and resistance to damage, but is criticized for its perceived weightiness and similarity to Turkish jewelry. But most often, Internet users compare 583 and 585 gold.

Do I need to draw up a loan agreement when receiving money from a pawnshop?

The agreement not only stipulates all the conditions between the pawnshop lender and you, it also legally protects your rights. If, when receiving a loan from a pawnshop, you are not offered to sign an agreement, we do not recommend dealing with this organization at all. There is a high probability that these are scammers.

However, the mere existence of an agreement does not guarantee the protection of your rights. Review the contract. It must include the following information:

  • Characteristics of the pledged product (name, weight, purity, visual characteristics).
  • For how long did you receive the loan?
  • What percentage will be charged?
  • Under what conditions can you return your product?
  • Is there a minimum loan repayment period? For example, a condition may be stated: you must pay interest to the pawnshop for at least 15 days, even if you buy the product the very next day after signing the contract.

The pledge agreement, according to Article 339 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is drawn up in simple written form - its certification by a notary is not required. By the way, the receipt also has legal force. But the terms of the loan are not presented in such detail.

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