Fort Knox's gold vaults may be empty

Since childhood, each of us could have heard that every national currency must be backed by a gold reserve. Another thing is that not all countries adhere to this rule. And many of them don’t have it at all. One of the countries that had gold reserves is America. But in recent years, this fact has also raised certain doubts. Some experts argue that there is simply no gold in the famous American vault. So is there a gold reserve in Fort Knox or not? And is the modern money of other countries really backed by gold reserves?


Power should be understood as the ability to carry out some control of the process in practice, that is, the ability actually manage something in accordance with one’s plan. If a person can control a certain process, then he has a certain power over it; if he cannot, then he does not have this power. It happens that a person can, in some sense, control the process, but not completely.

We will leave the question of the measure of power and how the full function of management, as well as sovereignty, grows from it [the measure]. I do not want to repeat here the course of a fairly general theory of management. It is important for the reader to understand only one thing here: power is the ability to manage, realized in practice . To exercise power you need will. By will we should understand the ability to subordinate oneself and the course of events around oneself to conscious expediency.

Now a question for the reader: where is the dirt, “walk to your heart’s content” and all sorts of political abomination?

The answer is obvious: it is where a person with power intentionally allows it. But there is a person who deliberately does not allow this. When a reader goes to a store, does he exercise power? Yes, he solves the problem of eliminating some environmental factor that he does not like, for example, it could be the lack of food on the table, the shortage of some household items or other goods. A shortage of goods in the home creates discomfort in a person - and the person eliminates it. To do this, he takes the money and goes to the store. Therefore, the man used money to gain power! What a bastard! Ay, shame on him! And we trusted him so much :)

When you solve any problem, you exercise power because you take control of some process. Even for the correct control of physiological processes within the framework of our culture, power is needed. And to exercise this power (sometimes) certain external tools are needed. I hope it is now clear to the reader that any person always strives to exercise power?

Please stop looking at this process as something vile and dirty. Even to inhale you need will and power, and the lungs, blood and other materials of the body are needed as an instrument for delivering the resulting oxygen to the cells of the body. Yes, I agree that the phrase "I need blood to gain power" sounds creepy, but try saying that you don't need blood... I think it will be even creepier.

Audit of gold reserves in New York

In New York, at a depth of two floors, there is the main storage facility for US gold reserves.
Manhattan's vaults contain 22% of the world's gold reserves, amounting to 216 million ounces. Here is not only metal from the United States, but also from dozens of countries around the world. The State Treasury manages all available wealth at its own discretion. In September 2012, the state of the gold reserves of New York's largest depository was to be checked. Everyone was looking forward to this audit, but several months passed without any results. Tension grew in the country, and Germany wanted to return its gold reserves located in the New York vault. Only then did experts from the US Treasury convince the public to calm down and in January 2013 they presented an audit report.

The experts began to study the document, and were very surprised that the report fit on only fourteen pages, thirteen of which were devoted to describing the laws and rules of auditing. Only on the last page was the test result. It turns out that the audit began on September 30, 2012 and ended on the same day. The document stated that 99% of the gold, totaling $23.890 million, was in a vault under the supervision of the Federal Reserve. The weight was also indicated - 466 tons, and no more information. It is difficult to call this check a real audit.

It seems that the Ministry of Finance was checking itself without independent people. Perhaps the officials toured the basements of Manhattan and saw gold bars, but that was all. The report turned out to be a mere formality, because it did not even hint at a physical check of the reserves. This is the impression that everyone who read it got. The heads of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve conferred and decided to present the audit in exactly this form.


The attitude of many people towards power reminds me of the attitude towards the swastika. It seems to be an ancient symbol that has a noble origin and meaning, but events known to everyone have denigrated its meaning in the eyes of modern society so that it is now considered prohibited. For the same reason, most people have a block that since power is something dirty, then it also needs to be prohibited for themselves, and they subconsciously refuse power in cases where they should not do so.

There are many processes that can be controlled by a person; such processes are often written about in educational groups and communities related to the ethical development of people (“Teach good”, “Revival of morality”, “Common cause”, “For the revival of education”, various groups on sobriety, according to the “Zero Waste” concept, and thousands of others, especially on spiritual topics like “Meditation Lessons”), they all encourage people to take on processes that resist the degradation of society, for example, to begin with, take on themselves and educate at least themselves and your children more or less correctly (sitting on the sofa and just leafing through the indicated groups, correctly , but in rare cases it is still possible “more or less correctly”).

Nevertheless, people somehow avoid taking on these processes and confronting evil.

Many people believe that nothing depends on them, for which reason they refuse to take on the elimination of some environmental factors that are undesirable for society. In reality, these are the same blockages that are associated with an incorrect interpretation of power. And all the same blockages give rise to the following moods in a person:

- a tendency to believe that life has failed;

- tendency to blame external circumstances for everything;

- despondency;

- the desire to blame some people in power for everything;

- the desire to wait for a favorable moment before acting.

A more complete description of these moods is in my old articles: ]]>one]]>, ]]>two]]>, ]]>three]]>. Of course, you understand that if you just get down to business without a head, you will get “]]>a club of losers]]>”, but this is another topic, about when people without power over themselves and the simplest events begin to teach others.

As a result of the refusal to fight evil (at least in oneself), a person becomes a victim of circumstances that he could well control, as well as a victim of the parasitism of those in power who are not subject to these blockages. In other words, passive people deliberately and voluntarily allow the chaos that is happening in politics, they support it!

