Silver has turned yellow - what should I do?

Why does silver turn yellow and what to do about it?

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Man's acquaintance with silver goes back thousands of years: the noble metal was mined and used in states that existed even BC. e. And today, silver is widely used in industry, medicine, and for making jewelry. Products made of silver metal look elegant and sophisticated. Unfortunately, they can become covered with an unsightly yellow coating.

Main reasons

Silver belongs to the group of noble metals, which are known for the fact that they practically do not react with other elements of the periodic table. However, it is the most unstable of the precious metals. Interacting with the environment, in contact with the human body and various objects, silver is exposed to certain chemical elements and, as a result, darkens. This is a slow process, which accelerates somewhat in conditions of high humidity, at high temperatures, and under the influence of light.

Without reacting to hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, the metal is quite sensitive to volatile sulfur compounds, for example, hydrogen sulfide.

In conditions of ideally clean air, nothing would happen to silver. But in reality, many compounds and substances are always present in the air. Sera is no exception.

One of its sources is human activity. For example, sulfur dioxide is formed when coal is burned during the activities of industrial enterprises. The element is widely used in fertilizers and medicines. In addition, it is present in many food products, in animal and plant organisms, and in household items around us. This means that a small concentration of compounds of the element is always present, and we cannot exclude the interaction of substances. As a result, silver turns yellow.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of sulfur for the life of the human body . There is especially a lot of it in muscle tissue and in the skin. It is also known that there are many sweat glands on the human body, secretions through which occur constantly. Among other products, sulfuric acid compounds are excreted along with sweat. Therefore, you should not be surprised that after wearing it for a long time on your finger, the ring became copper-colored, and jewelry that comes into contact with the body (chains, earrings, pendants, bracelets) begin to turn yellow. The process accelerates if jewelry comes into contact with household chemicals and cosmetics that are aggressive to silver.

Silver also turns yellow under the influence of bromine or iodine. These elements are also present in many foods and medications. Bromine is used in the production of fabric dyes. There is another unpleasant reason why items may turn yellow: you purchased a fake made of cheap metals that look like silver. Such metals oxidize quite quickly and change color. Or the product is silver-plated, a thin layer of precious metal has become thinner and worn away during wear. In this case, yellowish spots will appear on the decoration.


Why did the silver or gold ring on your finger turn black? Save and save: signs

Rings are one of the most favorite jewelry of women and men. But sometimes they darken and take on a very unattractive appearance. Blackening of the skin under this product may also be observed. It is worth figuring out what such changes mean according to signs and whether there is a logical explanation for them.

Why the ring on your finger turned black: general interpretation of the sign

If the ring suddenly darkens and loses its original shine, the omen is interpreted negatively. The owner of this jewelry is in danger. The development of serious diseases is possible.

Such changes indicate that a flow of negative energy was directed at the person. An enemy is trying to harm him. It is possible that he has already managed to cause damage.

Which decoration has darkened

It is extremely important to consider what kind of decoration is darkening. The reason for the ring color change will vary.


Wedding rings have long been considered a symbol of a strong marriage. Signs associated with a blackened family amulet are interpreted negatively. The following changes are expected soon:

  • family problems;
  • divorce;
  • casting spells on spouses.

But there is a completely logical explanation for this. For example, when a husband or wife cheats on their life partner, they begin to get nervous, trying to hide the relationship that has arisen on the side, and as a result they sweat more. As a result, a reaction occurs with the metal and its oxidation occurs.

Bless and save

It is believed that rings with the inscription “save and preserve” protect their owner from troubles and misfortunes. True, for them to truly become amulets, a person must believe in their power.

The blackening of such jewelry portends the following:

  • a coming series of troubles;
  • conflicts in the family;
  • receiving serious injuries;
  • development of diseases.

There is also a slightly different interpretation. The amulet simply absorbs the negativity that has befallen a person and in this way saves the owner.


If a silver ring on your finger turns black, this is considered a bad sign. Silver tends to absorb the energy that surrounds it. When the metal turns dark, it means there was danger nearby.

