Rating of the best metal detectors for searching for gold: review of characteristics + reviews from seekers

You can have significant amounts of money on the back of recycled gold.

However, in order to sell gold items profitably, they still need to be found.

Here, at a minimum, two factors play a role : you need to know where to look and have an appropriate searching unit.

One of the most popular and reliable tools to help a treasure hunter is a metal detector.

What is the best device to choose for searching for gold in land and water, and how it works, we will tell you in this article.

Design and principle of operation

The basic operating principle of a metal detector is based on the ability of metals to conduct electric current. The device emits electromagnetic waves that interact differently with different substances, allowing the detection of highly conductive elements - ferrous and noble metals - in a neutral environment.

Modern models allow adjustment depending on the composition of the soil, the search depth and the characteristics of the objects being sought by adjusting the frequency of the radiation, as well as its nature: constant or pulsed. A metal detector operating at a low frequency is capable of catching a gold item at a great depth - up to 4 meters; high-frequency radiation operates at a short distance, about 40 cm, but it perfectly finds small objects, for example, a ring or a coin.

The metal detector consists of a transmitter coil that generates radiation; a controller that picks up the return signal; power supply; control unit, which allows you to configure the device in accordance with the search conditions.

The design of the device is designed taking into account the specifics of use - the metal detector is carried in the hands for a long time, so its weight and the design of the handle play an important role.

Comparison of popular metal detector models

When searching for gold, coins, military relics, antiquities, the main tool is not a shovel, not a special one, but the best metal detector for gold. And the head of a treasure hunter. You can look until you're blue in the face for coin trays in a field where no one has ever set foot, only a tractor has passed by twice - once to plow, and once to mow.

You can buy a sophisticated e-trac, and, without understanding the settings, miss the finds that a thinking digger with an x-terra 505 and a standard DD-coil will pick up for you. Despite the fact that, in theory, a grater is generally not suitable for gold.

Let's leave the lyrics alone, let's move on to popular models that have the word “Gold” in the name. These are, for example, Garrett AT Gold, Makro Kruzer, which also has a modification for gold, Nokta Gold Finder, Fisher Bug DP.

These are devices with different prices and different frequencies, but they are all characterized by excellent separation, high sensitivity to small targets, and fairly high operating frequencies - from 18 and 19 kHz for Garrett and Fischer to 56 and 61 kHz for Turkish athletes.

The Golden Kruzak is also waterproof up to 5 meters.

In theory, the Garrett ATX should rule everyone, unless you don’t mind paying 150,000 rubles for it. It operates on a PI circuit and, perhaps, will be more effective than universal VLF devices.

There is also XP Gold Maxx Power for almost half a million. But the VLF circuit and the operating frequency of 18 KHz seem to hint that there are considerable show-offs behind such a price.

The editors are fully aware that building ratings is a futile task. Finding gold is perhaps the highest treasure hunting skill. Therefore, an understanding person will choose the best metal detector for gold for himself, without being guided by the opinions of others.

Advantages and disadvantages

Depending on the principle of operation implemented in a particular model, the metal detector copes better with certain tasks. Built-in functions are important, for example, moisture resistance, estimated search depth, and soil composition in the area where the search is to be carried out.

  1. Low-frequency metal detectors respond to metal objects in the depths, but only to large ones, such as a barrel of gold.
  2. High-frequency devices are better suited for searching for small objects at shallow depths.

If we are talking about a device for searching for gold nuggets and sand, then pulse metal detectors respond best to such objects, but, due to their sensitivity, they will be ineffective if there is a lot of small metal debris in the ground.

All of these factors should be taken into account when choosing the best tool for the job.

How does this device work?

A metal detector belongs to the group of non-contact search equipment and allows you to detect non-ferrous and ferrous metals at a distance. The operating principle of this device is simple.

In fact,
the two main elements are two coils , one of which emits a signal that affects a certain space in front of it, and the second receives it.
If the signal specified by the first coil finds the desired object, it will be reflected from it and will be received by the second coil.

There is also an electronic device that, based on the recorded signal, converts another detection signal (sound, light, tactile), designed to alert the user about the find.

In addition, the design of the gold mining apparatus includes a power source , which must be selected based on operating conditions - ambient temperature, operating time, etc.

a number of qualitative characteristics in search technology , the presence of which determines the price of the tool and the quality of the work process:

  1. Sensitivity is the maximum allowable distance at which a metal detector can confidently detect a precious object. In this case, an important factor is the dimensions, weight, and chemical composition of the desired metal.
  2. Resolution is the ability of an instrument to separate two objects located nearby from each other, forming two independent signals. This indicator is measured by the minimum distance between objects, at which they are defined as two independent objects. The value of the indicator depends on the configuration of the electromagnetic field created by the device itself.
  3. Maximum search speed - characterizes the permissible speed of movement of the sensitive device of the metal detector relative to the desired surface, at which it will work and maintain sensitivity indicators. Accordingly, the higher the speed of movement relative to the maximum permissible, the lower the likelihood of detecting jewelry.
  4. Selectivity is the ability to select specific objects with the desired parameters from the general mass of objects, for example, to find a gold earring among metal shavings or household garbage with tin cans. Using this feature of the devices will help save time and reduce the number of recorded signals, effectively detecting items made of precious metals.
  5. Noise immunity is the ability of a metal detector to maintain the selectivity parameter in the presence of objects in the searched sector that affect the formation of interference.

