Clean gold and cubic zirconia at home

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  • Jewelry looks beautiful and elegant, but over time it loses its shine, becomes covered with a greasy film and is subject to other contaminants. To restore purity and shine to your products, it is important to know how to clean gold earrings with stones, chains, bracelets, etc.

    Every housewife can cope with the task without leaving home, the main thing is to choose the right cleaning method and means.

    Gold earrings with precious or semi-precious stones require special care. To maintain the shine and cleanliness of your jewelry, clean it periodically using home or professional products.

    The article contains popular and effective methods that will help restore shine, radiance and purity to precious metals and minerals.

    Read this article about cleaning silver earrings.

    How to store gold and diamond jewelry

    In order for gold jewelry with diamonds to delight you with its beauty for a long time, they should be stored correctly.

    It's easy to clean gold and diamonds at home

    It is important to remember the following:

    • Do not forget jewelry in the bathroom , a room with high air humidity - be sure to keep it in a dry place, out of direct sunlight.
    • Store the products in a box, in a fabric bag - this will not lead to oxidation of the metal, scratches upon contact, or friction.
    • Keep jewelry as far as possible from acid , chlorine, and other aggressive chemicals: this can cause the metal to oxidize and the stone to lose its shine.

    All this will allow you to preserve the purity and shine of precious metals encrusted with diamonds for a long time.

    Jewelry with hard stones

    These include diamond, emerald, ruby, sapphire, topaz, amethyst, garnet, aquamarine, peridot, tourmaline, citrine. Some precious minerals are attached to the gold base using glue and should not be exposed to hot water. In addition, emeralds, rubies, topazes, and sapphires cannot be boiled:

    1. In case of light contamination, cleaning gold with hard stones at home is carried out with warm soapy water or a cleaning solution such as Fairy. Using a soft brush, clean the jewelry, rinse, and polish with a soft flannel.
    2. Strong blackening is effectively eliminated by a solution of ammonia in the proportion of a teaspoon per glass of water. It is enough to dip gold and diamond into it for a while to remove dirt in hard-to-reach places, and then rinse in clean water.
    3. Hydrogen peroxide cleans well and restores shine to hard minerals.
    4. Large jewelry is effectively cleaned by ash.
    5. For rare and expensive stones, jewelry boutiques sell special pastes.

    Traditional methods of cleaning

    A gold ring, necklace, earrings, rings encrusted with precious stones become dirty over time. But folk methods for removing dirt will help clean their surface and restore shine.

    Do not rub the product itself with soda

    The main thing is to follow a number of rules:

    1. After cutting, a diamond loses its strength and becomes brittle, so be careful when cleaning.
    2. Twice a year it is recommended to take the product to a workshop or a jeweler in a jewelry store for professional cleaning using special products.
    3. At home, it is recommended to remove contamination using traditional methods once every 3 months.
    4. Do not use abrasive particles, alkalis, or aggressive chemical components that will scratch the surface of metal and stone.

    All these simple tips and recommendations will extend the life of your jewelry and effectively remove plaque and dirt.

    Soft cloth or napkin

    Cleaning the surface of the jewelry with a soft, short-nap cloth is an easy way to clean it. It will take you 5-10 minutes.

    Wipe the product with a piece of natural wool felt or fleece until it shines, polishing its surface. The main thing is that the fabric should be soft and not scratch the metal surface.

    Soda solution

    For a glass of warm water you will need soda, 1 tbsp is enough. l. Place in it for 3-5 minutes. product. Clean the surface with a soft bristled brush, rinse, and dry with a soft cloth.

    Attention! Do not rub the product itself with soda, and even after extinguishing it with vinegar - this will scratch the jewelry, and the acid will cause the gold to darken and the stone to lose its shine.

    Onion juice and Coca-Cola

    Coca-Cola helps remove rust from metal and cleans the metal surface of dirt. Immerse the jewelry in a glass container, fill it with Coca-Cola and leave for no more than an hour, then rinse the product under running water and wipe dry.

    After cutting, a diamond loses its strength and becomes brittle, so be careful when cleaning

    Onion juice is a proven and effective remedy for removing grease and dirt from jewelry.