A strange picture emerges if you go to almost any forum on the Internet where political events are discussed and if you believe what “good, honest people” write, then it directly follows that “good, honest people” among the people are a herd (don’t you dare see here an attempt at insult! Otherwise, I’ll have to write a separate article on the word “herd”), voluntarily giving themselves up to the abuse of fairly smart people in power. Why do I see it this way?

Because the “herd” voluntarily gave up power, showing stupidity, and the people in power were able to retain their intelligence and understand what I wrote above: power is not dirt, but the ability to manage, expressed in practical actions . They were smart enough not give up this ability. And the whole discussion of “good and honest people” shows with every word that the owners of the herd are smart, and the herd is stupid. Because the former have power, but the latter do not, and they do not have it precisely by their own free will, but they have a lot of energy to inform everyone about it. This is another question, that the power of the former may be aimed at obtaining dirt, BUT ...

In whose hands is the US gold reserve?

Fort Knox is an isolated area, inaccessible not only to ordinary people, but also to the president himself. The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the safety and replenishment of data from reserve systems.

The history of the impregnable fortress took shape in the first half of the twentieth century. During the Great Depression, the economic situation in the country required urgent drastic decisions. One of these actions was F. Roosevelt’s decree, according to which any ownership of gold bars, coins and certificates was prohibited to all American citizens. This decision left no choice for ordinary people, who had to sell all their gold to the Federal Reserve for almost nothing. However, such a policy bore fruit: in the first four years alone, the US gold reserves tripled.

The government agencies that were responsible for Fort Knox changed periodically: ownership passed from the Federal Reserve to the central banking system, then to the Treasury, then control returned to the Fed. To this day, in New York, the Fed monitors all transactions with gold.


Dirt does not appear on its own, it is a direct reflection of the psychodynamics of the herd mentioned above. It is not the government’s fault that the herd can only eat and complain that there is not enough to eat; It’s not the government’s fault that the herd shits and litters, and then demands to be cleaned up; It is not the authorities’ fault that the herd lives by its own laws, but demands that officials strictly comply with other laws. People themselves deserve the control that is exercised over them, and they deserve it for at least three main reasons:

- they voluntarily refuse to exercise their control, including over themselves;

- they voluntarily carry huge mountains of dirt, which no government at its current level can cope with;

- they are trying to take power from the “authority” and give it to another “authority”, which in their opinion will serve the herd better, but they choose exactly the same people from the herd, who have the same vicious psyche, which is embodied in the saying “took power “Walk to your heart’s content.” This reveals the so-called “psychodynamics” of society.

On the issue of psychodynamics, I ask you to read the articles separately: ]]>one]]>, ]]>two]]>, ]]>three]]>, ]]>four]]>. In short, this is when “everyone does what they want, and the result is what happens.” Moreover, everyone is right in his own way, as it seems to him, but all together, obviously, are wrong.

Fort Knox Security

It is quite clear that the main US storage facility is very well guarded. So, there are even rumors that the guards have super-powerful laser weapons that can detect a moving object on their own. And also that the area around the base is mined. They also say that in addition to gold, reserves of morphine and opium were kept in Fort Knox for some time: this was a kind of insurance if there were suddenly interruptions in the country with painkillers and their supplies. But where is truth and where is fiction remains a mystery. Fort Knox is made impregnable by two factors: the fortress is under 24-hour military surveillance, and in addition, there are great difficulties in obtaining permission to visit the storage facility. The base also has a staff of 30 thousand soldiers and an arsenal of tanks and helicopters that can easily eliminate any threat.


And now about myself. For me , money is a tool for gaining power . I don’t want to voluntarily give up the ability given to me to manage certain processes, and therefore, despite the inconvenient circumstances, I do my job well. Previously, when I had not yet completed a certain school, I was afraid of money, but unconsciously.

I almost didn’t accept them for my work, I did a lot for free, I also dreamed of creating free housing (as if I hadn’t read about ]]>an experiment with such]]>), I did a lot of other things wrong in terms of refusing money, as a result of which I didn’t I didn’t have a penny more than what I needed to avoid starvation, however, fortunately, the practice of spiritual development made it possible to remove blockages in the psyche, and this happened at the same time as I understood how to restrain myself (show enough will) so as not to go “peddled” from monetary abundance.

And from that moment on, I switched to paid activities instead of volunteer ones. For what? Then, in order to have a tool that will allow me to carry out the management I desire of those processes that I am able to manage correctly, as I personally understand it. My activity should allow me to receive a tool to support myself, and if people find my activity useful, they will support it if I tell them the rules of the game.

If there are no rules, then people usually refuse support for the same reasons I mentioned above: they give up power. We need to show them how they can show a little bit of power by simply supporting someone who is doing a good job. To do this, you need to establish a rule for remuneration for your work, and look at the funds received solely as an instrument for gaining power in the sense I indicated.

If a person sees dirt or abomination in this process of managing for the benefit of society, then he is first of all betraying himself, that is, he is projecting onto me his vices, which he would begin to indulge in if he had a lot of money. There is no need to give yourself away; instead, think better: why did you give up power and what mental defects do not give you sovereignty in relation to the circumstances around you?

Gold reserves of the world

It's no secret that every country has a reserve of gold, which is managed by the state ministry of finance or central bank. Initially, these reserves supported the national currency. But where is all this wealth stored?

In fact, every country has its own secluded place. So, in Russia, most of it is stored in the Central Vault of the Central Bank, and the rest of the gold reserve is in its branches throughout the country.

But the country whose gold reserves are far behind everyone else, according to the data, is the United States. Just imagine, today the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Americans amounted to 8133.5 tons. And considering that the total amount of gold reserves of all countries is 33259.2 tons, the US reserves make up the lion's share.

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