Gold investment coins of Sberbank of Russia: what they are, features and price dynamics

You can buy gold coins at Sberbank without any problems. The well-known bank in the Russian Federation has many offers that will interest collectors. As an investment instrument, gold coins are good. They will also be the best gift or souvenir for people of any social group. You can give such a gift to rich people who have everything. Perhaps just such a gift will be unique to them and, of course, desirable. It is not a shame to give such a gift to the heads of enterprises and organizations, major figures in business. Ordinary citizens will also appreciate this expensive gift. After all, coins can be sold over time if the need arises and thereby provide yourself with the missing amount of funds. To decide on the choice of gold rounds, you can look at the catalog that is available on the Internet. For these purposes, it is not necessary to go to Sberbank.

There are different types of gold investment coins available at Sberbank. A well-known bank is able to satisfy the tastes of the most demanding clients. This financial institution offers:

  • A wide assortment, which is constantly updated and becomes even wider.
  • Quite a few customer requests are fully satisfied.
  • The best examples of golden rounds are presented. In addition to Russian ones, you can purchase coins from 30 leading manufacturers from abroad.
  • Greater availability. In almost every corner of Russia you can buy these original gold roundels at Sberbank.
  • The client is able not only to buy, but also to sell his existing yellow metal coins.
  • The catalog is varied; you can purchase coins from 2021, as well as from 18 and 07, and others.
  • It is possible to purchase gold products with great potential. Over time, they can increase in price. This is a good investment.
  • The coin catalog will be of interest to people who have free funds and clients who want to increase their income.

To get reliable information about gold products, you need to come to a Sberbank branch or open the “Important” section on the Internet on the “Coins from Precious Metals” page.

What are bullion coins?

Over the past few years, many banking institutions have begun to pay a lot of attention to investment coins, which are issued in small quantities and have a high cost.

They are often made from precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, etc.), have a commemorative engraving, which is often made in honor of a memorable event or person, and their value is confirmed by appropriate documentation.

All of the above makes such banking surrogates an excellent way to invest in your future.

For example, gold investment coins of the Savings Bank of Russia, the price dynamics of which changed according to the financial situation in the state, allowed their owner to save his money during the collapse of the ruble.

Remember that precious metals have always been highly valued in our world, so they always allow you to have some kind of safety net that will help you during financial difficulties.

How does the sales process work?

All information on purchasing coins is presented on the official website of Sberbank.
If the bank is holding some kind of promotion, within the framework of which it is possible to sell coins more profitably, information about this will be indicated on the main page of the Sberbank website or in the section itself called “Promotions”. If you do not find the information you are interested in this way, you can always call the hotline at number 8 and ask a Sberbank employee if your copy of the coin will be accepted. If you were given a positive answer, immediately clarify under what conditions the purchase of the coin will be made and what requirements will be imposed on you as a buyer.

The process for selling a coin is as follows:

  • the seller comes to one of the bank branches;
  • a bank specialist inspects and evaluates the coin;
  • the amount that the bank is ready to offer for a given copy of the coin is announced;
  • with the consent of both parties to the transaction, a purchase and sale agreement is signed. To do this, the seller must present a passport;
  • The seller will be able to receive money both in cash and by money transfer to a bank card.

In order to study the catalog with photos and prices, you need to go to the bank’s official website and open the “Invest and Earn” tab.
In this section you need to select the “Coins and Bullions” item. Investing in investment coins is not very profitable, because the difference between the purchase and sale prices in many banks is colossal. Such an investment is designed for the long term, because the process of increasing the price of a given item can last several years.

Please note that a coin can only be put up for sale if at least 3 years have passed since its purchase. If this condition is not met, you will need to pay VAT in the amount of 15% of the sale price of the coin!

Where to buy valuable coins?

Gold coins should only be purchased from a banking institution. It is here that you can be sure that you will purchase a high-quality coin with the declared content of valuable metals.

After payment, the appropriate documentation is completed confirming your right to such goods.

As mentioned above, coins are made from various metals, which significantly affects their value.

If changes in value over recent periods of time are important to you in order to make some profit, then it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the recent dynamics of metal prices in order to make any forecasts.

Remember that such an idea is not the best, since most likely you will suffer financial losses. Such activities require a systematic approach to make a profit.

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The value of investment coins

Recently, a large number of similar valuable items have appeared in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, but St. George the Victorious coins have gained particular popularity.

Such gold investment coins have a diameter of 22.6 mm, and the weight of the precious metal is 7.78 grams. These coins are minted in the Moscow and St. Petersburg mints.

St. George the Victorious coins began to be produced, and over more than 10 years they have become a real work of art. For this reason, they often began to be used not only as an investment vehicle, but also as a valuable gift for a name day or other memorable date.