    Just cut the onion in half and rub it well on the surface of the ring or earrings, leave for a couple of hours - during this time the onion juice solution will corrode the dirt. Afterwards, rinse in clean water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

    Hyposulfite and borax solution

    A solution of jewelry borax will help remove severe contamination. Apply a couple of drops of borax to a cloth, wipe the jewelry, rinse under water and wipe dry.

    Alternatively, you can use hyposulfite. Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm boiled water. products, immerse the decoration for 20 minutes.

    Rinse under running water, using a brush, and wipe dry with a soft, moisture-absorbing cloth.

    Ammonia and peroxide

    Cleaning white gold products has its own characteristics.
    Their effect on metal and stones is very aggressive, therefore the use of ammonia and peroxide in their pure form is prohibited. Dissolve 2 tbsp in 200 ml of water. l. peroxide and 3 tsp. ammonia, add a couple of drops of detergent.

    Place the product in the solution for 3-4 hours, rinse and wipe dry.

    Important! It is worth taking glass or enameled dishes - this will not lead to oxidation of the metal and darkening of the jewelry.

    Soap solution is the ideal choice

    Dissolve grated baby soap and a little shampoo in warm water and dip the product in the solution for 20 minutes, brush with a brush with soft natural bristles.

    The process is completed by washing under running water and then rubbing with soft felt to a natural shine.

    Liquid soap and toothpaste in the fight against plaque

    Liquid soap is used in the same way as a soap solution, and toothpaste does an excellent job of removing any dirt due to the light abrasive particles it contains.

    Toothpaste copes well with any stain due to the light abrasive particles it contains.

    Wipe the gold with the paste, then rinse under running clean water.

    Advice! For cleansing, you should not choose toothpaste or powder that contains colored, large abrasive particles and pigments.

    Preparing for cleaning

    Silver earrings must be properly prepared before cleaning:

    1. Inspect the product. Check the quality of fastening of stones, the integrity of the clasp, and the degree of wear of the metal. If there is any damage, contact a jewelry workshop. Specialists will not only correct the flaw, but also clean the silver using professional means.
    2. Assess the degree of metal contamination. To remove fat, dust, dirt, and cosmetic residues accumulated in decorative elements, soak the decoration for 20–30 minutes in a soap solution.
    3. Prepare everything you need for processing: a container of water, a soft toothbrush, flannel or microfiber cloths, selected detergents.

    Study all possible cleaning methods, assess the risks, take into account the type of stones and the presence of inserts made of other metals.

    How to clean white gold?

    Cleaning a white gold product has its own characteristics . The methods described above are not applicable to it: it is a special alloy of several metals that requires a delicate approach.

    It is important to remember that:

    1. Do not use abrasive cleaning compounds or alkaline solutions, metal brushes or hard fabrics for cleaning.
    2. You can clean it with both professional cleaning products and household products.

    Cleaning a white gold product has its own characteristics.
    To clean white gold at home, the following products are used:

    • Sugar is suitable for removing plaque and greasy stains and adding shine - dissolve 2-3 teaspoons of crystals in a glass of water and place the decoration there for a day. Then rinse under water and wipe dry.
    • Place shavings of baby or laundry soap or shampoo in clean water, dissolve and immerse the decoration for 15 minutes. Next, rinse under water and rub until shiny with a soft cloth.
    • Rinse the product under clean, distilled water or use alcohol. Wipe dry and until shiny with microfiber.

    The methods are simple and effective, but if they do not remove dirt, grease, stains, and scratches from the jewelry, you should take it to a jeweler.

    How to clean silver earrings without stones

    You can clean silver earrings at home using professional products (shampoos, pastes, polishes, wipes) or proven folk methods.

    Baking soda

    Has a mild effect and high efficiency. There are several options for processing silver products:

    1. Thick paste. Dilute the baking soda with a small amount of water until a thick paste forms. Dip a napkin into it and treat the silver until the plaque completely disappears. Rinse the earrings well under running water and wipe with a dry cloth.

    2. Solution. In 1 tbsp. dilute water with 1 tbsp. l. soda Cover a glass container with foil, pour out the liquid, and place the earrings. Place the bowl on the fire and bring to a boil. After 20 minutes, wipe the silver well with flannel.