Can any metal detector see gold?

All metal detectors detect the presence of gold within the range of their radiation, but not all are able to accurately recognize the signal. According to the characteristics of changes in the electromagnetic field, gold is similar to rusty iron. Setting up the discrimination function helps eliminate such errors - filtering out interference from metal debris or highly mineralized soil, for example, salty sea sand.

How to look for coins

To search for coins, it is better to purchase a metal detector that allows you to search at high frequencies. The depth of coins, as a rule, is small, and a metal detector, covering a great depth, is not capable of detecting such a small object as a coin.

Characteristics and features of the surface being examined

A large number of factors by which devices should be selected directly depend on the characteristics of the surface. If you know all the nuances of the earth's surface, then you can correctly select a metal detector coil for gold.

This part has impressive dimensions and can receive signals from two or more objects simultaneously. But, if the search takes place in an area where there is a large amount of various debris, then a large coil will not give the desired result. The signal that comes from one specific object will be interrupted or mixed with all other parts that are on the surface. In order not to get confused in signals and not waste your time on extraneous objects, it is best to know how to select and use small coils.

Small coils are more effective for finding gold.

But low-volume coils are unlikely to see gold at greater depths. Such parts should only be used on the surface itself. If you don’t know exactly what depth the object is at, then you need to purchase a medium coil. To better understand how to search for gold with a metal detector with such additions, it is recommended to study the corresponding video.

When choosing a tool, you should consider whether it is possible to change coils if necessary. Situations may arise when you need to remove a small part and put on a larger one. Such metal detectors have an average cost. Such models are very sensitive to metals. They can find gold particles no larger than a match head. In addition, such devices can detect products at a depth of more than one meter. Such devices have purely positive user reviews.

Types of devices

Manufacturers produce a lot of highly specialized metal detectors that can show the best results when searching for certain objects, when working on difficult soil, or under water, providing the device with the appropriate functions.

  • Beach. Beach sand, especially sea sand, is highly mineralized, so to search for valuables on beaches, metal detectors are used, the functions of which are designed to suppress interference that occurs when working on such soil and with manual settings of discrimination parameters.
  • Aquatic. For such work, equipment is produced with a sealed housing, which allows searching in high humidity and even under water.
  • Deep. Devices capable of operating at low frequencies are suitable here; they are most effective for searching for objects deep underground. A device equipped with two coils is ideal.

Rating of the most powerful devices and their price

Of course, professional metal detectors, especially those selected in accordance with the task and soil characteristics, will give the best results when searching for precious metals, however, their price will also be impressive.

Minelab Eureka Gold

The metal detector was developed by an Australian company. The price of the device is about 35 thousand, weight is 1950 grams. Copes well with soil rich in minerals. It has three frequency modes – 6.4; 20; 60 kHz, which are switched manually, is capable of finding objects at depth and searching for gold particles smaller than a match head on the surface.

Automatic tuning and a high-precision discriminator with a built-in microprocessor allow you to search without being distracted by frequent reconfiguration of the device.

Garrett At Gold

GPR manufactured by an American company. The cost is in the range of 35-37 thousand rubles. Weighs 1400 grams. The operating search frequency is 18 kHz.

The manufacturer positions this model as a gold detector, capable of distinguishing gold from other metals and finding even small particles. The sealed housing makes it possible to use the device underwater at a depth of up to three meters. There is a function for adjusting soil mineralization.

Nokta Fors Gold

A professional gold mining tool made in Turkey with a wide range of various functions. Costs about 45 thousand rubles. Radiation frequency – 15 kHz, weight 1800 grams.

The metal detector has three modes that allow you to search for valuables in different areas, be it rocky hills or the bank of a stream. Suitable for searching for various metals. The built-in depth indicator will show the exact distance to the target, the Pinpoint function - the device will give a sound signal, which will intensify as it approaches the object. Equipped with a built-in flashlight and vibration mode for night searches.

Minelab GPX 5000

Another model from the category of professional metal detectors from an Australian developer worth 300 thousand. The manufacturer does not indicate operating frequencies. The unit weighs 3.2 kg.

Equipped with an LCD display, it has six built-in search programs, including “fine gold” and “coins/relics”. Depending on the objects being sought and the complexity of the soil, the speed of movement of the metal detector coil is adjusted to optimize searches; there is an adjustable discriminator.

Fisher Gold Bug Pro

A product of a transnational company, costing just over 40 thousand rubles. Highly accurate and versatile, equally suitable for finding small nuggets and gold coins. Weight 1150 grams, operating frequency – 19 kHz. Equipped with a large display, the Pinpoint function and digital identifier of the distance to the target work in all search modes.

Tesoro Lobo Super Traq

American metal detector, sold at a price of about 48 thousand. Radiation at a frequency of 17.5 kHz, weighs 1350 grams. Designed for searching for native gold and jewelry. It has increased sensitivity, has three adjustment modes for soil properties while maintaining high efficiency when searching for small objects.