Such a gift stands out from the rest, which shows your individuality and uniqueness.

In addition, this class of coins is produced not only using gold, but also silver. Such valuable coins have a lower cost, which allows them to be purchased by a wider range of people.

A little history

More than 20 years have already passed since gold coins from Sberbank first appeared on the market.
This particular event happened in 1996. From this year, anyone could purchase beautiful precious rounds. There were enough of them in the Central Bank's reserves, so trade became possible. At the end of the 20th century, the Central Bank limited sales by introducing a tax of 20%. From that moment on, each coin cost the buyer 20% more. The tax amount remained in the bank after the purchase and was not returned. Due to the high cost, the demand for wonderful products has become noticeably less. Collectors remained interested. The 20% tax was abolished in 2001. From that moment on, coins made of precious metals became in demand. In addition to collectors, it became interested in those who want to preserve their own funds and protect them from the destructive effects of inflation. The product has also become more in demand as a valuable gift.

Advantages of coins

In the Russian Federation, valuable coins are only a small market for precious metals. Today, absolutely everyone has the opportunity to purchase ingots of valuable metals, the actions with which are quite limited.

For example, Article 191 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation limits transactions, storage and transportation of bullion between citizens, while absolutely all coins are permitted means of making payments.

In addition, there is a possibility of counterfeit bars. This action is not punishable by law, but only counterfeiting the state hallmark.

Of course, in a bank you are unlikely to encounter a similar situation (a reputation and a license for a bank are much more valuable than such “lost profits”), but in the future there may be problems with the return of funds.

Valuable metals are much cheaper than bullion, which allows you to take the path of a small investor right now. Bullion is usually purchased by large businesses or investors - coins are enough for most people in the Russian Federation

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What to look for when buying a coin?

Before purchasing a valuable coin, you need to remember some technical features and characteristics of the product.

Each coin is made from a certain type of metal, its own weight, fineness, denomination, etc., as well as packaging - type of packaging (protective and gift, certificates of authenticity provided.

The mass of pure precious metal without any impurities is indicated in grams or troy ounces, which is often a key fact in determining the cost of the product.

In addition, Sberbank of the Russian Federation is obliged to indicate the nominal value and name of the issuer (country or manufacturer) not only on coins and related documents, but also in relevant publications that will be used by other persons and banking organizations.

Unfortunately, absolutely all transactions with valuable coins are subject to mandatory VAT payment of 18% of the transaction volume. A similar regulation is applied to bullion of precious metals, so there is not much difference between them in this regard.

It is important to take care of the security of your coins. Often, specialized safety deposit boxes are rented for their storage, which guarantee secure storage of the product. If you prefer such a solution, then you should calculate in advance the costs of owning a gold coin.

Penny anti-terrorism

In the window of the Sberbank, where I ended up to pay for utilities, there were coins with symbols corresponding to the upcoming 2011. Real silver coins made by mints, with figures of our little brothers - symbols of the coming year.

“While you are working on my bills, can I look at this coin,” I ask the girl in the window. - I liked her.

The girl names the amount, I hand her the money. For some reason she doesn’t take them and demands:

- Passport!

- For what? - I’m surprised. — The purchase does not fit into the exceptional category. And I don’t have my passport with me. I have an official ID card issued...

- Well, at least a driver's license? - she condescends.

- No.

“Well, I need to draw up documents for you,” he explains, justifying his insistence, “but where will I get the data?”

A hunch strikes me.

“Girl,” I say, “you just accepted money from me for utilities, for the telephone, for gas.” These bills contain all the information about me: street, house, apartment, phone numbers, whether I’m a beneficiary or not...

She looks at me for about three seconds, thinking. Then he gets up, goes to the neighbor who is serving the next window, a third one comes up to them, and they heatedly discuss something. Then she comes back:

- No, but the date and place of birth, and the passport number, who issued it?..

- What do you mean, no? After all, I have been an honored client of your bank since Soviet times. And a hundred years are stitched and filed in your computers.

She thinks again, gets up, goes somewhere, returns, sits down at the computer, gets up again, leaves, returns. And time flies. The line that formed behind me begins to breathe hotly down my neck. Finally, I hear a murmur:

- Man, what a mess?..

“Yes, here,” I’m embarrassed by the line: it’s the days before New Year’s, everyone is in a hurry, and here, I buy a coin, and they...

- Why “they”?

“They demand a passport, but on what basis they don’t say.”

“Every Muscovite must always have a passport with him,” someone in the know mutters edifyingly into the back of my head.

I am bathed in sticky sweat by a disgusting feeling of guilt, which settled in the recesses of my responsible consciousness back in those days and ripened there to fainting proportions by the end of perestroika.