The signs are interpreted as follows:

  • a person will be lonely all his life;
  • he has been damaged;
  • there is evil spirits in the house;
  • future failures.

There is also a popular belief that darkening of silver signals health problems.

There is some truth in this, because the metal is in close contact with the skin, which often becomes covered with sweat when diseases develop.

Under the influence of medications, stress, and hormonal disorders, its composition changes and the jewelry begins to become covered with plaque and acquire a black tint.


A blackened gold ring indicates that ill-wishers have appeared in your close circle. They do everything they can to harm a person. At the same time, the decoration tries to collect all the negativity and resist evil thoughts.

A sharp blackening of the ring signals the development of the disease. It is worth paying more attention to your health. It would be useful to undergo a comprehensive examination in order to identify the problem as quickly as possible and begin to eliminate it.

Causes of skin darkening from jewelry

There is far more than one rational explanation for why a finger turns black under a gold or silver ring. People often learn the meaning of these changes with the help of signs.


The main reason why a finger from a gold ring turns black is sweat. It contains a large amount of acids and salts that can lead to oxidation of the metal. Such changes are most often observed in hot weather.

In people suffering from hyperhidrosis (intense sweating), darkening of the skin is observed regardless of the time of year and air temperature. They are recommended to undergo treatment and wear jewelry with a higher purity of metal. The risk of blackening of the skin is significantly reduced.

Such changes are often observed when taking certain groups of medications. Drugs are removed from the body through the pores and provoke an oxidative reaction.

Darkening can also be caused by stress, which has a negative impact on metabolic processes and hormonal levels.


The explanation for the fact that the finger turns black under the gold ring may be the following external factors:

  • Low metal standard. The alloy contains copper, zinc and nickel. They stain the skin.
  • Wearing a fake. If a product shows a high standard, it is recommended to submit it for examination. Specialists can easily identify manufacturing defects and counterfeit products.
  • The presence of toxic metals in the alloy. They can lead to the development of a serious allergic reaction.
  • Contact with aggressive substances such as alkalis, acids and chemicals. Under their influence, a noticeable mark remains on the finger, so do not be surprised if blackness appears after using detergents or visiting the pool.
  • Use of cosmetics containing zinc. Before applying them, the rings must be removed. Due to this, it will be possible to avoid the occurrence of a reaction.
  • Treating the product with a polishing agent. As a rule, such actions are performed when making rings. To avoid darkening of the skin, the purchased jewelry should be immediately rinsed with water and only then put on your finger.

Superstitions and signs

Beliefs associated with darkening of the skin from jewelry do not bode well. It is believed that in this case the person was damaged. It's quite easy to check. You just need to run the ring across your cheek. If a black stripe appears on it, it means that a lot of negative energy has fallen on the owner.

It’s worth taking a good look at your immediate surroundings. It is possible that among your acquaintances there are ill-wishers. You need to be careful and vigilant when communicating with them.

Ways to neutralize negativity

Signs do not always come true. To avoid bad omens, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • go to church and take communion;
  • consecrate the ring itself directly;
  • clean the product by removing darkened areas;
  • turn to a magician for help. He will be able to check whether an attempt was made to cause damage. If such actions were performed, the specialist will clear the ring of negativity.

Among the people, blackening of rings is regarded as a bad sign, foreshadowing troubles and misfortunes. But there is still no need to panic. There are a number of completely harmless reasons for such changes. Perhaps they are observed due to contact of the metal with detergents or cosmetics. You just need to be more careful with your jewelry and make sure that it is always in perfect condition.

Why does silver turn yellow?

Silver acquires a yellow tint as a result of its interaction with hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, oxygen and moisture in the air in a living room. Silver products are susceptible to atmospheric corrosion, which occurs due to contamination by gaseous impurities in the air. This causes the jewelry to initially fade due to the formation of a surface film, which consists of poorly soluble compounds and causes interference coloring.

