Why do ring fingers turn black?

There has long been a tradition of decorating fingers with rings. To this day, we - both women and men - happily wear rings made of precious metals and ordinary jewelry, sometimes without even suspecting that wearing rings on certain fingers can have some deep meaning. And even tell an inquisitive mind something about the owner of the ring.


The simplest example is a wedding ring worn on the ring finger - a symbol of marital relations. But you can often see rings that their owner prefers to wear on the little finger, middle finger, index finger or even thumb. Sometimes such a choice is a tribute to fashion, but people interested in esotericism are sure that a ring with a certain stone, worn on a certain finger, can open up incredible opportunities for its owner, endowing him with health, money, power and the ability to conquer people's hearts.

But even if you don’t believe in paranormal phenomena and science, you will probably be interested in the opinion of psychologists who claim that the choice of the finger on which a person is used to wearing rings is not at all an accident. And this habit can help you learn a lot of new things about a person.

According to historians, the fashion for wearing rings existed in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. It was then that certain magical properties began to be attributed to rings and rings, which made them constant participants in many mysterious rituals and ceremonies. One of them to this day remains the process of marriage, during which the newlyweds take an oath of love and marital fidelity to each other and seal it by exchanging wedding rings.

Thumb ring

Pregomesh ring

It is the rings and rings worn on the thumb that are worth paying attention to, since the thumb was associated by the inhabitants of Ancient Rome with the god of war - Mars. Therefore, a man’s hand decorated in this way, as a rule, is a kind of “business card” of energetic, straightforward, emotional and expansive people (especially if the owner of the ring or ring is a man). They are also credited with being belligerent, stubborn, hot-tempered, and even prone to aggressive behavior.

It is believed that arguing with them is unlikely to lead to the expected result, since these stubborn people are accustomed to always defending their point of view, even if it goes against their interests. Psychologists believe that these people are well aware of their shortcomings and, by intuitively putting a ring on their thumb, they seem to warn others about it. Some experts (lamp.im) see this as an attempt to establish contact with others and find a common language, and at the same time learn to manage their emotions.

There is also an opinion that a ring or a ring on the thumb reveals a person’s desire to assert himself in any way. In this case, we can talk primarily about sexual motives. It was the thumb that was considered a phallic symbol in the era of antiquity, and it was with this that in those days the desire of men was connected to decorate the thumb, as well as to provide it with powerful amulets and amulets to protect and increase male strength.

Maybe this is why a ring on a woman’s thumb in some countries today is perceived as a sign of non-traditional sexual orientation. At the same time, if worn on the right hand, it indicates that the woman has a sexual partner; if worn on the left, it indicates that the woman is currently looking for a partner. Girls with quite traditional sexual needs should also know about this feature of wearing rings. At least so that one day, when experimenting with jewelry, you won’t find yourself in a sticky situation.

How do you get it?

Black rings are made from various metals:

  • gold;
  • silver;
  • become;
  • titanium alloys;
  • tungsten carbide;
  • metal ceramics.

Gold can be given a black color in several ways:

  • Alloying metal with cobalt and chromium. This oxidizes the metal, resulting in a deep matte color. This alloy does not cause allergies, is strong and durable.
  • Rhodium plating. The ring is plated with rhodium, after which the jewelry has a rich black color. With rhodium plating, you can change the intensity of the color and get a gray, black, matte or glossy shade. This treatment is also used for rings with stones. Rhodium coating of rings protects products from oxidation, deformation, and damage. Such products look aristocratic and rich. Rhodium-plated silver does not require special care.
  • Amorphous carbon coating. This is a complex method and is therefore rarely used.

Black silver surprises with its sophistication and beauty; tungsten carbide rings are durable, since such a metal is hard. Do not scratch or fade. But upon impact, the product will break into pieces, so when you remove or put on the ring, take care of it. Suitable for everyday wear, active lifestyle, travel.

Made from titanium alloys, black rings are suitable for men as they are durable, do not deform, do not scratch, do not oxidize or corrode. At the same time, they are lightweight and their prices are low. Titanium wedding rings can be smooth or decorated with notches, patterns or stones.