    Baking soda removes darkening well and restores shine. But you cannot clean with dry powder. It acts as an abrasive and scratches the surface.

    How to clean silver with soda


    To clean tarnished silver jewelry:

    1. Dilute 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l. ammonia.
    2. Immerse the earrings in the solution. Leave for 15 minutes.
    3. Rinse in cool water and polish.

    If severe contamination is present, double the ammonia concentration in the solution and increase the exposure time to 30 minutes.

    Ammonia can negatively affect silver jewelry if it contains other metals. Only those products whose sample and composition are beyond doubt can be cleaned in this way.


    The product is well suited for whitening embossed products with decorative elements, recesses, and complex shapes:

    1. Apply a little toothpaste to a soft toothbrush.
    2. Treat the earrings.
    3. Leave for 10 minutes.
    4. Rinse under running water.
    5. Wipe with a soft cloth.

    Choose a toothpaste without whitening effect. It should not contain abrasive particles.

    Is it possible to restore scratched and tarnished gold?

    If the product has lost its original shine or scratches have appeared on it, a jeweler can solve this problem.

    You should not polish the product at home - if the scratches are large, you can damage it.

    If the darkening is insignificant, the scratches are minor, use the following home recipes:

    • wipe metal and stone with felt;
    • use GOI paste for polishing.

    When there is no felt or special paste, you should not try to solve the problem on your own . Give the product to a craftsman - he will return it to its original appearance without the risk of damage.

    How not to spoil jewelry: secrets and tips

    Cleaning and polishing gold jewelry at home is not that difficult. The main thing is to know how not to make things worse.

    Cleaning and polishing gold jewelry at home is not that difficult

    To ensure you get the desired result, consider the following:

    1. When cleaning precious metal, do not use abrasive, aggressive products to remove dirt: powders and gels, cloth with hard pile.
    2. Choose a brush for cleaning stones with soft natural bristles - it will effectively clean the surface of the gold without scratching it.
    3. For purification, take purified water (at most distilled, at least passed through filters).
    4. Before cleaning, check your jewelry for the integrity of the latch, other link connection, and stone attachment. This is an essential precaution, as the product may break during the cleaning process.
    5. After cleaning, rinse the jewelry thoroughly in cool water, always running, and then dry it, polishing with a soft cloth.

    What is strictly prohibited from cleaning jewelry:

    • Baking soda - in pure, powdered form, it will cause scratches and remove shine.
    • Iodine - under its influence, gold can change its color.
    • Bleach and chlorine-containing solutions, powdered cleaning agents - they can discolor gold.
    • Potassium permanganate - this will lead to the metal simply oxidizing.

    Why do gold jewelry with stones lose their appeal?

    First of all, you should understand that any jewelry changes its original appearance over time. Even if you only wear them on holidays and store them in a separate case.

    Unfortunately, even frequent hygiene procedures will not save your products from plaque. Sometimes the body’s natural reaction to impurities in metal is so strong that after a couple of hours of wearing it can leave its mark on the links of a chain or bracelet.

    For those who like to wear rings every day and want their gold jewelry to shine, you should adhere to the following fairly simple recommendations:

    1. Try to protect jewelry from exposure to direct sunlight and excess moisture. Before going to the beach or swimming pool, it is better to remove gold chains and earrings.
    2. Protect your jewelry from harsh chemicals. Cleaning, washing and washing dishes is best done with your hands without rings on them.
    3. If you wear it constantly, do not forget to inspect the products monthly and disinfect them. The best way to clean gold will be described below.
    4. Store each item separately. Especially if various gems are inserted into them. Ideally, a special box should be allocated for jewelry.

    We suggest you read why beets become flabby in the cellar

    These rules are simple, but following them will greatly simplify your jewelry care and preserve its attractive appearance for a long time.

    Gold and Diamond Cleaning Tools

    The cost of professional jewelry cleaning can be quite high, which is why many jewelry owners try to do the cleaning themselves at home.

    For an economical option for caring for jewelry, you can and should use the following tools:

    • salt and soft cloth - felt or fleece napkin;
    • brush – soft, preferably with natural bristles;
    • dishes for cleaning - the decoration must be completely placed in it and covered with the solution.
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