Hydrogen sulfide gas, which is one of the components of the industrial atmosphere, can cause darkening and tarnishing of oxidized silver with the subsequent formation of silver sulfide. A change in the color of the product occurs when the thickness of the film covering it is 400 A, first the silver turns yellow (with a thin layer of film), and over time it is covered dark brown, almost black coating (thick layer of plaque). The rate of growth of the film thickness (sulfide layer) on silver products at a hydrogen sulfide concentration of more than 10-6% remains practically constant. When exposed to a humid atmosphere of sulfur dioxide, silver sulfate additionally appears in the form of a loose corrosion product. The increased content of hydrogen sulfide in rooms can be explained by its release from casein, which is used as a binder for pigments.

Also, the source of the appearance of a yellow tint on products can be the release of sulfur from vulcanized rubber, which is used for gaskets in store windows, floor coverings, and finishing materials. There are many products containing sulfur that have an adverse effect when in direct contact with silver products. This could be some types of cardboard used for packaging, paper, textile materials. When interacting with them, yellow spots may form on silver. In dry air, silver items retain their color.


Main causes of yellowing

There are quite a few reasons why yellowness forms on silver objects. And all because silver tends to oxidize under the influence of external factors. First of all, this precious metal reacts with hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which is present even in the air. Therefore, do not be alarmed when you find a yellowish tint on a ring or cutlery - this is a natural thing.

But besides this, there are several things that can speed up the process of metal oxidation:

  • Contact with household chemicals. Various detergents and cleaning products contain many chemicals that interact with silver, forming a yellowish tint on it.
  • Contact with cosmetics, creams, shampoos, etc. Here, as with contact with household chemicals, jewelry turns black when in contact with any cosmetics, even the most natural ones.
  • Intense sports activities. And the reason is that the sweat on the human body also contains a small amount of sulfur and sulfuric acid salts. As a result of the chemical reaction of silver body jewelry, a humid environment and sweat, first a yellowish coating is formed, and then a black one.
  • Improper storage. Silver needs careful and proper storage. You can’t throw it wherever you want, and especially don’t leave it for a long time in direct sunlight and next to certain foods (for example, onions, eggs) and rubber or plastic objects.

In general, let us repeat once again, the yellowing of silver is a standard chemical process, slow, but inevitable and uncritical. The situation can be corrected with simple rules of care and timely cleaning.

Video material

Using our tips for cleaning silver from yellowness, you will preserve the beautiful appearance of your jewelry, which means you will be in a good mood while using it.

Regular silver, as it should be sold in stores, is white. Some time after the purchase, we discover that our silver has turned yellow, and we cannot understand why or what to do in this case. This article does not concern those situations when we initially, knowingly for us, bought a yellow alloy of silver with a high proportion of copper or other metals, because a lot has been written about these cases, and when it comes to the yellow color of the corresponding alloys. This article is devoted to those situations when we are sure and definitely remember that we bought silver of the traditional white color, and after some time: either immediately after the purchase, or a year later, it suddenly turned yellow - either gradually or sharply .

If the silver has turned yellow, the dishes are made of silver

Alloy quality

It happens that silver turns yellow immediately after purchase. One of the reasons for this is associated with the quality of the alloy, or more precisely, with the excess of copper required by the standard. It must be said that this version has not been scientifically confirmed, since even the correct silver alloy can turn yellow, regardless of the presence of copper or other metals in it, while material, even with an excess copper content, very often retains the standard white color. Therefore, it is impossible to speak unequivocally about the poor quality of the product or a fake as a reason for yellowing.

To what extent the alloy complies with GOST can only be determined by examination, and yellowing is not a decisive feature.