A black ring looks great on a man's wrist

Using the blackening technique, black steel rings are obtained. They are durable, do not fade, and do not oxidize. They are worn by both men and women. Such rings have unusual shapes and are rarely made with precious stones. Steel rings attract attention to their owners, emphasizing their individuality, and are considered a talisman or amulet. Such jewelry can be made with magnets, which help strengthen the immune system and relieve headaches and toothaches.

Cermet rings are given a black color using zirconium oxide.

About the Ring on the index finger

Moda Jewelry

Any ring, even the most ordinary one, can turn into a “power” ring, if only its owner decides to put it on his index finger. Because it is a finger dedicated to the god Jupiter. It is not surprising that such famous historical figures as Tsar Terrible, Cardinal Richelieu, Julius Caesar and King Henry VIII preferred to wear rings on their index finger.

Such decoration may be a signal that we are talking about a proud person, career-oriented, striving for power. It matters which hand the ring is on: on the left it signals that its owner suffers from delusions of grandeur, is overly arrogant and proud, but suffers from a tendency to hysterical states.

People who prefer to wear a ring “on the right” look completely different. They are distinguished by their prudence and pleasant character. You can often find advice from astrologers and palmists who encourage shy and indecisive citizens to try to correct these shortcomings by putting a ring on their index finger. It is claimed that wearing jewelry in this way helps strengthen self-esteem, restore faith in one’s own strength, and also brings light, love and warmth to homes. The best option for the index finger would be rings and rings made of tin and gold.

Ring on the middle finger of the left hand

The left hand, if we are talking about right-handers, is not the leading one. If you put a ring on the finger of your left hand, it means that you are trying to neutralize possible negative consequences, to find a middle ground in your aspirations and desires.

A ring on the middle finger of your left hand will allow you to slow things down, and this will give you time to think about decisions. You can put rings with amulets and “Save and Preserve” on your left hand. But we recommend wearing such a ring only to people who have strong faith.

But family rings and rings are just the best option. If such a ring does not already exist in your family, then you should buy it. In this case, it is better to wear a ring on the middle finger. Subsequently, your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will receive the most powerful and powerful amulet.

If you already have a ring or ring from your grandmother, then you can easily wear it on the middle finger of your left hand. And yet, the power of the amulet increases over time, do not be afraid to wear such a ring - with it you will only become stronger.

The opinion of psychologists. People who put a ring on this finger are trying to avoid troubles, create their own new program for their lives, and are afraid of losing their own personality. If a ring adorns a man’s finger, then he may be searching and very afraid of loneliness.

Black rings - special meaning

The ring will become an excellent guard and ally if it is carved from natural stone.

  • Black opals are good for established, successful men who are engaged in serious business - jewelry helps to foresee the secret plans of enemies and read the thoughts of partners.
  • Hematite will be especially useful for women, it will protect them from damage, cleanse the blood, and stimulate reproductive functions. And the “witch stone” will allow you to develop hidden mystical abilities.


In ancient times, obsidian rings were called children's amulets - they were worn by children to protect them from diseases caused by the evil eye and other people's curses. There was another sign: a black obsidian ring benefits intellectual development, it helps in study and creative pursuits.


A special type of jade (jad) is a talisman for politicians, public figures, and scientists. The mineral gives its owner eloquence and bright charisma.


A silver ring is a stylish accessory with powerful magical potential. An unexpected darkening of a favorite piece of jewelry warns of hidden diseases or third-party negativity directed at the owner. At the same time, artificially darkened silver is becoming popular.


A metal black ring is an effective amulet for those who often communicate with ill-wishers or become involved in conflicts.

Modern jewelry - amulets of new times

What are the black rings called? They are usually named by the type of material used:

  • Rhodium-plated jewelry can be made from any metal, and a noble dark shade is given to them by coating with rhodium particles - this strengthens the product and makes it not susceptible to oxidation;
  • ceramic rings are made from metal ceramics - they look amazingly beautiful on the hand, can have an exquisite shape, and are often decorated with stylish geometric inserts;
  • carbon rings have three advantages at once - they are lightweight, resistant to damage, and the material itself is quite flexible, so jewelry can easily be given an original shape.