Price categories of metal detectors

Several factors come into play when it comes to pricing:

  • originality of the model - it was made specifically for gold or obtained by increasing the frequency of an existing one;
  • marketing - you can hang a “golden” badge on the most ordinary ground metal detector;
  • manufacturer's reputation;
  • completeness.

Experts distinguish the following price categories for metal detectors:

  • Up to 10,000 rubles. As a rule, such metal detectors are not suitable for searching for gold at all.
  • Up to 15,000. Very rare models give any decent results. Moreover, there are no high-frequency devices in the range.
  • Up to 30,000. You can look for something worthy in this segment, but it’s better to move on to the next one.
  • Up to 60,000. In this price range there are already many noteworthy models that meet the requirements for gold metal detectors.
  • Over 60,000. There are decent devices. And even very worthy specialized devices.

If searching for gold and coins is a profession, then, of course, it is better to watch segments 4 and 5. Segments 3 and 4 are suitable for amateurs. The first two segments are more likely for fans. To search sporadically, for fun. Or for a targeted search for scrap metal with the aim of selling it.

How to make a metal detector yourself

Even those people who are not particularly good at electronics can make a simple device for searching for gold with their own hands.

Part and workpiece materials

To make a metal detector, you will need a radio, an electronic calculator, a plastic box that will serve as the housing, and double-sided tape. Moreover, both the calculator and the radio should be chosen from those that are worse. The calculator will be a source of radiation, and the receiver will capture its echoes.

How to analyze gold and other precious metals with a detector?

It all depends on the principle on which the analyzer is built and its design. The easiest to handle is a handheld spectrometer, which is similar to a handheld scanner used in stores.

It is necessary to set the expected metal in the settings (i.e., select what we will test for), enter additional parameters (in some models) - this could be, for example, the “white gold” setting, so that the device initially excludes some impurities that are impossible in it.

After this, you need to point the detector emitter at the product and wait for some time - 15-20 seconds.

After this, information about the chemical composition of the object under study will appear on the screen.

It is more difficult to work with stationary devices, especially those that operate on the electrochemical principle.

This requires certain knowledge.

Before starting to operate the device you must:

  • calibrate;
  • set the correct mode;
  • correctly connect the contacts to the test sample.

Assembly procedure and design

Let's start assembling:

  1. The receiver is mounted on the inside of the case cover, the calculator on the bottom.
  2. We set up the receiver: set the volume and AM range to maximum.
  3. We turn on the calculator, the receiver should respond by making noise. Close the housing cover. The receiver relative to the calculator must be fixed in such a position that the receiver stops picking up interference from the latter. The device is ready for use.

Anyone who understands electronics can assemble a more complex metal detector, the Pirat model. The name is an abbreviation, where pi is the operating principle based on pulsed radiation, and rat is “Radio Cattle,” an abbreviated name for the resource of its developers.

How to use a metal detector correctly

First you need to read the instructions, assemble the metal detector and adjust it to your height. Experiment with it at home.

Equipment setup

The device is also configured according to the instructions, first at home and then in the field. In order to properly configure the device, it is advisable to bury a gold object at a shallow depth and carry out final debugging of the device on it. After this, you can safely start hunting for jewelry. I recommend that you finally watch a video on the topic.

Where to start looking for gold

The most accessible places for any beginner, perfect for the first searches with a metal detector, are beaches. Near almost any settlement there is a suitable body of water with a sandbank. People often lose jewelry in the water, which then washes up on the shore. What if you get lucky and discover a new Klondike.

How to look for gold in the desert

Gold is always where there is water. This rule is also true for the desert. The highest probability of finding gold is in places where there are old river beds or periodic water flows.

The best metal detector manufacturers

Models of modern metal detectors differ in many parameters. The very first device that could detect metal objects was developed at the beginning of the 20th century in the USA. It was used to prevent metal objects from being removed from factories. With the development of this industry and the expansion of the scope of application, clear leaders in the production of metal detectors have emerged.

Founder of Garrett Inc. is Charles Garrett, a design engineer in the field of space electronics and seismology. His first invention was a ground metal detector, which had a Hunter coil with a double winding of coaxial cable. The 1984 Olympics brought great fame to the company. The company's engineers made it possible to conduct mass screening of stadium guests - frame metal detectors were created.

One of the largest companies producing devices for electronic soil reconnaissance, Minelab, was founded in 1985 in Australia. Products are manufactured in Malaysia, with representative offices in Ireland and the USA. Since its founding, the company has been developing and improving technologies for detecting metals. The main developer and author of new technological solutions is Bruce Cundy. The company occupies a leading position in the production and sale of metal detectors and their components. The manufacturer is popular among customers for constantly updating its range.

Fisher Research Laboratory was founded in 1931 by Dr. Gerhard Fisher. A native of Germany, he moved to the United States and worked as a development engineer. In 1936, he received a patent for a search device called “Metaloscope”. As the company developed, it opened a modern large plant in California for the development and production of metal detectors. Fisher labs is one of the world leaders in the production of high-tech metal detecting devices.

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