External influence

There are many proven reasons why silver is yellow. And most likely, they are to blame:

  • silver reacts very sensitively to sulfur emissions from a number of types of rubber: window seals, car tires and interior parts, shoes, etc. If you stay near these products for a long time or constantly, you can expect yellowing of the silver;
  • the same sulfur emissions are produced by packaging paper, wallpaper, cardboard, clothing, and since these things are constantly stored indoors, it inevitably accumulates them, which affects the purity of the air, and, in turn, on silver items;
  • bromine and iodine compounds used in the production of medicines, household chemicals, building materials, perfumes and cosmetics. They are constantly present both in the air and on clothing that comes into direct contact with silver jewelry. At first, silver bromides and iodides are yellow in color, and over time they turn black when exposed to light;
  • sulfur compounds present in city air react with rainwater and, as a result, form acids that negatively affect the natural color of silver;
  • state of human health or changes in the chemical environment of the body. Sweat, breath, fat, ichor and other natural secretions have their own nature, which is neutral only for humans. In fact, their effect on silver can be very noticeable. Changes in hormonal levels, taking many medications, accumulation of potent substances in the body, diseases, even unnoticed ones, are sufficient reasons why silver is yellow;
  • emissions from industrial enterprises and vehicles, which are part of the urban atmosphere.

Antique silver often resembles gold in color - over time, as a result of a long oxidation process, antique silver items that can be seen in museums or private collections become very yellow. If antique silver has turned yellow, it is accepted as it is, and they do not even try to eliminate this effect, since in this case uniform yellowness gives charm and is a characteristic sign of time.

True, in this case we are not talking about “suddenly” yellowed silver.

In what cases does silver not turn yellow?

I would like to say that in none, but still there is one case - pure silver. That is, without any impurities. At all. But, unfortunately, jewelry, cutlery and decorative items are not made from such silver. Pure metal is used only in precious bars and less often in coins.

The highest standard from which silver items for sale are made is 960. And even this is an alloy. It contains 96% pure silver and 4% copper or other metals. Impurities are added to silver to improve mechanical properties and strength. Pure silver is very soft and plastic in its shape; it is physically impossible to make an elegant necklace or thin ring from it - the products simply will not hold their shape.

Therefore, to summarize, any silver items will become covered with a yellowish coating over time, unless, of course, you take care of them.


Silver turns yellow slowly, but this process still occurs. Jewelers, of course, are aware of this problem, and in order to somehow delay the appearance of yellowness, they came up with the idea of ​​covering silver items with a thin film of rhodium.

This metal is rare and therefore very expensive. The price per troy ounce (31.1 grams) is over $10,000. Previously, rhodium was added to platinum, but later they decided to do rhodium plating on silver.

Rhodium is a metal that, due to its properties, protects silver from entering into a chemical reaction with environmental components. But the rhodium plating wears off over the years. And the jewelry gradually develops first a yellow, then a gray, and finally a black coating.

If it is difficult to remove blackness on your own at home, then anyone can cope with yellowness. You just need to follow our instructions carefully.

Metal purity

In order not to worry in the future about whether your silver is real, you should pay special attention to its choice. Buy products only from trusted brands or jewelers. At factories, metal is cleaned in a special way to minimize the amount of foreign impurities.

However, looking for the purest possible silver does not mean completely protecting yourself from problems with it. In this case, another disadvantage may arise - excessive fragility of the metal. Yes, you will save yourself from searching for an answer to the question of why the silver on your finger turns yellow, but the jewelry may simply break or bend. That is why manufacturers mix this metal with others: gold, platinum or nickel.

Cleaning methods

Let’s make a reservation right away: the following cleaning methods only work for jewelry and items made of real silver. If you have a fake, these methods are unlikely to return the product to its original appearance.

How to tell if it's fake or not: silver cannot turn yellow too quickly. If the chain turns yellow within a week, it is an obvious fake.

So, how to clean yellowed silver:

  • The first and safest method is to wash your jewelry in soapy water. Soapy water can remove dirt and grease accumulated in curls, remove yellowness and return the product to a unique silvery shine. In addition, this procedure is also suitable for jewelry with stones and rhodium plating.
  • Second, you can use baking soda. Baking soda seems to be a universal cleaner for everything and can easily remove tarnish on silver.

But microparticles of soda powder can scratch the silver coating and this cannot be corrected. To protect the surface and at the same time remove yellowness, make a thick paste (soda + water) and massage the product with this soft mass until it is clean.