Black gold

Black color is a symbol of elegance, nobility, and restraint. Accessories designed in such a sophisticated style always attract attention. It is not surprising that black gold wedding rings are becoming increasingly popular today. Color in this case does not play any special mystical role. True, you can enhance the effectiveness of the wedding amulet with the help of suitable precious stones or a secret spell applied to the metal rim on the inside.

Black rings have begun to appear more and more often on the shelves of jewelry stores. The black ring looks stylish, exclusive, and practical to wear. In addition, it is universal, as it fits with any look or outfit. This decoration emphasizes the solidity of its owners.

Black ring with stone

Why do they wear rings on this finger?

In addition to indicating marital status, the ring on this finger can have a healing effect. According to esotericists, jewelry made of steel, tin, copper and iron are more suitable for this.

Silver jewelry can help relieve irritation and fatigue. They help fight depression, stress, and nervousness. Gold gives strength, fights high blood pressure and promotes the active restoration of vital energy.

The ring finger is one of the most powerful in terms of concentration of energy, directly connected to the soul and heart. The ring on this part of the hand has a sacred meaning in many cultures, symbolizing purity, devotion and inner beauty.

Wearing rings on the left hand indicates a desire for positive emotions and an improvement in the quality of life. A person gravitates towards pleasant changes, interesting adventures, professional and personal growth. When worn for a long time, the product improves creativity and reveals talents.

The decoration was endowed with power, associating it with the fidelity of spouses. The loss of one of the rings promised a divorce or a quick separation due to a serious quarrel.

The most common reason for wearing jewelry on the ring finger is marriage or engagement. Moreover, in different cultures, a wedding or engagement ring is worn on different hands.


Girls are better off choosing gold or silver rings. It is preferable for an unmarried lady to wear rings with turquoise, diamond, amethyst or jade. You should not wear imitation or costume jewelry; it blocks energy and has a negative effect.

A wedding ring gives a woman strength and reveals her potential. Magicians say that wearing jewelry on the ring finger improves women's health, activates reproductive function and truly binds spouses together. Therefore, it is not recommended to remove the jewelry for a long time.

Esotericists and palmists do not recommend wearing a wedding ring with a black stone. Such a product does not foretell a break, but a long and difficult relationship. A pregnant woman should avoid jewelry on her ring finger, leaving only her wedding finger.


Confident guys prefer to wear rings on the ring fingers of both hands. This improves their well-being and significantly increases self-esteem. Such a man is romantic, loves art and aesthetics, and highly values ​​the inner beauty of those around him. Products made of white or yellow gold, ceramics with silver are suitable.

Jewelry made of pure silver on the ring finger reduces a man's libido and cools his romantic ardor. A signet on the right hand means a desire to occupy an important niche in business and make a good career. A man's ring on his left hand is a sign of strength and desire for power.

What kind of rings are worn on the ring finger?

According to the beliefs of ancient people, the ring finger has a special connection with the heart, which means the ring on it will have a secret meaning. This is why a wedding ring is most often worn on the ring finger.

Not only wedding rings are put on the ring finger - it can be ordinary jewelry. They say that it brings good mood and positive emotions. This technique is used by creative people, as a ring on the ring finger brings inspiration. Sometimes, under its influence, hidden creative abilities are revealed. If your muse has left you and it’s difficult to come up with a new piece, try taking advantage of the special property of such jewelry.

The best material for the ring finger is gold or silver. If you want to choose a ring with a precious stone insert, pay attention to turquoise, amethyst or jade.

Sometimes, you can see two rings on the ring finger. It can be an engagement ring or a wedding ring; girls wear them as a couple after the wedding. Sometimes, two rings on one finger indicate that a person has lost a spouse. After the death of a loved one, he can wear two wedding rings - his and his. Naturally, this is convenient if the sizes match, which is not always the case.

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