We have so many different types of supervision - is there really not enough strength and law to stop the robbers of our wallets?

Finally, the girl in the window pushes me through the sliding hole a piece of paper that has just crawled out of the printer’s belly.

— Sign where the checkmarks are.

I am reading a document under which I must sign two columns. The paper knows everything about me and even what I myself don’t know. And about the coins: metal composition, weight, face value, selling price, countries of circulation... Citizens are buzzing...

What was completely depressing was that I needed two identical souvenirs, but there was only one such coin in the bank. The last one. Creditworthy citizens sorted it out. And I just couldn’t get myself ready to repeat the New Year’s feat.

In the office of the same Sberbank on the next street, everything was repeated exactly the same, only faster.

In the morning my blood pressure jumped and I trudged to the clinic. The road went past a large, famous jewelry store throughout Moscow, sparkling with gold, diamonds and other treasures. Either it was a boring character, or some other old-fashioned habits, but something pushed me to go into the department that sold coins - gold, platinum, silver, expensive and not so - from many countries around the world. Including Russian ones.

A luxurious scattering shimmered like a rainbow on the display window. Including exactly the same ones that I bought yesterday.

- Sell me these coins? - and I pointed my finger at the window.

- For God's sake - one, two, three? Same or different?

- What is required of me?

- Money. Will you pay in cash? In rubles or in foreign currency? Or by card?

- And nothing more?

- Nothing.

- And you tell me?

— Coins, certificates for them, certifying their quality and nominal value. And a cash receipt for the purchase.

I was waiting for something.

-Are you taking it or what?

“I don’t have my passport with me,” I tried not to give in to the joke.

- And we don’t need him. You give us money - we will buy you something.

— Do you always sell like this? Or is this a New Year's fairy tale?

They smiled tiredly:

- So are you taking it or not?

* * *

Now let's think about it. Our officials, including those in banking, thanks to the state that instantly came to their aid, and apparently did not suffer from it in any way, used the years of crisis for another attack on our rights. Our dear Savings Bank made a special effort. He introduced the collection of interest on all our amounts transferred through him for social services, including rent. And the “translation process” sometimes lasts about a month. Can you imagine what sums the bank makes by putting this “short” money of ours into circulation while it is in the womb of the bank?! Like a scythe, a honey mushroom in a meadow mows down that profit of the “people's” bank. And it makes no difference to him whether you are a pensioner with a penny in your pocket, a mother who has seven mouths on the benches around the table, or a wounded disabled veteran: drive away the interest and sleep well... And it’s absolutely utter stupidity - a circus organized with the sale of souvenir silver coins. Their nominal value is from 50 cents to 10 dollars, as stated in the certificates attached to each. Sberbank sells them for 2800 - 10,000 rubles. And at the same time, they create a dossier for each buyer.

Why does he need such dossiers? What law provides for them in such cases? We have so many different...supervisions and patrols, so many controls and checks right up to the Accounts Chamber - is there really not enough strength and law to stop the robbers of our wallets, the Karl Marxes from the farms and villages, who not only discredit market relations, but also maraud on our troubles and misfortunes?

Then why do we need all these supervisions?

And why did we start all this?

Instead of a comment

The editors turned to the press service of Sberbank of Russia with a request to clarify whether the bank’s management really requires showing a passport when purchasing souvenir coins? If so, what's the point? The press service responded succinctly: “Such a requirement really exists, and not on the initiative of Sberbank or the Bank of Russia, but in connection with the requirements of federal legislation, more precisely, the law on combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime (Articles 7 and 9).

Indeed, the law says that banks are required to identify the client - an individual or legal entity - when performing various transactions. For an individual, information such as last name, first name, patronymic, citizenship, details of an identity document, and so on is required. All this information is in the passport. However, Andrei Emelin, executive vice president of the Association of Russian Banks for legal issues, drew our attention to the fact that Article 7 “anti-Is this the only thing that surprises you in life? We have been saying for a long time that the identification of individuals in this law is unnecessary. Your case is a rudiment of the old system. Experienced bank operators usually do not go too far with clients, and young people, who are pumped up by security services, are beginning to play it safe.”

Give a respected person an exclusive gift

If you are planning any event that requires a unique gift for a highly respected person, then a gift set of coins is exactly what you need. One of the most valuable such sets is the set dedicated to Emperor Alexander III.

Absolutely every collector wants to have them in their own collection. The set has three coins depicting the emperor, his coronation ceremony and the royal family. They are made by skilled masters of artistic engraving.

Of course, Sberbank of Russia offers other sets of valuable coins. The minimum cost is 12,000 rubles, which makes such sets an ideal gift at a relatively affordable price.

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