  • The third and proven method is to use toothpaste. Toothpaste (without abrasive particles) or tooth powder (but also only in the form of a paste) perfectly removes yellowing on silver and adds shine and shine. You can smear a soft cloth or cotton pad with the paste and walk over the silver items.
  • Well, the fourth, old-fashioned method is ammonia. Let us remember right away that we do not wipe products with stones and organic inserts with alcohol solutions. In other cases, add about 1 spoon of ammonia to the water and soak the items for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with plain water and dry.

Why did the silver ring on my finger turn black?

Ancient people credited silver with the ability to purify everything the material touched. White metal was the personification of pristine, undefiled beauty, virginity, and purity. Therefore, church attributes were made from it: crosses, frames, bowls, etc.

Many women prefer jewelry made from silver to jewelry and costume jewelry made from other materials. But sometimes the surface of your favorite thing suddenly darkens. Magicians and scientists know why a silver ring on a finger turns black. If the silver is darkening on you, listen to the opinions of both.

The magical properties of silver

A blackened silver ring on a finger makes you wary. In ancient times, the white noble metal was actively used against witches, vampires and other evil spirits. Nowadays, silver is used to make amulets.

Magical powers of silver:

  • cleansing the human aura;
  • stimulation of spiritual development;
  • accumulation of negative influences from the outside;
  • absorption and storage of magical effects;
  • healing wounds, curing diseases;
  • rejuvenation and strengthening of the body;
  • protection from the evil eye, damage, evil intent of enemies, love spell.

Darkened silver jewelry indicates trouble in a person’s aura. This could be a consequence of the evil eye or an incipient disease that does not yet show clear symptoms. Silver jewelry also turns black on people who are often angry or in a bad mood.

Silver jewelry has a beneficial effect on the fair half of humanity. The effect of silver amulets is activated at night under the moonlight.

Silver, a “Yin” metal, resonates with feminine energy, enhances sexual attractiveness, intuition, clairvoyance and other paranormal abilities of the owner of jewelry.

But with representatives of the stronger sex the situation is different. A man should definitely combine white metal with gold jewelry so as not to become too sensitive and sentimental when wearing silver items.

The main reasons for darkening of metal

If a silver ring darkened, it was always considered a bad omen, a sign that there was trouble near the person or that he was under magical influence. Silver actively absorbs the energy of the surrounding space. And since the metal has darkened, it means the energy is not favorable.

Folk signs why a silver item turned black:

  • A silver ring on the finger of a young woman or girl has darkened - an indicator of the presence of a “crown of celibacy”, stable bad luck in love.
  • Earrings turned black - a consequence of the evil eye.
  • The pectoral cross darkened - the thing warded off damage or a curse. Often after this the cross is lost and the chain breaks.
  • Silver decorative items or cutlery or dishes have changed color - evidence of the presence of evil spirits in the house.

It is believed that when the damage or evil eye stops, the metal will brighten. But it’s better not to sit idly by, but to clean the silver and lift the curse.

There is a popular belief that darkened silver is a sign of health problems.

There is some truth in this. Jewelry comes into contact with the skin, which becomes covered with sweat. While a person is healthy, there is little discharge; the copper in silver oxidizes slowly. But under the influence of hormonal imbalances (for example, during pregnancy or menopause), stress, or taking specific medications, the amount and composition of sweat changes, so silver quickly becomes coated and even turns black.

Superstitious people also believe that silver darkens due to liver and kidney disease, but scientific confirmation of this hypothesis has not yet been received. Still, pay attention to which of the decorations have darkened and where you usually have them. After this, you can draw the right conclusion.

Caring for silver items

If you can determine the cause of the darkening of silver jewelry, you can begin to clean the item. There are special chemical compositions for cleaning jewelry.

Silver items can be easily cleaned using home methods:

  • Rub with regular toothpaste or wet powder.
  • Keep it in salt water and not wear it for a while - this is how the metal is energetically cleansed of accumulated negativity.
  • Soak for 30 minutes in a mixture of baking soda and dishwashing detergent, and then polish with a cloth.
  • Apply a solution of ammonia (1 teaspoon per 170 ml of water).

All of the above methods can be used if the product does not contain stones that can be damaged. The proposed methods are not suitable for rhodium-plated metal either.

Modern silver jewelry is plated with rhodium. They can be washed with warm (not hot) water and then cleaned with a special jewelry cloth.

If you use a silver item as an amulet, and you feel that its magical properties have weakened, the power of the amulet can be restored. Keep the amulet on the windowsill during the entire period of the waxing moon, starting from the new moon. Then rinse the item in running water, the magical item will protect you again.

Silver jewelry should be treated like jewelry. You should not do sports or dirty work in them. If silver items have turned black, you need to pay attention to your health, get examined by a doctor, and reconsider your habits. Believers should visit church, confess, take communion and read more prayers.

Rules for caring for silver items

Of course, if you take care of your silver items, they will last longer and require less cleaning. And one of the manifestations of such care is proper storage.

  1. Precious silver should be stored separately from any metals of any kind to prevent their interaction.
  2. A dry, dark place is ideal for decorations and cutlery. Plus, separate the items into different flannel or cotton or linen bags. Or you can store it in a tightly closed wooden box.
  3. Wash and clean your silver regularly, once every one or two months.
  4. Cutlery, when you are not using it, can be wrapped in special paper and stored in a separate cabinet.
  5. And finally, always remove any jewelry, even earrings, when cleaning the house, using cosmetics or playing sports.

These simple rules for caring for silver items will help you maintain a beautiful shiny look for a long time without effort or spending extra money on special products or the work of a craftsman. Love and care for your silver.


A few rules of care

Having found out why silver turns yellow, you can at least partially avoid this, but it is worth remembering the rules for caring for this material, which will help maintain the appearance of your favorite things longer.

It is necessary to store jewelry in a wooden box that closes tightly, inside which there will be a natural linen made of cotton or linen. After using a silver item, it should be washed thoroughly with warm water and soap or soda. To avoid plaque, wipe things with a flannel cloth from time to time.

You can clean your jewelry using lipstick. The product is lubricated with it and then wiped with a cotton pad. Another effective remedy is toothpaste.

What factors provoke yellowing of silver and how to prevent it?

Silver is one of the most popular precious metals. It is an excellent alternative to many other materials. Often, silver products are chosen by those who do not like gold. And this is a great option.

When purchasing various silver jewelry, be prepared that these items may not only turn black, but also turn yellow. Why is this happening? There can be more than enough reasons. We will talk about this and much more in more detail in this article.

It is very important to properly care for these jewelry at home to prevent damage to these items. But more on that later. First, let's find out what are the main reasons why such a noble and precious metal as silver begins to turn yellow.

The main factors of yellowing of silver products

Silver belongs to the precious metals, it is included in the group of noble ones, along with many others. These jewels have been known to mankind for several millennia.

Such properties of jewelry are explained quite easily: the presence of high resistance to chemical influences of the environment. Therefore, the reasons why silver begins to turn yellow lie far from the surface. Why does silver turn yellow? The main factors that provoke the development of yellowness in silver items include the following:

  • release of sulfur in the air from those items that are made from special rubber. This includes various rubberized capes, boots, seals in kitchen furniture, windows and doors, etc.;
  • sulfur compounds in packaging paper, cardboard, clothing, these substances are subsequently not removed in any way and, having firmly settled in the room, begin to be released and provoke the development of a yellow tint in precious silver items;
  • sulfur and sodium thiosulfate come into contact with each other. The latter component is actively used in the food industry as a complexing agent and oxidizing agent. It is also used to remove bleach from cotton in the textile industry;
  • medications that contain bromine, iodine, as well as various cosmetics, household chemicals, building materials and other things;
  • exposure to sulfur compounds. When mixed with rain or water, sulfur-based acids can occur, which negatively affects silver items;
  • waste emissions from industrial enterprises, man-made sources spreading in the air also provoke the development of a yellow tint in silver;
  • Another reason that silver begins to turn yellow is the state of human health. Excretions (sweat, breath, etc.) of the human body also contribute to the appearance of a yellow tint;
  • yellowed products may not be made of silver, but of an alloy - that is, you can purchase a fake made of copper and bronze. To exclude this option, you can conduct an examination of products that have changed color. This does not take long to do and at the same time is inexpensive.

Under the influence of negative factors, silver first begins to turn yellow, and then acquires a darker shade, ultimately turning into a black material. It is very difficult to get rid of this plaque later, so it is recommended not to start the oxidation process.

Popular beliefs

Progress has forced many of us to abandon superstitions. Perhaps this is correct, but there is no denying that people tried to put deep meaning into signs.

It makes more sense to think of them as a kind of practical advice. You don’t have to assume that something bad will happen to you, but it’s a good idea to think about whether we’re being too careless about ourselves. Often the frantic pace of life gets carried away and we forget about our health and proper nutrition.

Here are a few signs about why silver turns yellow or darkens:

  • Has the jewelry that a person wears daily become dark? This is a sign of health problems. Another reason could be damaging it. As soon as a person begins to recover or removes damage, the silver will brighten.
  • If household silver utensils begin to turn black, this is a signal that evil spirits have appeared in the home.

However, signs provide only a mystical explanation for this phenomenon. Let's move on to scientifically proven reasons.

How to care for silver items to avoid yellowing?

Every owner of silver jewelry dreams that her wealth will retain its former shine, color and beauty for as long as possible. Is it possible to do this yourself, at home, without spending a lot of money? It’s quite possible if you take proper care of your silver items and follow a few simple rules.

  1. Put all silver items in their place, store them in special boxes (preferably made of wood) so that they do not lie anywhere. It would be ideal if the chosen silver jewelry box closes tightly and contains cotton or linen inside.
  2. To store silver items, you can also use special bags with a zipper, which are very common today; they can be bought at any jewelry store.
  3. If you do not plan to use silver items for a long time, then it is better to provide them with special storage conditions: wrap them in special paper, wrap them as tightly as possible to prevent air from getting into the jewelry.
  4. After you use your silver item, be sure to wash it in warm water and soap, or better yet, baking soda. You can use brushes with soft bristles to avoid scratching the surface of the product. Dry each piece with a napkin or towel so that the chain does not dry out on its own. Place the dry silver in the box (see recommendations above). To prevent yellowing, we also recommend that you wipe your silver items daily with a flannel cloth.

If you follow all these rules and are a neat person, then you will be able to keep your silver jewelry in its original form. But sometimes circumstances turn out differently, and the jewelry fails to maintain the color and shine. What to do in this case?

How to deal with yellowness that has already appeared? Are there any universal and truly effective methods? Of course, the main thing is not to panic too much. You can always correct any imperfections that appear on silver items. The main thing is to take this as seriously as possible.

How to remove plaque?

It is not difficult to understand why silver turns yellow; jewelry can change color during use. There are several ways to help return the jewelry to its original appearance and avoid changing its color:

  1. Silver must be stored in a special box.
  2. Protect from exposure to external factors.
  3. Remove jewelry before cosmetic procedures.
  4. Clean products regularly using special products.

Cleaning a silver ring

Jewelry is removed before evening dress. They must be protected from exposure to moisture and hot air (steam). It is not recommended to wear products in a steam room or swimming pool. The water contains a lot of chlorine, which has an aggressive effect on the alloy.

Jewelry is stored in a box, wrapped in thick felt fabric, which reduces the likelihood of the product changing color.

Products need cleaning; if the jewelry is expensive, then it is better to give it to a jeweler, he will carry out all the procedures and return the color and shine to the jewelry.

In addition, the jeweler will determine the quality of the alloy. This procedure does not last long; the specialist will write a conclusion and give recommendations for care. You will have to pay for the examination, but the buyer will have an accurate idea of ​​the quality of the alloy and the strength of the product.

Jewelry is by nature capricious and therefore requires care. You can clean them using home remedies or use special pastes that will help remove plaque. If the jewelry darkens rapidly, and it is not possible to remove plaque from its surface with the help of paste, then it is better to take the item to a pawnshop or return it to a store under warranty.

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